Example sentences of "of they went [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The two of them went outside , and the old gentleman said , ‘ I got your letter , my child , but it was n't necessary .
2 And a lot of them went away after .
3 ‘ We wanted people to enjoy an afternoon in the pub without alcohol and hopefully a lot of them went away reassured . ’
4 When we all went to the pub and some of them went up and got non-alcoholic drinks and that , and they all said they could n't go into a pub and do that and they done it , no problem .
5 Mind , she did n't go out this afternoon cos they went , some of them went up to the British Legion Club this afternoon .
6 You got about five of them went round giving them to other people just so you could say that to Chris did n't you ?
7 At the same time , as a result of Spanish-American fiction 's growing popularity , the work of the earlier writers mentioned became more widely known and some of them went on to enhance their reputation by producing new works in the 1960s and 1970s .
8 The staff were young , enthusiastic and of high quality — many of them went on to high positions .
9 A friend he had not seen for ages came into the bar with his wife , and , in the end , the three of them went on somewhere for dinner .
10 But a fair number of them went on to greater things .
11 Many of them went on to fly , and some of them to die , for their country .
12 Many of them went only partly for the money .
13 ‘ Then two older boys came along on bikes and one of them went off to get help . ’
14 Shots on target Leeds — 17 Crewe — 2 ( And one of them went in ! )
15 On the evenings when the three of them went abroad together , the worst of the heat over , Wilson felt more content than at any other time , more part of a family .
16 They might be abroad of course cos some of them went abroad I know .
17 And the three of them went deeper into the darkness of the tunnel .
18 Out of all my customers , satisfied customers , all of them went quietly and bravely to their death .
19 Out of all my customers , satisfied customers , all of them went quietly and bravely to their death .
20 He went across and spoke to the other two , then the three of them went below .
21 They accepted with alacrity the prospect of a glimpse of the world inside , and all three of them went along dark portrait-hung corridors and up panelled staircases to the room of one Flora Piercy , a second-year History student of considerable sophistication , who offered them a glass of wine .
22 She went straight into the kitchen , and automatically made them both a cup of coffee , a mutual family ritual when one of them went out to a meeting .
23 Mostly he always used to take the mickey out of the girls because they always used to talk about their boy-friends and what they were doing on different nights and that , because you see , most of them went out with boys from the same school , see , and he knew them .
24 Most of them went out and re-offended .
25 After the second house the two of them went out to supper .
26 That evening the three of them went out to dinner , and they got on .
27 I do n't we got about three , three thirty in the morning , both of them went out to er canal somewhere up Dulgate , past Dulgate we set up and we 'd we 'd been fishing for about two and half hours it 's aba about six thirty in the morning this old farmer comes up says er aye , aye lads , he said er I would n't bother it , they drained this area of the canal a few months ago !
28 When he managed to unscrew the hinges he found none of them went anywhere .
29 The two cherry berets kept him up ; then I saw Osvaldo hook his bare foot round a malai 's boot and the two of them went down .
30 They were jumping up and putting their paws up so they I went up back upstairs and they sk tried to skid up but they were going so quickly that one of them went down the step again .
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