Example sentences of "and [vb base] through [art] " in BNC.

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1 And we need a political voice to do that , President a political voice and influence through a Labour Party that 's committed to strive for our goals by working with us and through us and we 're not ashamed of our links with the Labour Party .
2 When she got home , she felt for the first time in months the need to write a letter , to commit her thoughts and feelings to paper and communicate through the medium of paper and pen with someone .
3 His first priority was to climb on to the rim of the sink and peer through the upper left-hand corner of the kitchen window .
4 At the No Entry sign , turn right into U kasáren and peer through the basement windows into the old stables of the adjoining palace .
5 Most adults said the story was just a story , but most children believed it , and they used to go in gangs to the cemetery , especially on a Saturday night , and peer through the railings , trying to spot Mrs Sugar coming out .
6 Most adults said the story was just a story , but most children believed it , and they used to go in gangs to the cemetery , especially on a Saturday night , and peer through the railings , trying to sport Mrs Sugar coming out .
7 Next day , Sunday — All Saints ' Day — Wycliffe woke at seven , but it was after eight before he dared get out of bed and peer through the curtains , for Helen was still asleep .
8 Very punctually in mid-May , the nymphs will rise from the bed of the river and hatch through a final nymph stage known to fishermen as ‘ duns ’ .
9 Sir Denys would then take the role of chairman , while Mr Hampel would become chief executive — and push through a radical restructuring plan ?
10 Whereas readers often focus on the text of a critical work and skip through the quotations , here the eye is drawn to the poetry and resents the distraction of the critic 's argument .
11 Four lines cut and skip through the waves as Grant pulls away steadily for the drag .
12 I unlock the door of the garret , place my jacket on top of the Sarson 's Malt Vinegar box and hunt through the Squeez-Ee box .
13 He would probably do the latter , and hurry through the change of clothes which would prepare him for the half-hour 's weight-training which he did between ten forty-five and eleven fifteen every Tuesday and Friday .
14 In free market economic theory , perfectly competitive markets achieve an efficient allocation of resources by balancing demand and supply through the price mechanism .
15 This man would forget the purpose of his visit , at least for a brief spell , and the fact that he was on official business , and drink tea and eat a good meal in the prosecutor 's house , crack jokes and make amiable conversation , and sleep through the heat of the day .
16 The plastic mind of the bank-clerk had been overlaid , coloured , and distorted by that which he had read , and the result as delivered was a confused tangle of other voices most like the mutter and hum through a City telephone in the busiest part of the day .
17 I make a coffee and flick through a few albums to try and find something suitable — a Michael Sembelo , a Philip Baily , a Deacon Blue , but none of them feel right in my soul .
18 Having found the appropriate class number from the card , look for it in the subject or classified catalogue and flick through the cards of that particular number .
19 Read the first few pages and flick through the rest .
20 Should anyone be foolish enough to don space armour and climb through the airlock , nothing whatever would be strictly visible — save for what had already come from the ordinary universe .
21 His two profoundly moving ballets , Gloria and Requiem , the one a poem for lost youth and hope through the onset of war and the other a song of mourning and praise for a departed friend , stand and fall by theaudience 's response to their message and not to the pre-eminence of a star .
22 The branches above murmured in supplication and let through a sudden , spiralling shaft of light .
23 It encourages learners to explore and experiment with language , but at the same time provides security and support through a clearly structured syllabus .
24 ‘ Would n't they stamp upon the chalk of my circle and break through the protective insinuati ? ’
25 This year 's results will hopefully smash all previous records and break through the £50k barrier .
26 He had to breach the Control Centre in TOP and break through the Outer Wall .
27 I watch as they disappear down the road , then turn and walk through the hamlet which seems completely free of people .
28 Impervious to the babble of conversation and the pop music blaring from the dancers ' dressing room , I stick the exaggerated lashes in place , put on my spectacular Medusa-like crown and walk through the Green Room to the coffee-making area .
29 Once across the ford leave the track and walk through the fields by the burn side .
30 I think I will go outside , and walk through the graveyard to the church , and talk to Maria there .
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