Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 In this state , the chains are highly entangled , and as sufficient time must be allowed for the chains to diffuse into the three-dimensional order required for crystallite formation , the crystalline perfection of the sample is affected by the thermal history .
2 A group of villagers had spent the evening in the Red Lion , and after closing time Young did the run in the nude , some reports say as the result of a bet .
3 One option for Aldergrove would be a management-employee buy-out , and despite troubled times in the aviation industry , the Government is confident of a high level of interest .
4 It is certain that a great deal of such duplication has gone on , all over the chromosomes , and throughout geological time .
5 It stands at a point where firm ground lies close to the river Derwent , and from olden times has been the site of an important river crossing , first by ferry , later by bridge .
6 The Roman empire was no welfare state , and before Christian times in the West ( unlike the East ) care for the poor was rare .
7 His disciplinary record was appalling and in modern times only Willie Johnson of Rangers and Billy Bremner of Leeds come remotely close to seizing his crown .
8 In history and in modern times , any sporting pursuit which seriously engages blacks is sure to see them become the leaders in the field .
9 The courts have recognised that , whilst contracts in the first category , even though on standard terms , may be unobjectionable , very different criteria apply to those in the second category , and in modern times the courts have generally been vigilant to prevent the abuse of contracts of adhesion by parties with stronger market power , especially in the context of " consumer " dealings .
10 The cave has long been known ; one inscription bears the date 1655 , and in Victorian times it was a showplace , a charge for admission being payable at Braida Garth farm down the valley .
11 The Commissioners awarded a further penalty of £1,080 , finding that the taxpayer was prevaricating and that as a professional man he had failed to give proper priority to disclosing building society information in full and in good time .
12 signal clearly and in good time before making any turn or changing lanes
13 signal clearly and in good time before making any turn or changing lanes
14 signal clearly and in good time before making any turn or changing lanes
15 To be of any use they must be given clearly and in good time .
16 I know what that man owes to Harry , and what to me , and I have kept the account , and in good time I shall take what is due .
17 Meantime , the Brothers exercised , recited litanies , incanted the familiar battle-prayers , meditated , now and then duelled , tested themselves upon algometric pain-meters … and in spare time they scrimshandered the bones of the dead .
18 Historic Carmarthen holds a special place in Welsh history and in Roman times was one of only two fortress towns in the Principality .
19 It therefore adjoins Ursa Major , and in ancient times Thuban or Alpha Draconis used to be the north polar star .
20 The jet industry based on north-east Yorkshire and in historical times focussed on Whitby was active from late Neolithic to Victorian times , a span of over four thousand years .
21 In good times and in tough times ?
22 In spite of a positive measure for both types in this case the masquerade is not permanent and in infinite time there is full revelation of types .
23 These factories , which produced a range of goods from shoes to armour , brought in a regular profit for their owners , but the reliance on slave labour had disadvantages from the owners ' point of view ; the market for industrial goods was uncertain , and in slack times , when it was difficult to sell the products from the workshop , slaves still had to be fed and housed , even though their labour brought no immediate return for the owner .
24 The direction or signal by the officer should be given clearly and in sufficient time for the defendant to stop .
25 ( 4 ) Shareholders must be given sufficient information and advice to enable them to reach a properly informed decision and in sufficient time to do so .
26 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
27 Her sheer emotional and physical energy nevertheless took its physical toll , and at various times in her life she abused alcohol and drugs as well as notching up a significant number of car accidents of varying degrees of seriousness .
28 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 31 July 1985 and 28 February 1990 audited the accounts of a limited company , a company in which his wife was a shareholder and at various times an office holder , resulting in him not being free of any interest which might detract or be seen to detract from his professional independence and integrity was reprimanded and ordered to pay £600 by way of costs .
29 Priests take an oath of allegiance to the bishop at their induction into their livings and at set times , often on Maundy Thursday , they will renew their vows .
30 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
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