Example sentences of "of her at all " in BNC.

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1 Apart from that initial glimpse of them both getting out of the car , I literally have no image of her at all .
2 It was a relief when others came , others who took no notice of her but , if they thought of her at all , must think her as seasoned a traveller as they .
3 At first she tried not to stare at him , knowing how the feeling of someone looking over her own shoulder made her clumsy , but soon it became clear that he was no longer aware of her at all .
4 But when the time finally arrived , he had n't seen any sign of her at all .
5 He was working quickly , efficiently , and without , it seemed , taking any notice of her at all .
6 And he did n't take any notice of what she was asking or saying and he did n't take any notice of her at all .
7 In the past , he had only ever spoken well of his mother , when he spoke of her at all .
8 This Sara Monroe was much prettier than he had expected , judging from the numerous snaps and photographs of her at all stages of her development from baby to schoolgirl to young woman , which were strewn about Moorlake House .
9 He had n't revised his opinion of her at all !
10 But erm , I have n't seen much of her at all this week , because erm , they 've all been out , I mean , they went up to London to see Miss Saigon , and they were gon na go out for a meal up there , and
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