Example sentences of "of a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 We therefore have to know : what sort of presence could there be of a God to whom there applied none of the limitations that applied to finite human existence ?
2 The package also has improved ability to construct hypertext links , so that readers can jump from one part of a document to a linked part with a simple click .
3 PAMELA : If that is the answer of a gentleman to such a one as I , it would not , I dare say , be the answer of a gentleman to a gentleman .
4 PAMELA : If that is the answer of a gentleman to such a one as I , it would not , I dare say , be the answer of a gentleman to a gentleman .
5 It is possible , therefore , to apply the considerable power of a computer to the process .
6 Such characteristics could have a corrosive and debilitating effect on the entire staff of a school to the obvious detriment of children as well as teachers .
7 There are a number of different levels at which the information content of a vibrational spectrum can be analyzed to allow identification of a sample to be made , or to allow conclusions to be drawn about its structure .
8 Calibration of the instrument will allow the heat capacity of a sample to be calculated in a quantitative manner .
9 ( No. 2 ) [ 1990 ] 2 Lloyds Rep. 526 Hirst l-held that it was a dear benefit or an avoidance of a disbenefit to the defendants that the plaintiffs agreed to take delivery of a ship on the contract date since —
10 The government argued that the previous system distorted business competition through the variation in rate poundages across the country ; further , that it undermined the accountability of a council to the people in its area .
11 In an exchange of letters with lay critics of the Royal Society of Chemistry-s award of a fellowship to the ‘ world-ranking scientist and academician ’ , J. S. Gow , the Society 's Secretary-General , had tried to distance it from the Romanian laureate .
12 ‘ It 's best to have one yearly , after forty , and quite frankly — your breasts are a bit of a nightmare to a doctor . ’
13 Silverberg became something of a hero to Clift , but analysis did n't help .
14 In the apt selection of active incidents , the clear response of a hero to the challenge of danger and the support of interesting detail , Forester 's books followed the conventions of adventure-story which had governed ‘ boys ' stories ’ for two centuries and the undercurrent of irony in the presentation of Hornblower as reluctant hero was hardly insistent enough to perplex immature readers .
15 I was a port in the storm of a marriage to which , fundamentally , he was totally committed .
16 The question of whether the cash equivalent of a benefit to an employee should be calculated as the marginal cost or average cost of providing the benefit is currently under consideration by the House of Lords , in the case of Pepper v Hart .
17 It was clear to The Times that bankruptcy was far less of a protection to creditors than a licence to dishonest traders to speculate with other persons ' property .
18 Mathematicians have chosen the anticlockwise rotation of a vector to be positive .
19 The interest in terrorism of the man born 52 years ago at Harrow-on-the Hill , the son of a clerk to a Scottish distillery , seems unlikely .
20 He then took various jobs including that of a clerk to an estate agent , a shop assistant in a department store and even as a tea taster for a firm of tea merchants .
21 They came from almost every variety of home , from one grandson of a duke to the son of someone who survived on a small-holding .
22 The component parts of the woodwork for the sides , backs and quarters were assembled in jigs by a gang of finishers , and when completed they were transferred by means of a conveyor to the trimmers , who were supplied with cloth and other material cut to the correct size and stitched .
23 But he stresses that the progress in contemplative experience , reformation in feeling developing from reformation in faith , is part of an organic process of growth to a peace and fulfilment the longing for which is innate in man who may mistakenly and unnaturally think it resides in material circumstances : Scale 2 is pervaded by a sense of the reality of a dimension to human experience beyond the confines of time and sin , though it is only accessed through them .
24 He said on the old shillings I want Neil 's bed but it were n't that cos he 's bit of a fun to , you know , you know
25 Some States may have interests arising out of a treaty to which they are parties , and which is to be interpreted or applied by the Court .
26 A State is bound by a provision of a treaty to which it is not a party if : ( a ) the parties … intended that the provision in question should be the means of creating a legal obligation binding upon that particular State or class of States to which it belongs ; and ( b ) that State has expressly or impliedly consented to the provision .
27 A State exercising a right by a provision of a treaty to which it is not a party is bound to comply with any conditions laid down in that provision , or elsewhere in the treaty for the exercise of the right .
28 Obligations and rights arise for States members of an international organisation from the provisions of a treaty to which that organisation is a party when the parties to the treaty intend those provisions to be the means of establishing such obligations and according such rights and have defined their conditions and effects in the treaty or have otherwise agreed thereon , and if :
29 At a meeting with seven US senators in Moscow on April 13 , President Gorbachev " stressed his determination " to make enough progress on the START negotiations to allow the main provisions of a treaty to be initialled at the Washington summit , according to the leader of the delegation , Senator George Mitchell .
30 Administration of a drug to the mother also means its administration to the fetus or neonate through placental transfer or breast milk .
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