Example sentences of "of a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The mischief of a contrary course pointed out .
2 However , the pre-eminent impression of the 1970s and 1980s is of a contrary trend : increasing centralisation .
3 That he could even think of illustrating that perversity with purveyors of a contrary cosmology suggests that his opposition was born of the common conviction that a moving earth violated common sense .
4 In the absence of a contrary statement in the contract between X and Y Ltd. , property will normally have passed by virtue of sections 16–18 of the Sale of Goods Act ( paragraphs 3–07 to 3–24 ) .
5 Dissenters from this discredited and scientifically arid theory were banished , or worse , and the Soviet scientific literature was purged of any and all data of a contrary nature .
6 It is not easy to find a general definition of the normal meaning of irony , but it usually stands for a process by which the content of a statement is qualified either by the reader 's attribution of a contrary intention to the author , or by the reader 's awareness of factors that are in conflict in one way or another with what is being said .
7 For , in the absence of a contrary agreement with the original lessor , the original tenant remains liable throughout the entire term of the lease irrespective of the fact that he or she may have assigned or sold the tenancy to another .
8 Nonetheless , the auctioneer does not , in the absence of a contrary agreement , warrant the vendor 's title .
9 That was followed by an unnecessary operation to remove her appendix and the eventual discovery of a contraceptive device left inside her body by mistake .
10 The episteme rather delineates what Foucault calls a ‘ cluster of transformations ’ ; these , he suggests , enable the substitution of ‘ differentiated analyses for the themes of a totalising history :
11 The vestibule leading to the Governor 's quarters was the mouth of a toothed monstrosity .
12 An example of a profit-oriented organization is of course a public limited company , while an example of a Type B non-profit is a local government , because it receives the bulk of its finance from taxes , grants and borrowings .
13 It subsequently transpired that the conveyancing arrangements I have described were part of a fraudulent scheme of the Hammonds to obtain money for themselves using the property as security .
14 But a justice ministry spokesman said yesterday : ‘ The state prosecutor found no evidence to suggest the loan was of a fraudulent nature and the ministry decided there were no grounds to extend the ( judge 's ) mandate . ’
15 ( In the case of a fraudulent misrepresentation , the purchaser is allowed a reasonable length of time from when he discovers it to be untrue . )
16 But since on this occasion the words were dictated to the child it is more likely to be the child 's efforts to repeat the sound to herself and to write down her idea of a phonic equivalent .
17 Thru demonstrates by means of a parodic conflation and manipulation of selected literary theories the problems inherent in such an approach to literature , and it uncovers the value-laden stories which subtend it .
18 I am interested in an aspect of it which exists , it at all , in terms of that contradiction — of a parodic critique of the essence of sensibility as conventionally understood .
19 An indulgence constituting a common feature of commercial life is that of waiver which is essentially acceptance of a substituted performance .
20 But anything of a bigger scale that involves attracting the public or rallying the faithful or listening to a guest speaker does need forethought and care if it is not to be a shambles .
21 In fact , the most popular dog continues to be the German Shepherd , with the Dobermann a perennial favourite and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier enjoying a surge of support among white householders in search of a bigger bite .
22 So sealing , if it were to be done , would have to be done in strength ( by the eager-to-help Russians ? ) , along two borders , in the knowledge that frontier-patrolling might be the start of a bigger involvement .
23 He had relegated the match to part of a bigger event as he thought people wanted more entertainment .
24 If we would give him half an hour to get over the shock of his resurrection he would quietly sit down with a piece of paper ( the back of a bigger envelope , I suppose ) and would work out the relevant design formulae .
25 In California , Wells Fargo 's acquisition of Crocker National in 1986 is an example of a bigger deal that was planned and executed with military precision .
26 well th the , the people who have the actual lease of the offices have gone out o er gone out of business in a sense , they 're no longer operating and because , they were part of a bigger organization , that bigger organization guaranteed the rents .
27 Mrs Thatcher , although she has criticised the Delors monetary union plan for being ‘ undemocratic , ’ is determined to try to exclude consideration of a bigger role for the European Parliament from the Rome Treaty review process .
28 the legal costs of sale and purchase of property including solicitor 's fees and stamp duty , £3,750 ; estate agent 's commission , £750 ; bridging finance ( one month at 13% ) , £758 ; cost associated with mortgages , in particular the additional cost of a bigger mortgage to cover the greater cost of housing ( company loan over 3 years ) , £1,500 ; cost of removal and , if necessary , storage , including insurance , £500 ; hotel and travel expenses including visits by wife to area to see houses , ( 15 weeks away from home plus two visits by wife ) , £2,420 ; cost of alterations to carpets and curtains , re-installing appliances , connecting telephone etc , alterations to property , redecoration and refurbishment , school uniforms and other educational expenses , maintenance , etc. of vacant , unsold property and miscellaneous incidental costs including vet 's fees , kennels , etc. , £2,000 .
29 ‘ It might be part of a bigger picture . ’
30 The ability of a bigger bank to absorb a smaller one into its systems is a main reason why purchases of smaller banks bring up to three times bigger savings than mergers of equals .
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