Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 They laughed a little hysterically , and whispered to each other to be quiet and then laughed again , drunk with the joy of touching hands and the scent of their bodies in the dark .
2 Slowly , they got together at the far end of the house and whispered to each other .
3 So they sat on a blanket and clung to each other , tears streaming down their cheeks .
4 They bantered and argued with each other , laughed raucously , became angry and fell into sulks , changing moods as quickly and as unpredictably as children .
5 The Secretary shall minute the proceedings of each meeting such minutes to be produced , and read and passed at each sederunt .
6 If the paddocks can be topped and harrowed after each grazing , a more even , tussock-free sward can be maintained .
7 Their voices rose , pure and distinct in the clear air as they laughed and shouted to each other .
8 Chromosomal DNA was isolated and purified from each isolate using the guanidium thiocyanate reagent method .
9 All trucks had to be well-hosed and limewashed between each and every journey .
10 And frowned at each other , as ill-coordinated a double-act as Fanny and Johnny Cradock : it was hard to tell which one found the other most irritating .
11 So he stood with her , and held her , and very soon nature began to teach them both what to do , and before very long the neighbours heard a little shriek come from Pascoe 's cottage , and the old wives glanced and nodded to each other , content that the marriage had been consummated , and anxious to share with each other reminiscences of their own experiences in similar circumstances .
12 They snuffled and sighed to each other , beckoning Tabitha , knowing a haulier when they saw one .
13 We practised endlessly , experimented , studied books , played games and climbed into each other 's psyche with ease and without inhibition .
14 Starting at the airman 's feet he moved up and raved at each disaster until he came to his head .
15 And then I went to Hereford for six months and I did er six months of medicine , and that was a long way from home in Essex and er we all sort of er mucked in and er made our own entertainment and cooked for each other and that erm was quite a good time .
16 On TV stations around the world , they coyly nudged and giggled to each other .
17 They sat down against the summerhouse wall and talked of each others activities over the last nine years .
18 As a protest some people never really made any attempt to get on with their writing project but just sat there and chatted to each other .
19 Look at that time Louise 's boy-friend — the miner 's son from Wales — met him , and how they argued and snarled at each other , and we were all against G.P. for being so contemptuous about working class people and working-class life .
20 They stopped and looked at each other and James laughed .
21 We stopped and looked at each other , then shook hands .
22 And there , a mile apart , the two armies sat and looked at each other .
23 Joe and I gasped , and looked at each other .
24 They sat down beneath the shade of an umbrella , and looked at each other across the table .
25 Juliet and David sat and looked at each other .
26 And the night that it was over we met in our quarters , we poured a drink and we stood there and looked at each other and he said well , we made it .
27 For a second something stopped dead in me , as if paralysed by feeling his pain on top of my own ; then we groped forward in one mutual movement and fell into each other 's arms .
28 ‘ What 's this fellow doing here ? ’ she shouted , puffing out her hastily improvised dark veil which rose and fell with each indignant gasp .
29 Then they stared at each other in silence and saw into each other 's heart , sensing that each was a little afraid of what was to come , and of the powers that they felt were in their wings and across their lives and which had brought them together .
30 Snizort glanced at the others and saw in each of them , now , faintly but definitely the unmistakable traces of their lineage .
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