Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
2 Kaszubian produce , though initially cheaper than German farm produce , was much more expensive by the time levies and taxes had been added .
3 When some idea of the framework of objectives , aspirations and activities has been obtained it may be useful to compile a questionnaire , into which answers may be inserted , either by the leader or by the researcher .
4 Sorry , I wanted to make two points , I think there 's a big difference between foresters like yourself and the people who 're actually out there logging , and you know , I have no doubt about the work you do at the Oxford Forestry Institute , and several of your tutors and lecturers have been to talk to us , and Friends of the Earth certainly is calling for sustainable management forestry .
5 Vein deposits in Dinantian limestones and sandstones have been exploited in the Northern and Southern Pennine orefields for a total production exceeding 2 million tonnes .
6 There was also criticism of the Scottish system 's period of ‘ adjustments ’ by both sides after claims and defences have been lodged , which was described by another as ‘ a lot of footering about altering original positions — which could all be done a lot faster ’ .
7 In their introduction Sugden and John indicated in 1976 ( p. 1 ) that the study of glacial processes and forms had been left out in the cold and poorly understood because a gulf had arisen between those who study glaciology and those who study glacial landscape and deposits , and further that :
8 This latter was in fact the fee farm of the borough , which had come to be permanently assigned to the earls of Salisbury , whose titles and possessions had been conferred on Margaret Pole , daughter of the duke of Clarence .
9 Although the take up in some areas has been poorer than expected in the programme , which is now into its second year , research into changes in working practices and attitudes has been assessed .
10 The Sensiq skincare range has been extensively researched and screened , and most common allergens and irritants have been omitted .
11 From the bold opening words , in which Christian appears with his Bible in his hand and his great burden on his back , crying , ‘ What shall I do ’ , readers of all denominations and cultures have been entranced by the story right through to the end , when Mr Valiant-for-Truth gives his sword ‘ to him that shall succeed me … and as he went , he said , ‘ Death where is thy sting ? ’ and as he went down deeper , he said , ‘ Grave where is thy victory ? ’
12 Timber houses of several different periods and cultures have been reconstructed in various experiments , leading to a much better understanding of how such buildings were originally built .
13 Different companies and cultures have been integrated within a short timescale , with fewer problems and better results than had been expected .
14 Individual adjectives and adverbs had been obliterated by a tight foliage of tangled afterthought , single sentences were submerged in blotchily leaved overgrowth , narrow black paths of muddied fear meandered between the rustling syntax , and whole paragraphs were lost beneath the heavy lattice of trunk-thick deletions .
15 The United Kingdom has been through 13 years in which unemployment has more than doubled , irreplaceable assets have been wasted , markets at home and abroad have been lost , manufacturing investment has fallen , poverty has increased , the crime rate has rocketed , and talents have been neglected .
16 Prices of the Kanga range of dresses and accessories have been dramatically reduced by up to 50 per cent .
17 Previously , items such as tea , coffee , cocoa , sugar , jam , canned fruit , salmon and sardines had been sold from the same counters as their perishable equivalents .
18 He came before the meeting as Chairman of the Legal Aid and Fees Committee , and moved the resolution in sadness and anger — sadness because it soured relations with the Lord Chancellor and the LCD and because time that he would rather have spent constructively had to be wasted on futile bickering , and anger because of the way that barristers and solicitors had been treated by the Government , especially a Government that spoke of the need for the business community to make prompt payment .
19 Runners and riders have been selected for the new Permanent Secretarial jobs and buildings earmarked to house them , their masters and the unsung legions of civil servants doing new jobs almost overnight .
20 On one of his more exotic voyages a skull and crossbones had been tattooed on his shoulder by a Greek sailor who used ordinary blue ink and a sharp pin to stab the design into the skin .
21 The history of ModE /a/ is a traditional bone of contention , and views have been expressed on it by a gallery of famous names from Henry Sweet onward ( for a review , see Lass , 1976 ) .
22 The cycloaddition reactions of SNS+ with alkynes and nitriles have been thoroughly investigated and these ‘ reverse electron demand ’ cycloaddition reactions would fit well into elementary organic chemistry courses .
23 In his report Sir Edward said that planning matters and roads had been the association 's major considerations .
24 there is an asymmetry between the incumbent and the opposition parties : ‘ the incumbent 's policies and personnel have been put to the test of very recent practice at the time of election , while the oppositions ’ probable performance can be inferred only from its statements of intention and its previous performance in office ’ ( Kramer , 1977b , p. 699 ) .
25 In addition , in its role as a Designated Research Centre the scope of research has been widened and contacts have been made with researchers in many other countries , including USA , Sweden and France .
26 Trees and hedges have been deformed by the fierce salt spray and strong sea winds during winter .
27 Throughout the town fences and hedges have been ripped down by tenants who want to use their gardens as impromptu garages .
28 Gifts and bequests have been exempted from Inheritance Tax .
29 The hours devoted to farm work by the part-time farmers was fairly high and it was in these predominantly part-time farm areas that the discrepancy between hours required and hours worked was highest .
30 Gabriel saw at once that a bell-shaped shift of her own design was being wrongly displayed , while Rose saw to her fury that a whole line of trousers and tabards had been wrongly priced .
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