Example sentences of "of their [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 At the conclusion of their day the Caddie Master Tom Gould , and a John Holton played a three-hole match , presumably on the 1st , 2nd and 18th holes and presumably only for fun , their scores being 38 and 39 , quoted as 16–7–15 and 9–12–18 .
2 In considering the exercise of their powers the local authority must take into account matters which they ought to take into account , ignore matters which they ought not to take into account and then reach a decision which is not so unreasonable that no reasonable local authority could have come to it .
3 Training will be carefully controlled and under the terms of their contract the company is still accountable to the Home Secretary .
4 In the course of their work the professional-managerial class develop techniques to control the working class .
5 Groups of GPs will negotiate and buy from the hospitals of their choice the ordinary range of services their patients need .
6 The parish representatives will have the opportunity to discuss with the Agencies of their choice the forms of support which they need to have in their task of bringing alive the mission statement of each parish .
7 One of their champions the prominent politician Jack Ashley , who remains an elected Member of Parliament after having been deafened at the age of forty-five , expressed their feelings in a speech delivered in 1973 : the deaf must adopt a very different attitude to society as a whole …
8 Even among women who are sure of their dates the incidence of post-term pregnancy can be halved if an early ultrasound scan is performed .
9 In a statement this evening , Thames Water apologized for the inconvenience caused , but said they must always give the welfare of their customers the highest priority .
10 ‘ Through the forced upgrading of their stadia the clubs got the chance to change their market , from a mixed business economy working and middle class fans to a single economy attracting the the middle classes , ’ says Alex Fynn , an adviser to the Football Association and head of sports marketing at advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi .
11 In the execution of their duties the foresters often had to contend with armed bands of desperate men ; in many cases they were beaten and even killed while attempting to arrest Forest offenders .
12 But so long as English law refuses to recognise that parent companies are under a legal as well as a moral obligation to meet the debts of their subsidiaries the group accounts are largely irrelevant so far as creditors are concerned since they normally have resort only against the individual company with which they have dealt .
13 In the eyes of their betters the rank and file of the peasantry formed a single class with the labouring poor , the customary epithet ‘ the poor commons , covering them all .
14 In the case of a bridal couple the ideology is that during the initiatory phase of their marriage the groom and his bride are playing out the roles of a god and a goddess ; when they resume their life as ordinary mortals their dangerous divinity must be removed . )
15 For much of their service the Perths operated from Mount Batten , flew exercises over the Irish Sea , participated in naval manoeuvres by co-operating with the British Fleet , and used Stranraer as a second base .
16 As we have seen , most of the principal theories of literature discussed in this book have included as part of their purpose the creation of a scientific basis for the study of literature .
17 Members must fulfil to the best of their ability the contractual obligations owed to their employer .
18 Members must fulfil to the best of their ability the contractual obligations owed to their employer .
19 They will also report to Conservative Members of Parliament within the area of their responsibility the views of constituencies not represented by a Conservative Member of Parliament .
20 Classical scholars among us will all , as students , have stood in awe of our seniors who , given a rare Greek word , could pluck out of their memories the ten contexts in different classical authors in which it was used .
21 Whatever the description the result for such individuals who take up this role is that their lives are beset by disappointment and frustration because the remainder mobilise in their own defence of their egos the kinds of myths I have indicated , or withdraw in a schizoid way .
22 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
23 While sectoral organizations have a critique of the society relating to the experiences and fields of interest of their membership the popular movement unifies around political , social and economic issues which are key to the crisis facing Philippine society .
24 In some of their talk the Shah had seemed drained by events .
25 More resources are required and one has to acknowledge that because of their absence the teaching profession is wary of accepting additional responsibilities .
26 At the end of their set the roadie applauded wildly , and everyone else wandered back to the bar .
27 Within the constraints of their courses the institutions then attempt to match potential projects to the interests and availability of individual students .
28 Vessey and colleagues are unfortunate that over the period of their study the goal posts have moved significantly , with a greater use of laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool and a change in our understanding of what visually constitutes the diagnosis of endometriosis .
29 He also consulted protestant church leaders on the religious elements of the new constitution , a step unprecedented in catholic Ireland of his day , and gained their support on the basis of the recognition of their churches the constitution was to give .
30 And as the economic constraints push more and more farmers towards the rationalization of their enterprises the proportion of farmers ( and of the countryside ) to whom this applies is likely to increase .
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