Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Harold P. Ford , a long-serving and widely respected former CIA analyst , portrayed Gates as a self-serving careerist who curried favour with his superiors and did not manifest the necessary independence of judgment .
2 It says officers did not ’ pursue and properly explore all avenues of inquiry ’
3 Despite disagreement over the extent of providential intervention in the flow of human events evangelicals had no doubt that ‘ there is a God who governs the world and intimately directs all the concerns of his rational and immortal creatures ’ .
4 By adopting this methodical approach you should avoid the pitfalls and successfully answer any questions set on this subject .
5 can not be denied , but it would seem that man 's instinctive awareness of his mastery of his own destiny , is influenced by an equally instinctive awareness that he can not peacefully and successfully control that destiny unless he can locate , or himself create some supreme form of guiding influence which is recognised by all .
6 Fred Crocombe put the flaps half down , and Wood flattened out and made a fine three-point landing , pulling up quickly and successfully avoiding several groups of boulders .
7 So we are faced with the amazing fact that neither the insistence on English superiority nor a savage level of English military aggression was enough to produce widespread , let alone total , resistance by a people who for well over two centuries had determinedly and successfully resisted both .
8 Some had a clear idea of what was required and successfully moved that
9 Proposals from the US and Canada to remove North American populations of lynx , wolf and bobcat from Appendix II , and thereby remove all controls on international trade in these animals , could prove even more controversial .
10 One of the principal objects of the conference was , it declared , ‘ to cultivate a good understanding with the employers and thereby remove those prejudices which exist against trade combinations , by showing that they only seek by combination to place themselves upon equal terms as disposers of their labour with those who purchase it ; to secure themselves from injury , but by no
11 It is an offence under Section 47(2) to do any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression as to the market price or value of any investments if the purpose is to create that impression and thereby induce another person to acquire , dispose of , subscribe for or underwrite those investments or to refrain from doing so or to exercise or refrain from exercising any rights conferred by those investments .
12 Rational people will predict them and thereby annul any effect they might have on real variables .
13 In this chapter we look at how those goals may be in conflict , and how they are affected by age , culture and a person 's job ; 1 consider how organizations attempt to motivate people by rewarding performance , and thereby rewarding those goals ; finally we look at the outcomes of goal/organization mismatch which lead to dissatisfaction , disillusionment and stress .
14 The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus .
15 Appointed in 1987 , Webster ensured that the CIA kept a relatively low profile and thereby achieved some success in rehabilitating the tarnished image of the agency in the aftermath of the Iran-contra scandal .
16 A ‘ Confirmed Credit ’ is one where a second bank ( usually one familiar to the exporter ) adds it name to the Credit and thereby assumes all the responsibilities of payment mentioned in Article 10 .
17 In other words , does public investment follow private , and thereby exacerbate such unevenness , or does it act to compensate for the lack of private capital ?
18 She opened her mouth to suggest that perhaps she could give him dinner at her hotel — and thereby eliminate any possibility of him putting his arm around her in his car — then found that she was suggesting nothing of the sort , but was asking , ‘ Did Mr Gajdusek ask you to invite me out ? ’ and was at once appalled that , Ven all too clearly not far away in her head , she had asked such a thing !
19 " The Secretary then intimated that he intended to resign and thereby give another Member a chance to act as Secretary .
20 One of the advantages of this approach , or so it is claimed , is that it enables governments to pursue policies based upon consent and voluntary cooperation and thereby to avoid both the ‘ law of the jungle ’ ( monetarism ) and the ‘ jungle of the law ’ ( statutory incomes policies ) .
21 As Jane Feuer points out , camp involves a kind of sensibility in which ‘ blank mimicry and a critical edge may coexist ’ , and thereby resembles that form of postmodern parody which Linda Hutcheon defines as a ‘ repetition with critical distance that allows ironic signalling of difference at the very heart of similarity ’ .
22 The ford was crossed by a mill dam and consequently was extremely difficult and dangerous and thereby occasioned several unlucky accidents .
23 An explanation needs to be made to these pupils as to the benefits of providing their own paints and thereby gaining more experience with a wider range of materials .
24 They are nearly all of the late Byzantine building period — eleventh to fourteenth centuries — and mostly have many domes raised on drums .
25 By analogy with the genetic information raining down on the canal from my willow tree , we could say that the dust carries ‘ instructions ’ for how to dam streams and eventually make more dust .
26 My wife and I are looking forward to contact from your readers and eventually meeting some of our diving cousins from the ‘ Motherland ’ .
27 Doi emphasized the party 's policy of maintaining the alliance " for the time being " , but she stated that a Socialist-led coalition would " restrict " the country 's defence forces and suspend joint US-Japan military manoeuvres , with the intention of reducing and eventually removing all US bases from Japan .
28 Anyone with a desire for truth will unreflectingly and instinctively do this .
29 The working memory representation in TRACE can quickly and effectively brings such information to bear .
30 However , since the private person has chosen to deal in commercial goods , ( and presumably has some expertise in relation to the subject matter of the contract ) such exclusion is more likely to be reasonable than if consumer goods were the subject matter of the contract , and hence the transaction were a consumer transaction governed by s 6(2) .
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