Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 It had been alleged that after hiring Mr Mullan 's taxi for a journey from Gourock to Greenock , he produced a hunting knife and stabbed him on the chest .
2 She turned and regarded him , and after a moment walked slowly and deliberately to the Ancient Throne of Niall of the Nine Hostages and seated herself on it .
3 Victoria came up the room and seated herself on the couch , and without either greeting or preamble , she said , ‘ I 've had indigestion ever since Christmas Day .
4 Then they peeled back the bedcovers and laid him on a crisp sheet , covering him from the waist down with another sheet .
5 Then the door of the Earl 's hall slowly yielded , and his father carried him in and laid him on the same bales .
6 So all attending had brought their freshly picked bunches with them and laid them on the coffin as they arrived , and I must say that it looked — and smelled — lovely .
7 A human chain of soldiers , castle employees and members of the royal family carried out paintings , carpets , furniture , Sevres vases , books and drawings and laid them on the lawns before being transported by convoys of lorries .
8 On every anniversary of the crash she has picked small branches from the same tree and laid them on Day 's grave .
9 Carson appeared with the towels , a bath-sized and two hand-sized , and laid them on the duvet by her bag .
10 She took some notes from her pocketbook and laid them on the table by her plate and her half-empty glass .
11 She picked up my underclothes from the floor and laid them on a chair .
12 George Yaxlee took the contents of the back pocket and laid them on the mantelshelf .
13 He took the locket and the manuscript out of his pocket and laid them on the desk in front of the headmaster .
14 Zen took out a notepad and pencil and laid them on the desk .
15 Carter took out his packet of cigarettes and a box of matches and laid them on the locker .
16 I tipped about half of the cash into the box and then took a couple of shirts from the second bag and laid them on top of the remaining cash .
17 Ronni carried them indoors and laid them on the kitchen table , scarcely able to bear the mouth-watering aromas that were escaping from beneath the tin foil .
18 Adam picked her up in his arms and laid her on her desk : reports slithered off it and the Cartier clock crashed to the floor .
19 If he 'd picked her up and laid her on the bed and taken her with all the passion and strength his virile body was promising her at that moment , she would n't have raised a finger to stop him , so when he swung her around in his arms and deposited her nearer to the bathroom door before removing his arms from her she was left gasping with surprise and a sinking feeling of disappointment mixed with humiliation which shook her with its intensity .
20 I carried her in her crumpled dress up the short flight of stairs , and laid her on her bed .
21 In some minutes the short hairs on the disc of the leaf began to bend , then the long hairs , and laid themselves on the insect .
22 He took off the first slice , you know the rather well-done , brown bit at the end , and laid it on one side of the serving dish and then he cut the next slice off for the first lady and so on . ’
23 I took my gun out of the closet and put two bullets in the magazine and laid it on the table beside my bed .
24 Louis carefully folded his handkerchief into a square and laid it on the deck beside his chair .
25 He took the flare from its bracket and laid it on the top of the trap-door .
26 The teacher then took a length of string , cut it to the height of the child and laid it on the ground on top of the shadow of Leanne .
27 He frowned , pulled the napkin from his lap and laid it on the table as he stood up , shrugging apologetically to his mother , seeming to indicate that it was the kind of thing that had happened before , from time to time .
28 Zach and George dragged the case up to the bedroom and laid it on one side .
29 She took off her hat and laid it on the table , and he saw with a sense of shock that her hair was white down the line of the parting where the tinting had grown out .
30 She put out her hand and laid it on the book , then said :
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