Example sentences of "and [vb pp] for the " in BNC.

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1 He did n't know the doctor and was very disorientated and frightened for the rest of that day and the next ; but on the following one it was as if it had never happened .
2 His mother held him on her knee and explained for the hundredth time how big the ship would be and how many oceans it would cross and what his big brother would see from it .
3 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
4 Breathing a sigh of relief , I drove over to the local airfield and arranged for the flight to take place a week earlier , just in case .
5 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
6 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
7 Greenwich Mean Time , Jonas Savimbi , the UNITA leader , telephoned his organization 's radio station , known as " Voice of the Resistance of the Black Cockerel " , and arranged for the ceasefire order to be broadcast .
8 Dr Manfred Thaller , President of the International Association for History and Computing backed the seminar and arranged for the publication of its proceedings .
9 8 : As for high level wastes , no-one has demonstrated ( can they ? ) how these wastes can be safely isolated and guarded for the necessary one million years — a geological time span reaching out to our 40,000th generation …
10 Here they 're weighed and measured and checked for the early signs of malnutrition , cholera and smallpox .
11 The current account external balance depends on the real exchange rate ( defined as domestic relative to foreign consumer prices and adjusted for the exchange rate ) and domestic and foreign ‘ absorption ’ ( total final expenditure ) .
12 In general , we think of the criminal law as the means by which individuals are prosecuted , tried and punished for the offences ( e.g. theft , assault , etc. ) which they have committed .
13 Today fewer have occupational experience related to the park purposes ( down 30 per cent ) ; and fewer still are involved with bodies like the Council for the Protection of Rural England , the County Conservation Trust , the Ramblers ' Association and the Youth Hostels ' Association , whose members have traditionally supported and lobbied for the parks ( down 60 per cent ) .
14 We were riding back to Stratford in the spring of 1613 and stopped for the night at the Crown Inn in Oxford .
15 The photograph was there , but where now were the people who had posed for it , stiff and unsmiling , in their clothes all washed and ironed for the occasion ?
16 It was possible that he would be detained and interned for the duration of the war which now seemed only hours or days away .
17 He is at present living in Belgrade , threatened and insulted for the public stand he is taking , his phone tapped .
18 Five ml of H 2 O were added to the resin incubated mix , this was left to settle for 10 minutes , and 4 ml of supernatant was removed and examined for the presence of 1 4 C-citrulline by liquid scintillation counting .
19 Biopsies for histological preparation were fixed in Bouin 's solution , sectioned , stained with haematoxylin and eosin , Giemsa and Gram stain and examined for the presence of H pylori and signs of inflammation .
20 And realised for the first time that my lot as a walker was far safer than that of a cyclist .
21 Every time that it comes to capping regulations , those same authorities are blamed and pilloried for the spending for which Ministers have happily claimed the credit .
22 Training might be goal-directed , but education must be pure and undertaken for the sake of the ‘ growth ’ of the child .
23 The ability to manage people is the more necessary at a time when a number of different lay ministries are being encouraged and developed for the conduct of worship .
24 It sets out to achieve its objective of protection by promoting the kind of policies and practices which it believes would enable the rural environment to be utilised and developed for the good of society without destroying aesthetic and spiritual beauty , and by opposing other policies and practices which in its view would have such an effect .
25 The Orangemen could even talk to those trees ( the ones removed and replanted for the Papal visit in 1982 about which the parks department is still very sensitive and reluctant to comment ) on the basis that plants respond to music .
26 I had sorrowed over the loss of the Hood , on which my father 's brother had been ‘ sparks , ’ and mourned for the Barham and the Ark Royal .
27 Like Dean , Landau had studied the Method approach to acting devised by Stanislavski and modified for the Actors Studio by Lee Strasberg .
28 Apparently it is too old-fashioned and cluttered for the great master to have had anything to do with it — despite the fact that Lord Burlington , the aristocratic architect , was convinced of his having designed it .
29 He can then be cautioned and reported for the ‘ using ’ offence .
30 He was very apologetic , and looked as if he might be taken away and hanged for the delay .
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