Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [num] for " in BNC.

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1 In a budgeting process , rather than creating BUDGET 1 , BUDGET 2 and BUDGET 3 for the different assumptions , different users could have access to the same file and contribute and see each others ’ ideas . ’
2 The rights are set out in the Eighth Schedule to the 1971 Act and are divided into two parts : Part I allows for the full rebuilding of any building and Part II for its extension .
3 The NVQs being awarded by the CIOB and CITB are at Level Three for supervisors and Level Four for managers .
4 There are three variants to choose from — Level 1 fro Frequent Use , Level 2 for Extra Body and Level 3 for Dry and Treated Hair .
5 Binding of CytR to either of the two fragments result i the formation of only one retarded complex ( Fig. 3 upper panels , lane 2–5 for the wt-promoter and lane 2–5 for the promoter with the mutation at -75 ) ) .
6 ( See Tables 5.1 and 5.2 , and Chapter 8 for further discussion on this . )
7 Three young people 's clubs were popular : miniclubs ( Snow White and the Seventy Dwarfs ) for 4–9 olds , Club 13 for 10–13 and Club 18 for 14–18 years .
8 Walker 's Reflection 1 for MS-DOS and Reflection 1 for Windows are alternatives to HP AdvanceLink products , and are available to AdvanceLink users as trade-ins at $100 per user .
9 Compaq Computer Ltd is to bundle Microsoft 's Windows Sound System software into its DeskPro/i and DeskPro/M personal computers ; the software provides features like ‘ ProofReader ’ which speaks numbers and spreadsheet terms and which is supported by Excel 3.0 and 4.0 , and Lotus 1-2-3 for MS-Windows ; also there is voice recognition with Voice Pilot , a number of other audio recording and manipulation features and Music Box 2.0 for compact disk access and playback .
10 Well , the Purcell Quartet sometimes makes them sound soloistic ( by the characterful playing of Catherine Mackintosh in the Giga of Op. 2 No. 7 , for example ) and at other times orchestral ( as in the finales of Op. 1 No. 10 , with its wonderful echoes , and No. 11 for which Robert Woolley playfully provides a virtuoso obbligato on the organ ) .
11 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
12 The political scene in 1990 was dominated by the run-up to the November presidential elections [ see pp. 37850-51 ] , the continuous peace talks with the URNG , which failed to live up to the promise of the June agreement [ for 1990 peace talks see pp. 37372 ; 37527 ; 37707 ] , and the controversy with the US government over political assassinations by right-wing paramilitaries [ see p. 37311 for March 1990 withdrawal of US ambassador and p. 37912 for December suspension of US military aid ] .
13 Among the controversial issues which any negotiations would have to address were the following [ see also p. 36837 for so-called " Harare declaration " on ANC proposals for future negotiations , and p. 36912 for earlier policy guidelines ] : ( i ) nationalization : in press interviews in the days following his release , Mandela had reasserted the ANC 's stated policy of nationalizing certain sectors of the economy , including mines — this immediately provoked sharp falls on South African financial markets [ see also p. 37176 ] ; ( ii ) the armed struggle : Mandela had refused to renounce this policy , repeating on Feb. 14 that government installations were legitimate targets for sabotage [ ibid. ] ; ( iii ) power-sharing : the government and the ANC still appeared to be a long way apart on interpretation — the ANC for its part was not prepared to accept an arrangement similar to the current tri-cameral parliament ; ( iv ) sanctions : Mandela had already stated that " the conditions for which sanctions are being applied still exist " and thus there was no need for a review of the question [ for UK Prime Minister 's unilateral decision to break EC agreement on voluntary sanctions see below ] .
14 In Land elections in Hesse on Jan. 20 the CDU-FDP coalition lost its two-seat majority after four years in power [ see p. 35208 for April 1987 Land election and p. 36531 for March 1989 Hesse local elections ] .
15 These are mutations of Lys22 ( to Glu , Ala or Arg ) , whose side chain in the crystal structure makes contact with the phosphate backbone of the DNA ; Lys23 ( to Glu , Ala or Arg ) , which is hydrogen-bonded to the guanine residue at operator positions 2 , 7 , 10 and 15 ( see Table 1 and ref. 1 for details of numbering system ) ; and Thr25 ( to Val , Gln or Asn ) , which is hydrogen-bonded to N7 of the adenines at positions 3 , 6 , 11 and 14 of the operator .
16 A deduction is usually made from the pension with effect from age 65 for men and age 60 for women on account of National Insurance pensions .
17 Button one for yes , and button two for no .
18 Button one for yes , and button two for no .
19 Button one for yes and button two for no .
20 Button one for yes , and button two for no .
21 Button one for yes , and button two for no .
22 Button one , and button two for no .
23 Button one for yes , and button two for no .
24 Button one for yes , and button two for no .
25 Were looking at the body beautiful and what we do to achieve it , we all arrived in the world with more or less the same package of features , limbs , faces , torso 's , since then , all of us I bet have tried to improve or disguise the way we look , what do we do ? , why do we do it ? , well let's start with a few questions , er , are you , well let me ask you this do you have a beautiful body ? , button one for yes , and button two for no
26 any one you know have a beautiful body , button one for yes and button two for no ? er that 's interesting , almost a complete reversal there
27 Now confidence has manifested in lots and lots of ways and its appealing to that confidence as much as the insecurity , er that makes the advertiser 's and the manufacturer 's of all manner of products er , their huge profits , now I guess we all spend money on , on various products and er , do you , do you worry about how much you spend on the body beautiful or just the body ? , do you or , I mean does any , I wonder if you think you spend too much on it ? , let me ask you that , do you spend too much money on your body ? , er button one for yes and button two for no .
28 mm , I think maybe at the start though when I said do you have a beautiful body , maybe I asked the wrong questions , let me ask you this question at the end , do you like your body ? , er button one for yes and button two for no , and maybe we 'll get a different answer then , eighty five people said no they did n't have a beautiful body , but fifty six people here say yes they like their body , forty four is too many people who do n't , why not ? , who said no ? , why , why do n't you ? , yes
29 People have talked a bit about their children and er and , and how beautiful they are , supposing you were a fairy god mother and you were at a christening and you had a wand and you could endow one gift , would it be beauty ? , is beauty the most important gift ? , button one for yes and button two for no and I 'd love to go round the world and ask this question , but out of one hundred Scottish women seven of you say yes , but ninety three of you think there is a more important gift than beauty and what that might be we shall talk about another time , but for all thank you now , thank you for watching , good bye
30 well a number of things have come up so let's just take a couple of votes as er , from hearing from a few people and of which people have n't managed to speak so , first of all , er , er people talked about fear being larger than the incidence of assault , are you afraid to go out in the dark ? , button one for yes and button two for no do you find that your afraid to go out in the dark , and then this hundred and that 's a very , I mean that 's , that 's a very significant figure fifty seven out of this hundred women say yes that their afraid to go out in the dark from time to time , I mean that , that is not as it should be , let me ask you are you ever afraid in your own home ? , button one for yes and button two for no and that two is a very worrying figure , twenty nine of of this hundred say yes their afraid in their home , let me ask you this have you trained in self defence ? , button one for yes and button two for no , I mean its something that comes up from time to time and I do n't know what your view and whether or not its a good idea , well twelve of the hundred here have er , eighty eight say no , of those twelve would you recommend it ? , did it make you feel better ? , yes
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