Example sentences of "of the time when " in BNC.

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1 Each reflects something of the period and quality of the music , the period being of the time when written by the composer or when presented as a ballet and the quality being that inspired in the choreographer by the composer .
2 I am reminded of the time when we were leaving Italy after a while in the Dolomites and spent all our Italian cash in the last café making a phone call , only to find that the café owner was adding a surcharge to the bill .
3 The memory was still fresh of the time when he was considered a world-beater , and in receipt of so much weight from Arkle he could certainly be given a realistic chance .
4 The circumstances in which this was adopted as an epoch , instead of the time when the Prophet was either born or entrusted with his divine mission or died , are explained by al-Biruni ( AD 973– c. 1050 ) in his great work The Chronology of Ancient Nations .
5 We can at least be sure of the time when the town died , because apart from the abrupt halt in telegraph traffic , the big clock on the Military Hospital was found intact in the smouldering ruins , with its hands stopped at 07.52 .
6 There was , presumably , a sound evolutionary reason for the fact that no one had yet designed a lavatory in which the occupant faced away from the door , some relic of the time when primitive man was most at risk when at stool , but it did mean that the lavatory user was finely tuned to the approach of strangers .
7 But many parents will welcome the arrival of the time when it is possible to share interests and to talk together in a more adult way .
8 Dear Guitarist Catching Nirvana 's ‘ performance ’ on the recent MTV Video Music Awards I was reminded of the time when , as a youngster , the guitar-smashing exploits of my heroes — the likes of Townshend and Hendrix — left a bad taste in my mouth .
9 Could it be that , like me , more and more readers are dreaming of the time when they can either afford to move home or , at the very least , redecorate their existing one ?
10 Now that the Island is well into the fiftieth anniversary of its defence from the Axis powers , surely this is a fitting moment for further funds to be channelled into this splendid method of showing Maltese too young to have experienced the era , and the world at large , of the time when Malta stood alone .
11 Altogether , in his connections and his habits of thought , he was a bishop of the old school , of the time when secular and ecclesiastical affairs were totally intertwined .
12 Nor do I mean that it bears the imprint of the time when it arose .
13 Knitting was a painful business for me , but it was absorbing , and I 'd lost track of the time when I heard crashing footsteps approaching and a determined bang on the door .
14 There are two pightles in this parish , both referring to elongated pieces of land , relics of the time when such shapes were left at the edge of a field after it had been divided up for strip-cultivation .
15 ‘ When the conflict is bitter , think of the time when you were not your own masters , how its bitterness can never be forgotten !
16 By , by the end of the time when I er did the address I had about ten hearts all over the screen .
17 ‘ It is a story of the Myrcans , and of the time when they first came to Minginish to take service with the people of the Vale and the Dales . ’
18 One can only see such decisions , though , against the social and political conditions of the time when such a choice was made , and in the light of contemporary warfare and weaponry .
19 She stepped into the brightly varnished launch , aided by a uniformed boatman , trying not to think of the time when Lucenzo would bow out of her life .
20 ‘ Keep it to remind you of the time when Eddie 's little sister was n't good enough for you ! ’
21 Safety is to be judged in terms of the time when the product was supplied .
22 " Im say that er , you know sound it a sort t'ing for big people cause when me get stab up whe me go say , me mudder go star% argue wiv me , because when most of the time when you go sound you know trouble an " all that does arise .
23 The exclusion of certain clergy is less easy to justify ( a relic of the time when religious disputes were at the heart of national affairs ) , as is the exclusion of 18- to 20-year-olds : when the voting age was lowered in 1969 , the age of eligibility for candidature was not .
24 And the rest of the time when we 're facing away from Hello Mrs Lawrence .
25 She says ; It is very important to have a memory of the time when people were here and to be able to record it in the hospital is very important .
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