Example sentences of "and [pers pn] is the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We all have our gifts , and yours is The Brain , Hilary , ’ her mother had told her firmly , guiding her away from dates and dances and the like .
2 Total amount missing is close on fifteen grand and yours is the first to turn up . ’
3 well and yours is the same look
4 I saw my first reed bunting 's nest in 1964 in the marsh between the lochs of Spiggie and Brow , and now in the space of twenty-five years they have successfully colonised the islands , and theirs is the only bunting song that today 's Shetland children will know …
5 I is the author , and you is the reader — although here a trick is played and the author talks to us as though we are there , listening rather than reading .
6 She is the heroic Goddess who destroys all evil powers embodied as demons and She is the Goddess of victory .
7 Central to this team is the ward sister , and she is the key to creating a good learning environment .
8 Guns and Killing magazine currently rate her as the sixth most dangerous solo outlaw in the Americas , and she is the highest-ranked woman on the list , coming in at thirty-seven places above the Antarctic esperado Ice Kold Katie .
9 ‘ Whatever happens in the Arc she is just a star and she is the one they 've all got to beat , ’ declares George .
10 The baby soon learns that her presence is necessary for the satisfaction of its needs and she is the first individual " other " whom the infant recognises .
11 ‘ I know that you want to marry Rose , ’ Mrs Maylie told her son , ‘ and she is the nicest person I know .
12 For her own part , there was never any question of her not studying science and she is the best sort of role model because of her enthusiasm : ‘ Just finding out what makes things work .
13 Only her light appears on ‘ the tossing hills ’ and she is the only important figure streaking through the night air .
14 And she is the usual woman —
15 I see yes yes and she is the mother of the bride .
16 I took her outside this morning and she is the typical scaredy cat she is !
17 He lost Manoj Prabhakar , carried away by the exuberance of his own and everybody else 's strokeplay , but Kapil Dev survives - and he is the only Indian who has made a faster Test hundred than Azharuddin 's .
18 Matthew 's style was snappy : ‘ John Major was the Chancellor who got us into recession and he is the Prime Minister who is n't going to get us out … ’
19 He suggested that there is a new course and he is the horse for it .
20 Stewpid is back at school with his arm in plaster , and he is the big HERO with kids queueing to write their names on his plasterised arm .
21 And he is the second to leave the crack Lancashire club this season after ex-England B half-back Martin Strett last week signed a three-year contract for Oldham .
22 She is the stunning young beauty dripping red lipstick and he is the wayward , womanising , ageing sophisticate with a young son and terribly understanding wife .
23 And he is the first to quit because of revelations about his private life since Energy Minister Cecil Parkinson admitted fathering a child by his secretary almost nine years ago .
24 ‘ It 's so sad because he 's so quick , so experienced and he is the guy who made me raise my own game to come out of the blocks ahead of him . ’
25 John Sculley at Apple Computer Inc is another name that has been canvassed , and he is the exception that proves the rule that an outsider ca n't run a computer company , but he came in fascinated by the business and devoted all his efforts in the early days learning about it for himself rather than relying on his minions , something no-one taking over IBM now has time to do .
26 We can only use him in one-day games this season because of his commitments with Cumberland , but his qualities are obvious and he is the aggressive type of batsman spectators love to watch . ’
27 Earth Commander knows about the AOL , and he is the best man — ’
28 And he is the only one who can see this !
29 I 'm the sort of person who wants to do everything for the people I love and he is the sort of person who 's self-sufficient , or seems to be … = ’ she paused .
30 He 's 13 and he is the most talented lad I have ever seen at his age .
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