Example sentences of "and [noun sg] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Other accounting applications Baird and Fletcher suggest include year-end reconciliations , electronic transfer of invoices , remote stock-taking using video terminals , and videoconferencing for discussions with senior management at a client .
2 The tribeswoman will doubtless have deep feelings for her children and be ambitious for their success in life , and affection and admiration for animals has had a place in all societies , even in that of Ancient Rome .
3 Best known of the eastern glens , with a deserved reputation for the variety and beauty of its landscapes , is Glen Affric , a long straight cutting through the mountains that provides a connecting link between east and west for travellers on foot .
4 The first part concludes with a rationale and plea for teachers to adopt the action research approach , stressing the distinction between the teacher as technician and as reflective practitioner .
5 Instead of set books , periods of literature and preparation for examinations , they propose more mime , dance , poetry reading and writing , an affective education for pupils unreceptive to the academic , and susceptible to the commercial .
6 AT common law a person might be liable for damage caused by an animal on one or more of three distinct grounds , namely , ordinary liability in tort , liability under the scienter rule and liability for cattle trespass .
7 Service or maintenance charges and liability for repairs must also be made clear .
9 Price and payment for shares As might be expected with an authority to make market purchases , it is not necessary to stipulate a fixed price in the authorising resolution .
10 The cordon , supported by joint mobile patrols from the RUC and other elements of the battalion , remained in place until the whole area was declared clear at 1600 hours on 30 June , and responsibility for operations in the area was handed back to the police .
11 Organising how and when to renew the tenancy , and responsibility for repairs .
12 As attorney-general , he visited Belfast monthly and knows the top players in the establishment there , and responsibility for issues such as extradition has brought him into contact with senior figures in the Republic .
13 Dhamma is the master principle in ‘ a Tathagata , perfected one , wholly awakened one , a dhamma-man , a dhamma-king , depending on dhamma only , honouring dhamma , revering dhamma , esteeming dhamma , with dhamma as his standard , with dhamma as his banner , with mastery as to dhamma ’ , and he will provide dhamma-guard , love and protection for monks , nuns and lay followers .
14 Tariffs on passenger vehicles were to be reduced from 35 per cent in 1992 to 15 per cent by 2000 , and protection for textiles , clothing and footwear was to be cut from a maximum of 55 per cent to 25 per cent .
15 A general strike was held on Jan. 8 in support of demands for higher wages and pensions , new measures to combat unemployment , and protection for workers during the privatisation of state industries .
16 Also , if bus stations were brought up to the standards , with pleasant lounge cafés , attendants to look after luggage and protection for passengers from fumes and the weather , then even the maniacal travelling executive might be tempted to use public transport .
17 His score is also notable for its choruses , particularly double choruses , which are accompanied — in contrast to the merely continuo supported solos — by the orchestra ( three violins and continuo for harpsichords , which are usually joined by arpe , liuti , tiorbe e violoni ) , not merely doubling the voices but sometimes playing independently : This orchestra is also employed in three unusually extended sinfonie to the Prologue and Second and Third Acts , that to the prologue consisting of 11 ( slow ) bars in quadruple time , a canzone of 32 bars with echo-effects of forte and piano emphasized by the scoring : 7 bars in triple time , and 21 in quadruple .
18 After volume 45 comes a volume entitled ‘ Tables of Statutes and Index for Vols. 1–45 ; ’ this contains both an alphabetical and a chronological list .
19 When the dimension of gender is added , we can see even greater disadvantage and inequality for females .
20 In the above paragraphs a distinction was made between assessment for teaching and learning purposes and assessment for purposes external to the classroom .
21 This is a long distance from the rural areas of Wyre and there would be substantial costs in time and money for magistrates , witnesses and police making the journey to Fleetwood .
22 The trip is now fully booked and money for tickets should be paid in as soon as possible .
23 Can it ever come to life again , not as a bait and hook for politicians to use , not as a shouting for soccer fans ?
24 Her open dislike of direct taxation , public spending , much of the public sector , and trade unions and her protective attitude to the tax reliefs for home-owners and investors and sympathy for farmers , small business , and the forces of law and order are all favourite Tory themes .
25 I know every blade of grass , fern , broom , every tree , pond and lane for miles around .
26 Twenty-one Serbian villagers were reported to have been killed on 22 August by Croatian security forces carrying out house-to-house searches in the villages of Kinjacka , Cakle and Trnjani for insurgents believed to have fired mortars at the town of Sisak .
27 Being an avid reader and buyer for years , I have come to recognise ‘ shop numbers ’ and the ‘ mini dealers ’ , so I usually ignore these ads !
28 , Evelyn ( 1869–1955 ) , writer and campaigner for women 's suffrage and for peace , was born in London 4 August 1869 , the ninth child and third daughter of the ten children ( one of whom died in infancy ) of ( John ) James Sharp , slate merchant of London , and his wife Jane , daughter of Joseph Bloyd , lead merchant of London .
29 You have n't seen Eva and Manni for ages .
30 The new system should , it was argued , include family allowances , maternity benefits and provision for widows .
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