Example sentences of "and [vb past] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 Then he put his feet up on the bench and snored for ten minutes .
2 James went to the local police superintendent , one Smith , and asked for 100 police to be billeted on the colliery premises , as , otherwise , the safety men , who were frightened , would not come to work .
3 and somebody said it was because since the stockmarket flopped people drew out and put the money in building societies , building societies were bursting at the seams , did n't want to , and banks as well , did n't know what to do with all this money , so , somebody went in for a loan and asked for fifty thousand and come out with a hundred thousand , they could n't get it out , give it to people , a lot , a lot of people that really er were n't safe gambles
4 Pearson , of Tadcaster , admitted three arson charges and asked for eight others to be considered .
5 Youds was ordered to pay £100 per unit and £30 costs and asked for eight weeks to pay the £630 sum .
6 She admitted four charges of making a false representation to obtain benefit and asked for 18 others to be taken into consideration .
7 McCabe , of Millbrook Avenue , Brambles Farm , Middlesbrough , admitted three offences of theft and asked for six offences to be taken into consideration .
8 Then he rang some film company in London and asked for one of the most junior men in the public-relations office , and the girl could hear the phone being put down on him .
9 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
10 What is certain is that on the bright and sunny morning of 4 June 1913 the forty-year-old Emily Davison called at the offices of the WSPU in London and asked for two of the union 's white , green and purple flags .
11 At the Old Bailey yesterday Everton , of Edmonton , north London , admitted three robberies and related firearms charges and asked for two attempted robberies to be considered .
12 The Queen was particularly delighted with these models and asked for two dozen to be sent to Buckingham Palace .
13 ‘ On my way down I sent a message to the sheriff 's office at the Guildhall and asked for two cursitors to make diligent inquiries amongst the taverns and stews along this side of the river .
14 Christopher Appleton , 18 , of Highmoor Road , Darlington , admitted burglary and asked for two offences to be considered .
15 Anthony Killen , 28 , of no fixed address , admitted burglary , receving stolen goods and asked for two burglaries to be taken into consideration .
16 The youth , who can not be named for legal reasons , admitted three charges of criminal damage between November 1 , 1992 and February 28 this year and asked for four similar offences to be considered .
17 He admitted going equipped for theft , another burglary and asked for four similar offences to be taken into consideration .
18 Facts : pleaded guilty to six counts of theft , burglary and obtaining by deception , and asked for 14 similar offences to be considered .
19 Robert Wilkinson 25 , of Thornton Street , Hartlepool admitted two charges of deception and asked for 40 more involving bouncing cheques worth £4,000 and committed all over Cleveland and Durham to be taken into consideration .
20 This time Marko believed the mysterious child ; he went to the king and asked for three hundred barrels of wine and three hundred barrels of brandy , and for oxen to drag them up the mountain and men to dam up the lake .
21 Richardson , 22 , of Clevedon , Avon , admitted 33 fraud charges and asked for 48 others to be considered by Gloucester Crown Court .
22 They were fined £1,000 with £365 costs — and asked for 28 days to pay .
23 The vast majority of them had tried , and failed for one reason or another , to get into one or other of the local preparatory schools .
24 Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor-α ( TNF-α ) ( Boehringer Mannheim , Germany ) ( 0.1–100 ng/ml ) was added to effector cells and incubated for one day .
25 After emptying and washing each well , 100 µl of sample or standard ( diluted 1 in 80 in phosphate buffered saline , pH 7.2 , and containing 0.1% Tween and 0.5% bovine serum albumin to prevent non-specific protein binding to the plate ) were added and incubated for one hour .
26 The second layer antibody , biotinylatd goat anti-mouse IgG ( Vector Laboratories , Burlingame , CA , USA ) was applied at a dilution of 1:50 and incubated for two hours at room temperature .
27 After being washed with medium , the target cells were suspended in 1 ml of medium containing 100 mCi Na 2 5 1 CrO 4 ( Daiichi Radioisotope , Tokyo , Japan ) and incubated for 45 minutes at 37°C .
28 Peroxidase conjugated sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulins ( Amersham ) were added at a 1/2000 dilution in PBSB-Tween and incubated for 1 hour at room temperature .
29 Purified VLPs and core-like particles ( CLPs ) were diluted to the concentration of 0.1 mg/ml with 50 mM Tris hydrochloride ( pH 8.0 ) — 150 mM NaCl — 5 mM MgCl 2 — 0.5% Nonidet P-40 , 6 µl of anti-VP2 monoclonal antibody was added to each 200 µl of VLPs or CLPs and incubated for 5 h at 5°C .
30 The pellet from the 100 g centrifugation was resuspended and incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature in 0.1 HEPES saline buffer ( pH 7.4 ) containing 20 mM HEPES in 0.8% sodium chloride , 4.4 mM tropolone and 300 µCi ( 11 MBq ) indium-111 chloride ( Amersham International ) .
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