Example sentences of "and [noun sg] within a " in BNC.

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1 To develop roles and narrative within a game and expand them into a drama .
2 If repatriation is not possible , the United Nations considers that integration and settlement within a refugee 's region is the next best alternative .
3 Part of the explanation is that the strike had ( like previous disputes ) left a legacy of financial burden and division within a much weakened union .
4 The work hovers in the Brahmsian shadows of the Clarinet Sonata by Ireland 's mentor Stanford , and is noteworthy for its extensive variations of mood and tonality within a complex single-movement structure .
5 ‘ I [ Lakatos ] give criteria of progression and stagnation within a programme and also rules for the ‘ elimination ’ of whole research programmes ’ .
6 Irenius begins his account with an expression of anxiety which reveals a number of linked issues which constantly crop up in Spenser 's writing : the establishment and maintenance of true religion and civilisation within a pattern of human development predetermined by the divine .
7 Finally , there is another aim which relates to both Sections A and B , and which none of the models has taken seriously enough : 7. help pupils to learn how to cope with controversy , complexity , confusion , and uncertainty within a safe environment , so that they are able to manage these unavoidable aspects of life without trying to resort to premature certainty , dogmatism or exclusivism .
8 The problem for the enquirer is to get behind these rationalizations to find out what experiences and interpretations of these are being repressed in order to make hypotheses about the ‘ felt ’ nature of the political relatedness between workers and management within a particular enterprise .
9 Formations of the more modern kinds may be seen to occur , typically , at points of transition and intersection within a complex social history , but the individuals who at once compose the formations and are composed by them have a further complex range of diverse positions , interests and influences , some of which are resolved ( if at times only temporarily ) by the formations , others of which remain as internal differences , as tensions , and often as the grounds for subsequent divergences , breakaways , breakups and further attempted formations .
10 What is essential or helpful or inspiring for any one pupil , group of pupils , or class will vary enormously , and therefore effective RE is inescapably dependent on the teacher 's skills and perceptiveness within a particular situation .
11 We can describe it as the seamless integration of data , text , images and sound within a single digital information environment .
12 At the outset it may be noted that the development of large-scale impersonal capitals , integrating purchasing , production and marketing within a multidivisional form , substantially increases the element of ‘ planning ’ within capitalism .
13 Pitt ( 1987 ) describes succinctly the incorporation of the approach and its direct relevance to the broad aims of normalisation and self-advocacy within a developing community support service .
14 It is recognised that the model of Attainment Targets , Strands and Levels , offers a well-structured instrument capable of providing progression and continuity within a spiral curriculum plan .
15 Goods and services produced according to global strategies now comprise more than half the total output , while by 1985 between a quarter and half of world trade ( varying according to economic sector ) was intrafirm , that is between buyer and seller within a single enterprise ( Strange , 1991 ) .
16 By a curious twist of fate , the prevailing socio-political conditions of the time were to give rise to a situation in which the French communist writer in the 1930s enjoyed relative freedom to give full artistic expression to the dominant themes of anti-fascism and anti-capitalism within a specifically French cultural context .
17 He still had I am a Fugitive in mind and he recalled how in that ‘ job ’ ( in itself a revealing word ) ‘ every man and woman within a hundred yards of camera range is acting his head off , figuring that he is a Clark Gable , or a Garbo ! ’
18 The pluralist answer to these arguments would not be to deny the existence of conflict ; on the contrary , one of the great virtues of the pluralist model in the eyes of its proponents is the emphasis on the positive benefits of conflict and diversity within a society .
19 An appealing and playful pet , it would imitate men 's voices and their habits , creating confusion and mischief within a household .
20 But they also begin to admit a clear differentiation between recitative , arioso , and song within a single piece .
21 The details of its form influence organizational behaviour and performance just as structure influences conduct and performance within a market system .
22 In Part II , we shall aim to give an account of the relation between stylistic choice and significance within a functional framework .
23 Anger needs expression and resolution within a manageable framework of time .
24 A more fundamental change in the course over the years is the emphasis on individual development and growth within a radical perspective .
25 This is another CD to offer alternative takes , although far more moderately than the Savoys , and which provides yet more insight into the fascinating process of invention , modification and progression within a jazz recording session .
26 The missiles would blast out of their launchers , navigate automatically across Europe , and land within a few metres of targets such as airfields , ports , power stations , dams and locks .
27 On the other hand , the school aped the traditions of the boys ' public schools , encouraging competitiveness and aggressiveness within a rigidly hierarchical structure which depended on eccentric but unbreakable rules .
28 We also learn that family structure and sentiments which we take for granted are by no means universal , that forms of government that seem inevitable and natural are not necessarily so ; we confront the unpalatable finding that a strong sense of brotherhood and identity within a community usually implies equally strong hostilities towards outsiders .
29 As the above indicates , the scrutiny process emphasizes action and implementation within a specified timetable .
30 ‘ The deaths of father and son within a few days of each other raise questions to which I have to find satisfactory answers .
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