Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 As glossy as a fashion-plate , Karl jumped up , grasped Herr Nordern 's hand , and beamed into his face .
2 He took the cigarette holder out of his wide mouth and beamed at his visitor , his Roosevelt smile , warm and toothy .
3 Frank leaned forward and whispered through his translator .
4 She stepped forward on tiptoe and whispered in his ear .
5 Suddenly the old man grabbed him and whispered in his ear , ‘ Shh !
6 She flinched , and whispered in his ear , ‘ Ouch , you 're pulling at my wool . ’
7 " This way we 'll get to see more of the real Saigon , " he said loudly for the benefit of their father — then he winked confidentially at Joseph and whispered in his ear : " And the last one there is a horse 's ass .
8 A servant scurried in , leaned over Sir Richard 's shoulder and whispered in his ear .
9 They manhandled Mr Reagan to the side of the stage and pounced on his attacker , forcing him over the podium to check him for any possible weapons before dragging him away .
10 Wilcox set off in a straight line , indifferent to the snow that covered his thin black shoes and clung to his trouser bottoms .
11 Balbinder was very reluctant and clung to his mother .
12 He managed to catch Angus a half-decent clip across the right ear , but the sinister Campbell grabbed him from behind and clung to his neck .
13 Fifteen years ago Ally MacLeod said we 'd bring home medals from Argentina and reneged on his promise spectacularly .
14 Buckmaster threw his check cap on a couch , strode across the room and lolled in his executive chair .
15 He stared down at his knees , then stretched his legs out and gazed at his calves and feet .
16 Barnett looked away quickly and gazed at his own pale face again .
17 They coughed their way through All Things Bright and Beautiful , and when they came to the bit about ‘ God made them high and lowly , and ordered their estate , ’ he waved them to an unceremonious halt and plunged into his sermon :
18 His practice of hunger-striking when detained has attracted international attention and the displeasure of the authorities , and led to his release from custody earlier this year .
19 PROFESSOR GRIFF , rap fans wo n't need reminding , is the chap whose intemperate outbursts concerning global zionist conspiracies and the like , caused embarrassment even among his then collaborators , Public Enemy , and led to his ultimate departure from that fold .
20 His wife 's share in the partition of the vast Gloucester estates made him one of the leading territorial magnates and led to his being summoned to Parliament from November 1317 .
21 His reports on the collections brought him to the notice of the British scientific establishment and led to his appointment as naturalist in HMS Bulldog during a voyage under the command of Sir Leopold M ‘ Clintoch in 1860 to investigate a possible northern route for the proposed north Atlantic telegraph cable .
22 The discovery of the positron in 1932 confirmed Dirac 's theory and led to his being awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1933 .
23 Mr Endara was told of the planned attack , and asked for his support , which he apparently granted , saying that he was ready to become the new leader if the US could topple the Noriega regime .
24 Nigel gave up all belief in things occult after that and asked for his money back .
25 For example , Dr Yusuf Bala Usman , political secretary to the then Governor of Kaduna State , was interviewed on NTV Kaduna in February 1981 and asked for his views on Libyan policies in Chad .
26 As none of the guests spoke Spanish ‘ I rang up the British Consul and asked for his help and he provided it .
27 ( Do you know , I was in the council chamber with Thomas Cromwell when , years later , the northern rebels sent their demands and asked for his removal .
28 As Hugh Paddick remembers : ‘ People then came up to him and asked for his autograph .
29 Pat was with him the day a young woman approached him exceedingly politely while he was enjoying his veal — in one of his favourite Italian restaurants , Biagis , he would go for a filleted sole — and asked for his autograph .
30 Five years later , the plaintiff , having been informed that the painting was not a Constable , returned it to the defendants and asked for his money back .
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