Example sentences of "of these [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 sort of well we ca n't pay this that and the other and the thing that really gets me and , and , you know , I , I 've tried to reason it through so many times but top er top of these mums ' sort of shopping list is these disposable nappies
2 Minton 's zestful response not only captures in vivid terms the quality of these artists ' work , but it also reveals his own anxiety about what contemporary art should do and be .
3 The result is that the shock of these artists ' social criticism is defused .
4 Both of these companies ' products should be available through any good tackle dealer .
5 As regards finding more ‘ absolute ’ tempo area indications for automatic mechanical instruments : there are mechanical noises on the recordings I made of the 1793 and undated Niemecz mechanical organs associated with the turning of these instruments ' flywheels .
6 I have taken a particular reading of the work of both Lévi-Strauss and Barthes that emphasizes the influence of structuralist linguistics but points to the progression of these writers ' ‘ structuralism ’ away from linguistic analysis .
7 Erm but some of these childrens ' addresses that we 've had at St Paul 's they are very interesting and you get something out of them .
8 Basically what they do is they stick you in one of these divers ' decompression chambers ,
9 Her studies were remarkable ; as a young woman Madame had filled eighteen notebooks with summaries of these women 's careers , reading them very literally as sources of practical advice , in much the same way as she had taught herself to understand stock management and how to do her own accounts .
10 Discontinuous employment was an integral part of these women 's working lives .
11 The success of these women 's societies , which were not formally recognized by the university until 1910 , depended on voluntary support by dons and their wives : Bertha Johnson made it her life 's work .
12 Some of these rats ' calls may be heard by dogs , which can detect frequencies up to 40 000 hertz , while that expert mouser , the cat , can hear sounds as high as 70 000 hertz .
13 During the last few years , we have begun to learn something of these mothers ' true feelings from the women who suffered the regime at first hand : what stands out in such accounts is the emotion which is still generated in the mother by her own memories .
14 Fanged skulls with potent crosses adorned the knee joints of these warriors ' armour .
15 Well the other evening they were showing something on T V , one of these doctors ' , doctors ' practices that are opting out or whatever .
16 Despite great variations of height and build , and the remarkable gazelle-like quality of Mark Lorimer , which brings to mind Michael Clark , there is perfect homogeneity in the persuasive power of these dancers ' performances , proffering a sensationally satisfying experience .
17 Alternatively , in some countries previously without a daily paper it has been the government which has started one : there would probably be no daily newspaper in the Central African Republic , Botswana , Niger , Mauritania or Chad had each of these countries ' governments not decided to finance one .
18 A dish in any Pacific city east of the longitude of Mexico City — Lima , say , or Quito , or Santiago — will be cranked down in the direction of an equally low point on the eastern horizon — for just as American naval vessels involved in exercises off the Pacific coasts of Peru , Ecuador or Chile are regarded as being part of the US Atlantic Fleet , so communicators , for reasons of pure geometry , think of these countries ' capital cities as part of the Atlantic communications network .
19 Now see how many of these countries ' capital cities you can name and fit them into the grid .
20 the replacement of these institutes ' funds from local private sector sponsors with central government funding via the ARC .
21 Apart from that somewhat exceptional period , in which members of these magnates ' entourages were rewarded with Gascon pos-itions , the great majority of local offices in the administration were tena-ciously held by the Gascon nobility .
22 According to Moscovici , so great is the qualitative difference that the widespread beliefs of modern society should not even be called ‘ common sense ’ : ‘ In societies like ours , there are no longer myths , nor even ‘ common sense ’ , in the correct meaning of these terms ' ( Moscovici , 1984 : 953 ) .
23 Such enthusiasm may have had as much to do with the excited nationalism of wartime , as any substantial appreciation of these films ' merits , and it should not be supposed that British filmmakers had universally gone from being dull and unimaginative to become masters of the cinematic art .
24 Because they copy their neighbours they will be affected by the results of these units ' psychology tests , break tests , and so on .
25 What of the future and of the role that the profession can play in supporting the reforming nature of these bodies ' work ?
26 We had doubts in our minds about the strength of these children 's attachment to their adoptive parents and though our sample group is very small , we would like to pose the hypothesis that ‘ severing children 's meaningful emotional links with members of their birth families limits their capacity for full attachment to their new families ’ .
27 The authors are united in their concern for the quality of these children 's early experiences , although they disagree markedly in the solutions they offer .
28 Three of these patients ' organisms were also resistant to streptomycin .
29 We tell ourselves that it 's something we should be starting on " one of these days ' .
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