Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pn reflx] with " in BNC.

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1 In Wrexham grandfather had been an active Gladstonian Liberal , and concerned himself with the temperance movement and local government .
2 Love voted for exclusion and concerned himself with related topics .
3 But there are a few who are questioning the state of play , and who agree with Ben Whitaker ( 1979 : 312 ) when he urged ‘ that police thinking would profit if it more often came out of its shell and concerned itself with wider questions about the role of the police and human relations ’ .
4 A programme of national assessment began in May 1978 and concerned itself with the standard achieved by 11 year olds .
5 He used wholemeal flour to make bread , scones , pies and cakes , concocted elaborate salads and dosed himself with vitamins .
6 Holliman decided that they had to take cover , so they scuttled into a patch of scrub and camouflaged themselves with nets .
7 Alter that first crowded day I retired to one of those green-tiled sanctuaries and lathered myself with a new bar of a famous toilet soap which Helen had put in my bag .
8 He drove his Volvo to a beauty spot last month , drank most of a bottle of whisky and gassed himself with fumes from the car 's exhaust .
9 He gave support to William Wallace in his fight for Scottish independence but deserted him and aligned himself with the English King Edward I who was trying to dominate Scotland .
10 Yet Llewelyn felt the forces of heaven moving him , and aligned himself with them boldly , going without hesitation where they carried him .
11 But with the accession of Herod , Eisenman argues , most Sadducees — the Sadducees whom we know as such from biblical sources and from Josephus — betrayed their original loyalties and aligned themselves with the usurper .
12 Augustus John 's ‘ leonine personality ’ was well known , as was Wilson Steer 's total life devotion to his ‘ absorbing passion for painting , ’ 12 or Sickert 's arrogant self-belief — all artists Walker admired as the best and aligned herself with .
13 Groundcrew were emotional and applied themselves with vigour to their checks , to keep their minds off the subject in hand — just as the aircrew had done in the cockpit on the flight from Cranfield to Waddington .
14 Swegen also had dealings with the Swedes , and involved himself with Normandy and in the Irish Sea , perhaps selling his ill-gotten gains and fraternising not only with Duke Richard II in Rouen , but also the rulers of Norse settlements in Ireland such as Dublin , Wexford , Waterford , Cork and Limerick .
15 So we spent the night at a cheap bed and breakfast nearby , and fortified ourselves with a breakfast of sausages , bacon and eggs .
16 RAY THOMAS caught some Shannies on the local beach and found himself with an unusual breeding project .
17 He got into Cadogan 's early , and found himself with two empty hours in which to get on with his work before anyone else showed up .
18 In late October he wrote again to Rohde : " This evening I was at the Euterpe Society , which has started its winter concerts , and refreshed myself with the Prelude to Tristan und Isolde as well as the Overture to Die Meistersinger .
19 Having clarified your objectives , and provided yourself with the necessary resources , make a start .
20 But his lordship 's grandfather was a cautious man , and provided himself with a secret way out at need .
21 The construction of spontaneous housing settlements and the way this has induced several governments to support self-help schemes demonstrates the way squatters have taken the situation into their own hands and provided themselves with some sort of shelter .
22 I learned to read the galley proofs and familiarised myself with printers ' hieroglyphics .
23 As a sign of this substitution the ancient totem meal was revived in the form of communion , in which the company of brothers consumed the flesh and blood of the son — no longer the father — obtained sanctity thereby and identified themselves with him .
24 Nigel himself vacillated between belief in and total rejection of death , and busied himself with sorting out his desk and jettisoning surplus papers .
25 He walked round the back of the car and busied himself with the boot .
26 The little shop had been arranged as what I have seen described as a mini-hypermarket , so I found a basket and busied myself with collecting what supplies I thought I might need for the next couple of days .
27 Doreen turned her broad kindly face away and busied herself with dinner preparations .
28 She felt the beginnings of a disastrous blush and busied herself with a dirty mark on the window , getting out her handkerchief and scrubbing , her back to Louise .
29 Ianthe flushed and busied herself with the coffee tray .
30 He was a dour middle-aged man , who feared he was a failure and compensated himself with an excessively professorial beard and a punctiliously formal manner .
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