Example sentences of "and [vb past] me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
2 He smiled too , and stabbed me in the gut with the gun-barrel hard enough to make me suck in my breath .
3 Ryan stopped and clapped me on the shoulder .
4 They laughed and clapped me on the back and handed the container round the circle again .
5 Ralemberg smiled , sheathed his dagger and clapped me on the shoulder .
6 He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
7 Benjamin grinned and clapped me on the shoulder .
8 They laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
9 Quigley , with a short , convulsive movement that was halfway between a bow and a twitch , took my hand and led me towards her .
10 He grasped my elbow and led me through the hallway and into a long room knocked through the whole length of the house .
11 Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom .
12 ‘ The warder came and told me to dress and led me to an officer of the court , ’ the small , self-effacing lawyer recalled in an interview on Saturday .
13 And her white Reeboks screeched at the marble as she turned and led me to the waiting forms .
14 She frowned for a moment , then picked up my hand and led me to the window .
15 But he raised his left hand again , this time to silence me ; took my arm and led me to the edge of the colonnade .
16 But Jim insisted , insisted that I bought him a pint and asked me to caddie for him the following week at St Anne 's .
17 At noon Sir Michael Adeane rang up and asked me to be at the Palace at 2 o'clock .
18 A surly man stepped from a trailer doorway and asked me for money .
19 If you came in now and asked me for a pound of apples , well in a way I would n't know a stranger whether they like them under-ripe , ripe or just ready for eating .
20 One of my colleagues , no doubt swayed by the heat of the discussion , turned on me sitting in my short-sleeved uniform shirt , and rebuked me with the warning that ‘ in my force , you 'd be disciplined for mutilating police property …
21 Syl 's mother disapproved of this most bitterly and rebuked me for waste .
22 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
23 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
24 He gladly accepted a lift back to Stromness on Venturous and repaid me by filling in some details for my report on the development of the terminal and the Piper Oil Field which would be supplying it .
25 Half way up , Springsteen shot through his legs and passed me at about Mach 5 , doing a handbrake turn at the bottom of the stairs and heading for the back door .
26 He sifted through junk shops for cardigans , jackets and hats for the sketches by day and pinned me into paper versions of the dresses by night .
27 Pahdra Singh mounted the pavement in his Bentley this morning and pinned me to the window of the Wimpy Bar .
28 ‘ The referee took me aside and penalised me for ‘ over-robust ’ play , not foul play . ’
29 In the time I was there she did pencil out a few passages , and got me to red ink a lot more .
30 I taught her a new move and she practised it on me but she missed and got me in the and I fell on the ground .
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