Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Berkoff demands high technical skill , but is wide open to raw interpretations , and as such offers a lot to the auditioning student .
2 Colin Newman , business manager of the Dublin , Eire company acknowledges the other object managers already in the market from the likes of Hewlett-Packard Co and Hyperdesk Inc , but argues that Orbix is the first CORBA-compliant one to be built from scratch and as such scores in terms of size and efficiency .
3 Colin Newman , business manager of the Dublin , Eire company acknowledges the other object managers already in the market from the likes of Hewlett-Packard Co and Hyperdesk Inc , but argues that Orbix is the first CORBA-compliant one to be built from scratch and as such scores in terms of size and efficiency .
4 This is because multi-way nodes are represented via alternative ( brother ) pointers , and as new words are added , non-words are often introduced .
5 The applications of copper-based metals were extensive , and as new alloys became available through developments in smelting they were exploited in new ways .
6 The Derby Mercury published on 12 December a description it would not have dared print a week earlier : ‘ They were dressed in dirty plaids and as dirty shirts , without breeches and some without shoes .
7 His new friends urged him to go to France , where he could do effective political work among the thousands of Vietnamese the war had brought to Europe to fight as soldiers , in the labour corps , and as civilian employees replacing the French who were fighting .
8 Foremen are promoted from the ranks of production workers and as pivotal intermediaries they have quasi-managerial status .
9 His waters were drunk for their health-giving properties and as refreshing beverages , sometimes mixed with syrup or wine .
10 It has engaged local authorities and local communities as participants and consultees in the strategy making process and as joint actors in regeneration projects .
11 The Taylors ' main aim is to make their guests feel very welcome and as committed Christians they are happy to see the Mount Hotel used as a retreat .
12 Depressed women were described as onset cases if their symptoms had begun ( at a caseness level ) , at some point during the previous twelve months , and as chronic cases if their symptoms had begun before this .
13 True , without error , certain and most true ; that which is above is as that which is below , and that which is below is as that which is above , for performing the miracles of the One Thing ; and as all things were from One , by the mediation of One , so all things arose from this One Thing by adaptation ; the father of it is the Sun , the mother of it is the Moon ; the wind carries it in its belly ; the nurse thereof is the Earth .
14 Furthermore , as scales can begin on any note , and as all notes are equal , there is no ‘ tonic ’ and no effect of ‘ supertonic ’ , ‘ mediant ’ , etc .
15 And as all men know , he was out of the enclave that night , with leave , though leave he got by deceit .
16 And as all sports are matched to your own ability , you can keep up with an old favourite or try your hand at something new .
17 As the political scene in Europe changes with each day and as political boundaries are in the process of being redrawn into smaller units , based on racial , religious or cultural differences , so one fears an increased intensity of nationalistic , as opposed to patriotic passions .
18 Finally , we have shown here that DNase I hypersensitivity sites can be used to pinpoint interesting regions of specific importance to the expression of the class II MHC Ea gene , both as composing part of a locus control region , and as possible markers for B cell commitment .
19 Quite how they will choose to vote is less certain , however , as the poll tax becomes labelled ‘ a Tory tax ’ and as environmental issues and collapsing public services assume a higher priority .
20 As sound principles come to be reflected in legal phrases and in parliamentary orders , and as good intentions begin to generate a huge superstructure of bureaucracy , there are many causes for concern .
21 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
22 Within the judicial system solicitors are appointed as masters and registrars of the Chancery Division , taxing masters , Official Solicitor , bankruptcy registrars , district registrars of the High Court , registrars of county courts , stipendiary magistrates , recorders ( and , by way of promotion , circuit judges ) , magistrates ' clerks , and as various kinds of clerk in the Supreme Court , the last with opportunities of promotion ( see later , under Civil Service ) .
23 Patrilocal residence , where women join the households of their husbands rather than vice versa , and the continued strength of the system of domestic production , where families consume most of what they produce rather than buy and sell in the market , have always been seen as obstacles to capitalist development in the Third World and as strong reinforcements for the maintenance of feudal-patriarchal relations .
24 Editor , — As training grade doctors participating in the task force process in Trent region , and as executive members of the Junior Doctors Committee , we have seen the intolerable pressures placed on medical staffing numbers in pursuit of the controls on working hours .
25 This month 's delicious dinner party is just right for fraught festive days — and as end-of-the-year budgets are likely to be tight , none of the wines the GH team chose is expensive .
26 There they were more important in train handling and as sectional Points .
27 Hospitals in England and Wales need 8,500 donations of blood every day of the year and as medical techniques become more sophisticated , the demand is rising steadily .
28 The importance of such skills in enabling school-leavers to present themselves with confidence and to function effectively within the world of work and as responsible citizens is clear .
29 As public education developed in the middle of the nineteenth century , and as public funds were allocated for this purpose , it was considered that central government should oversee what was taught in schools .
30 This essay was a theoretical account of Apollo and Dionysus in their various guises : as deities within Greek religion ; as expressions of opposing attitudes to , or philosophies of life ; and as artistic forces in Greece and elsewhere .
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