Example sentences of "and [vb past] over the " in BNC.

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1 This , together with the political dimension , means that it is hardly surprising that problems such as the inner cities tend to be defined and redefined over the years .
2 After 1998 , these figures start being ‘ phased down ’ by ½ per cent a year , so that anyone retiring after the year 2008 gets only 20 per cent ( one fifth ) of their relevant earnings , after they have been revalued and averaged over the whole of the working life .
3 The big jeans names are already aware of the authentic newcomers , and are beginning to realise that the original utility styles they updated and bastardised over the past 30 years are the current fashion winners : watch them scramble to regain their own heritage .
4 Black shadows arced and jiggered over the walls .
5 The fog lay upon the river and swirled over the bridge .
6 They dipped and swirled over the golden water , disappearing sometimes under the bridge , sweeping off in a flock to examine the wake of a passing launch .
7 Lutyens solved the problem with the simple device of a closely-fitting outer shell that could be raised and lowered over the inner fabric of the house from machinery installed in its roof space .
8 Sunlight sought out the gaps and flickered over the new-green fields far below .
9 Marge , the gal who capsized and bumped over the rocks at Chase Rapids , showed us her bottom bruises .
10 This model has been developed and validated over the past four years by a research team at Loughborough University through extensive experimentation .
11 At nearly fifteen he was already over six feet tall and towered over the little Irish doctor in front of him .
12 Kopyion pulled out the old revolver stolen from the Academician 's apartment and moved over the fallen figure .
13 From 1965 to 1970 Rowiecki also served as musical director of the Theatr Wielki , Warsaw 's huge opera and ballet theatre , and presided over the opening performance of the reconstructed building in 1965 , conducting Moniuszko 's Straszny Dwor ( ' The Haunted House' , a characteristically Polish mix of folklore and Bellinian melody ) .
14 In the frightful aftermath of the war , he dithered about UN protection for fleeing Kurds and presided over the horrendous first muddle in UN relief work .
15 The first reigned during a period of complex political change , and presided over the difficult transition from the Roman Republic and the civil wars which brought it to an end to the monarchical system which became the Roman empire ; Nero 's reign marks the abandonment of the pattern which had been established by Augustus .
16 Izanami henceforth became the Earth Mother , the prime goddess of Shinto , and presided over the Underworld .
17 In 1955 , Floirat bought the ailing radio station Europe 1 and presided over the company for 30 years , transforming it into one of the country 's most popular stations .
18 When the clouds came we visited Beaulieu , travelled their monorail , rode a vintage bus and drooled over the super cars in the National Motor Museum .
19 ‘ That last man — the one in the Mozart wig without a mask — wanted to show me a restaurant because I 'm mad on cooking and drooled over the recipes he described . ’
20 He threw his dressing gown casually on the chair and — with never a glance at Arty — jumped between the sheets , picked up the newspaper from the floor beside the bed , opened it out and peered over the top , his ears tuned to the conversation .
21 In the frosty quiet he heard the sound of an engine too suave to belong to a resident , and peered over the parapet to see the men getting out of the car below .
22 Stella walked to the poplar-trees and peered over the wall into the field .
23 Satisfied he was at least decently dressed , Seb raised his head cautiously and peered over the edge of the hollow .
24 But we do know that they reached a high , technology-free civilization , practised a sophisticated form of navigation , and ranged over the entire Pacific in ocean-going outriggers .
25 I dived into the bathroom and bent over the loo .
26 In 800 Pope Leo III was taken prisoner by relatives of his predecessor Hadrian I. They tried to blind him , but he escaped and fled over the Alps to Charles , who was encamped at Paderborn in central Saxony .
27 The surface was badly pockmarked and the car bumped and bounced over the uneven thoroughfare , its journey only becoming smoother as they reached the main road that would lead them into Chichester itself .
28 The wheels of the cart rumbled and crashed over the obstacle , and Alexei jumped smartly to one side to avoid the form which sprawled in his path .
29 The sea grumbles and crashed over the stony beach , and blew salt in their faces .
30 Lucy Lane , trying to make contact , got up and stooped over the dog , stroking his head .
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