Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I passed at this point MacArthur said perhaps I would like to hear his summary as a soldier and as no businessman or textile expert .
2 The lack of space , the cold , the absence of hot water — all these contingencies I negotiated with the skills I had acquired in domestic science ( my best subject ) and as a Girl Guide .
3 In this way he saw that Man was truly made in the Image of God : ‘ The primary Imagination I hold to be the living power and prime agent of all human perception , and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM ’ ( Biographia Literaria , xiii ) .
4 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
5 " When it was done She expressed Her complete satisfaction with the statue both as a portrait and as a work of art , — I particularly asked the Bishop about that last point .
6 As well as providing a useful way of looking at people 's response to the Earth through the physical structures which have survived , and as a way of interpreting legend , the Spectrum of Response is also a framework into which we can fit our own relationship to the landscape .
7 For pre-school children , it is suggested that the BPVT might be used as a screening instrument to identify children who may require some form of special or compensatory provision , and as a way of indicating a child 's readiness for reading .
8 Fairs are useful for meeting potential new clients and as a way to introduce ourselves .
9 On the other hand , many councils saw service decentralisation , area budgeting and community councils as a move towards involving local people in the difficult decisions that cuts involved , and as a way of improving their efficiency .
10 I have found all these meetings extremely valuable as a means of keeping in touch with UK and international developments in the environment field , and as a way of feeding in views from Wales .
11 We then telephoned for an ambulance , got her admitted into hospital , and finally wrote a letter of admittance as well — both as a formality , and as a way of stating the patient 's medical history , and the findings of the doctor after an examination .
12 However , these changes can be seen as largely superficial of and as a way of retaining the power of autocracy rather than as a genuine effort in creating a constitutional state .
13 From reassuring teenage youths about masturbation to his work as a sex therapist dealing with all shades of sexual and emotional problem ( and as a consultant to Forum magazine ) , he has remained totally unshockable .
14 I think ‘ deconstructing ’ is the right word for Muriel Gray because she 's quite spiky ; she 's very clear about her own views as a Scottish Nationalist and as a feminist ; she 's unconventionally dressed and she did ‘ deconstruct ’ television very effectively , albeit often quite didactically , on The Media Show .
15 It is now used as a television relay station and as a sluice for the Fish Dock ( q.v . )
16 ‘ Working with Soul II Soul is definitely to this point the most rewarding experience I 've had as an artist and as a person
17 He mattered to Shelley very much — as a doctor and as a person , and she could n't bear to think of him losing that precious heart to this young girl , who regarded him just as someone to pay her bills .
18 Indeed she appears to be beautiful both physically and as a person .
19 Dundee grew as a port and as a centre for the only jute industry in Britain .
20 Easily Accessible : The location is excellent both for touring south west Scotland by car and as a centre for walking .
21 The importance of the role of the sickle cell centre as a source of advice for sufferers and their families and as a centre for dissemination of information to the community can not be overemphasised .
22 And as a child his own household included not only his father 's father but his mother 's grandmother , who spent most of her days hidden away ‘ in her own cabin ’ , but who would emerge on Sundays , always knitting a long stocking .
23 . ’ To the non-musician , the name Mozart means the archetypal prodigy , the boy who started composing at four years old , and as a child touring the courts of Europe astounded monarchs with his amazing aptitude for keyboard playing ; who at 14 copied out from memory a complex choral piece heard once in the Sistine Chapel ; who died in mysterious circumstances and was given a pauper 's funeral in an unmarked grave .
24 Already the various structural elements in Nizan 's psychology are becoming apparent : a brooding sense of death nurtured in his formative months and years as an infant and as a child ; a childhood admiration for the values and life-style of his father , a man exuding certainty , conviction and power , a man involved in the practical problems of everyday existence ; a corresponding indifference for the seemingly hollow existence of his mother preoccupied with family duties , social functions and religious rites ; an implicit recognition that the path to be followed was to be located somewhere in the dynamic working-class origins of his father rather than in the passive middle-class origins of his mother ; a sense of loneliness as a child compensated by a deeply experienced relationship with his father , an idol , the source of knowledge and truth .
25 And as a child did you know that that you you did n't use this room to ?
26 N well I , I , I had , why I was so positive about it , I had an uncle who had it very badly and as a child I was very aware of his hands , they were quite inhuman looking , they were that shape , and you know everything he did he , he had to that and that 's remained in my mind that when I got it I though I wo n't have the hands like that so I r I w I go , I went to sleep , I still do it , every night , spread my hands , the last thing I think about , spread the hands .
27 He was educated in Falmouth , and as a child he was interested in natural history .
28 And we can join together in groups and as a society to treat other people or other groups very badly indeed .
29 ‘ It 's being done quietly and as a society perhaps we are not so concerned .
30 Public care is seen as inevitably damaging the psychological health of the child and as a verdict on the parents ' abilities to offer appropriate care .
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