Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the model the Arctic ozone hole appeared as a direct result of the changes in circulation induced by both doubling the amount of CO 2 and properly representing the radiative feedbacks of the evolving ozone distribution .
2 Owen reached through the branches to the bridle of Isambard 's horse , that stood tossing his head and nervously trampling the path .
3 Dr Courtney was also found guilty of drugging and raping a woman who went to him for advice about work , and indecently assaulting a German student and a 17-year-old when they went to his surgery for part-time jobs .
4 Man charged : Steven Leach , 35 , of The Close , Walton , appeared at Liverpool today charged with abducting and indecently assaulting a boy of four , and was remanded in custody until Friday , after a massive police search .
5 A 39-year-old man admitted kidnapping two 13-year-old schoolgirls , raping one and indecently assaulting the other , before stabbing them with a three-foot-long ceremonial sword and leaving them for dead in the forest .
6 We talked with our students about the freedoms of college life , and suggested that they might judge whether or not certain behaviour was ‘ age appropriate ’ by looking at the nursery nurses ( incorrectly and naïvely assuming the latter would unfailingly provide the models we sought ! ) .
7 We will be making regular reports to the AEA Audit Committee in the interim and vigorously pursuing the remaining actions as an integral part of our strategy for commercial success . ’
8 Irina , turning on the hot water and vigorously mopping a plate , said , ‘ Do n't worry .
9 Here was a task force rapidly put together , travelling almost 7,000 miles and successfully taking an island without a casualty .
10 Most health statistics , for example , are the result of people deciding that they are ill , and successfully convincing a doctor of this .
11 It is possible from the village , without too much effort , to survey the great wilderness of Fisherfield Forest from the east by taking the private road to the little huddle of buildings known as the Heights of Kinlochewe and thence following a rising track to the left until the vast amphitheatre is revealed in a surround of formidable mountains of which Slioch and Mullach Coire Mhic Fhearchair are now the most prominent .
12 NME 's SIMON WILLIAMS has sued the compilers of THE PENGUIN BOOK OF ROCK 'N' ROLL WRITING for ‘ failing to include any of my work and thereby producing a totally unrepresentative collection ’ .
13 It successfully produces delinquents , creating a criminal section of the population and thereby dividing the subordinate classes into mutually antagonistic fractions .
14 The second category , overall impression , involves listening to all the adjectives describing the person and thereby forming an overall impression ; ‘ [ I ] assessed the overall impression left once all the words had been read out ’ or ‘ I was not conscious of using any strategy in particular at the time , but I guess I merely listened to all the traits and tried to gain an overall impression . ’
15 There is no evidence , however , of surgery patients beginning to cost substantially less , and thereby reversing the large differences in the first year .
16 This seems very improbable , though it would have been consistent with his character to reject an organized challenge to the social order but to appreciate and even think of emulating and thereby vanquishing a personal one .
17 In 1780 he was elected MP for Southwark , defeating Henry Thrale and thereby provoking the contempt of Dr Samuel Johnson [ q.v . ] .
18 And this , far from being a containment ( transgression presupposing and thereby ratifying the norm it contravenes ) , is one condition of the norm 's undoing .
19 It has two functions : ( a ) it acts as a point of orientation by connecting back to previous stretches of discourse and thereby maintaining a coherent point of view and , ( b ) it acts as a point of departure by connecting forward and contributing to the development of later stretches .
20 A very thick hard rail , which you can hardly get your hand around , is often used in the mid-sections of a race board where speed is important , since when the board is sailed at a slight angle the thick rail digs in providing more lateral resistance and thereby helping the daggerboard .
21 The English manner of waging war , that of the chevauchée , the raid carried out largely by mounted soldiers ( who were thus fully mobile ) through the enemy 's countryside , with the intention of pillaging enemy property , destroying crops , and thereby creating an air of insecurity , could not be allowed to continue too long unchallenged , since such an exercise undermined ( as it was intended to do ) the authority of the king of France , who was responsible for the defence of his people .
22 This is normally the purchaser proceeding with due diligence and thereby incurring the costs of its professional advisers or , alternatively , a vendor may demand a cash payment in return for the exclusivity period .
23 I got round this potential danger of tonal contrasts by ensuring that I was near enough to the boat to see it mainly in its own shadows ( figure XX ) , thus reducing the glare of white , and thereby allowing a less contrasting tonal interplay between boat and background .
24 Aquino 's choice was criticized in some quarters for threatening the possibility of splitting her support — between those who would remain loyal to the LDP and those who would support Ramos — and thereby allowing an opposition candidate to win .
25 In order to avoid automatic cuts , the summit negotiators faced the prospect of raising taxes and cutting expenditure , or of raising the Gramm-Rudman targets and thereby loosening the only form of discipline governing the budgetary process .
26 The claim is therefore that denunciatory punishment is justified even if it has no good consequences such as educating the public conscience and thereby reducing the amount of crime .
27 But the social-security surplus is having the opposite of its intended effect : in helping the government to evade cutting the deficit , it is reducing national savings , and thereby reducing the country 's ability to support future pensioners rather than increasing it .
28 The effect of these three changes brought about by the growth of corporate enterprise was that the market could no longer be viewed as regulating and thereby legitimating the exercise of corporate power .
29 The move was thought to have caused severe food shortages by reducing the purchasing power of most households and thereby limiting the quantity of black market provisions which could be obtained .
30 The DLP secured an overwhelming victory , winning 564 of the 866 seats at stake , and thereby securing a mandate to control 11 of the 15 assemblies .
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