Example sentences of "and [vb past] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The theory under attack was the notion that a band of prophets , under the leadership of William Wilberforce , had roused the conscience of a corrupted nation and led humanity to a decisive victory over the evils of materialism , avarice and human exploitation .
2 He took out a handkerchief and wiped sweat from his face .
3 Harris set down his empty beer mug , took out a handkerchief and wiped foam from his mouth .
4 Summit leaders recommended that " most-favoured-nation treatment should be applied to trade with the new states [ of the former Soviet Union ] " and lent support for " a phased strategy of co-operation between the Russian government and the IMF [ International Monetary Fund ] " conditional upon " necessary macro-economic conditions [ being ] in place " .
5 He could not help overhearing , in April 1986 , that North was about to go to Tehran , and asked Earl about it ; considering they were sitting side by side on the sofa , he said , it was bizarre to have one man briefed and the other not .
6 Amidst the usual panic that surrounds such occasions , I tried to keep calm and asked Mother to hand me the landing net .
7 February 20th , 1920 : It was on this date that Adolf Hitler gave up painting and became spokesman for the newly-formed Nazi Party .
8 On 18 November 1715 he was received by George Hickes [ q.v. ] into the nonjuring communion , and became minister to a congregation in Holborn .
9 He came out to Rhodesia from London , the son of a butler ; made his way here and became Minister of Finance under Welensky .
10 He was one of the university 's select preachers in 1840–2 and 1847–9 , and became vicar of Culham , Oxfordshire , in 1848 , moving with his family to Culham vicarage .
11 A folk tale told of a Tahitian chief , Moikeha , who sailed to Hawaii and , largely thanks to his prowess on a surfboard , married two princesses and became king of the island of Kauai .
12 Of all the sons , CHARLES Tennant was the most successful ; by energy and business acumen he established a vast industrial conglomerate and became progenitor of a distinguished family who have been eminent in world commerce for 200 years .
13 Antun Vrančić ( 1504–73 , Antonius Verancius ) of Šibenik , a truly Renaissance man , travelled widely as a diplomat , had love poems published in Krakow and became Primate of Hungary .
14 In 1774 he emigrated to America where he edited an influential newspaper and became friend to Benjamin Franklin , Thomas Jefferson and George Washington .
15 In addition Hickey served for some years as deputy to the sheriff of Calcutta and became clerk to Sir Henry Russell [ q.v. ] , ultimately chief justice of the Supreme Court .
16 He had been elected FRS in 1840 and became FRCS in 1844 .
17 Through his other books however Bunyan had become famous when he was released under Charles II 's Act of Indulgence in 1672 and became Pastor of the Bedford Meeting .
18 In October 1981 be floated the company on the Stock Exchange and four months later be merged Habitat with Mothercare , the world 's largest chain of stores catering for the needs of mothers and babies , and became chairman of the Habitat Mothercare Group plc .
19 ‘ I was very active in politics in the early seventies , ’ he says , ‘ I was a member of the Bow Group , I wrote pamphlets on things like social responsibility and housing policy , I was a local councillor and became chairman of Hillingdon 's finance committee .
20 Peter Brooke , who left the firm to enter politics in 1979 and became Chairman of the Conservative party , set up the firm 's British base in prestigious but not overtly showy offices in park Lane .
21 He joined Cadbury Brothers Ltd in 1952 and became chairman in 1956 .
22 He joined the family firm of McVitie $ Price in 1947 and became chairman in 1963 .
23 Far from wealthy , he took deacon 's orders and became chaplain to his cousin , Robert Sutton , second Baron Lexington [ q.v. ] , the new ambassador to Vienna in 1694 .
24 Henry III appointed Household officers like his Poitevin favourite Peter des Rivaux : when he became Chief Justice of the Forest for life in 1232 , des Rivaux was already Keeper of the Wardrobe , the Chamber and the Treasury of the royal household , and became Treasurer of the Exchequer in the following year .
25 Its builder , Sir Roger Fiennes , fought alongside Henry V at Agincourt and became Treasurer of the Household to Henry VI .
26 Desiderius was well-educated in the law and became treasurer to Chlothar II ; he succeeded one brother , Syagrius , as governor of Marseilles , and subsequently he was elected bishop of Cahors in place of his other brother , Rusticus , who had been murdered .
27 The mill was powered by water and became part of the Royal Powder Mill in the eighteenth century .
28 Situated at the head of the Cuckmere valley , on an impressive site in the heart of the Weald and protected by the great bend of the Cuckmere River , this site was chosen for an Augustinian priory in the 13th century and became part of the religious life of the time .
29 The aircraft was presented to the Museum on extended loan and became part of NAM 's ‘ Meteor comer ’ along with RB.108 test-bed FR.9 VZ608 , T.7 VZ634 , NF.12 WS692 and NF.14 WS739 .
30 Parsons attended the 100 Club , Hope & Anchor and the Nashville and became part of the scene .
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