Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [verb] first " in BNC.

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1 And Jesus came first and foremost as he is , as Nicodemus learns here to seek and to save that which was lost .
2 Fishbane and Fagg came first , Fishbane 's six foot three inches of scrawny frame making an interesting counterpart to the roly-poly little Fagg , whose progress was retarded by his gouty limp .
3 They decided that they should go to work as no more news could be expected yet and Maureen hurried first to see Sarah .
4 Ratagan and Luib took first watch , whilst the rest lay and listened to the wind , felt it tugging at the tarpaulin .
5 There was little left that bore any resemblance to the original landscape in which Stephen and Christina had first holidayed .
6 At the 1988 tournament , held in Hong Kong , South Korea and Japan emerged first and second respectively and went on to play Western Samoa and Tonga for two berths in the 1991 World Cup .
7 I mean , ranking of the countries descending as business in the way it changes , and Japan comes first , Germany 's gone down in recent years because of that trouble , but America has consistently been the major investor in this country .
8 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
9 Toman 's curling left wing corner was held up in the wind and Borthwick reacted first in a crowded six-yard box to poke the ball home .
10 Toman 's curling left wing corner was held up in the wind and Borthwick reacted first in a crowded six yard box to poke the ball home .
11 As to the three first designs it must be recollected that while the first prize for the Foreign Office was awarded to Messrs. Coe and Hofland , yet they did not compete for the War Office again , while in the opinion of Mr. Burn and that of the assessors , Messrs. Banks and Barry stood first in merit for the Foreign Office ; yet , according to the same opinion , they were unsuccessful for the War Office , while Mr. Scott stood second both for one and the other .
12 Her papa , Jared Tunstall , the senior senator for Nevada , was a personal friend of the King , and Sally-Anne had first met him when he was the Prince of Wales .
13 Victoria and Alex learned first never to call this loyalty by its name , never to identify or analyse it , but to live it .
14 His office had changed greatly since John and Nora had first seen it .
15 As the architects of the president 's legislative strategy , Baker and Friedersdorf moved first to gain control of the legislative agenda .
16 She and John went first to see her mother , then to a hotel in Chester overnight , and then to spend a week in North Wales .
17 He and Pearson had first met in I960 at the BBC Television Centre .
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