Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 He also told them that a thin palladium wire , only ¼ inch in diameter and an inch long , had reached the boiling point of water within a few minutes , that the wire produced about 26 watts of energy per cm 3 , ‘ about four and a half times what we put into it ’ and that in an early stage of the experiments the apparatus suddenly heated up to an estimated 5000 degrees , vaporising a block of palladium , destroying a fume cupboard and damaging the concrete floor .
2 In most of the papers the man of the match was between Coton and him .
3 As a consequence of the talks the Assam government lifted restrictions imposed under the Disturbed Areas Act on Sept. 1 and asked the ABSU to stop the violence in response .
4 Prior to the opening of the talks the US sought to strengthen its negotiating position by suggesting that the bases were expendable .
5 In a final statement issued at the close of the talks the group agreed to conduct an " urgent review " of the member countries ' negotiating positions towards finding greater flexibility and facilitating a breakthrough at the deadlocked " Uruguay Round " of global trade talks launched in 1986 under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) [ see pp. 37227-28 for most recent developments in Uruguay Round negotiations ] .
6 On the eve of the talks the US government announced that all US fighter aircraft permanently based in the Philippines would be removed " at some point in 1991 " and that as a result 1,800 military personnel would also leave the country .
7 At the start of the talks the Jordanian and Palestinian delegations asserted Palestinian refugees ' " right of return " ( as embodied in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 of 1948 ) , despite US appeals not to raise the issue .
8 On the surface this structure would seem to have much to commend it , guaran-teeing , as it does , every child a right to an educational curriculum of distinctive breadth and depth irrespective of the type of school he or she attends and irrespective of the talents the child possesses .
9 The Bosnian Serbs may be persuaded to give back a little more land elsewhere , if President Milosevic of Serbia judges that this will speed the removal of the sanctions the world has imposed on his country .
10 Since the maximum term of imprisonment which might be imposed in the Magistrates ' court for a single offence is six months , the Act effectively took out of the hands of the magistrates the power to impose sentences of immediate imprisonment on the majority of offenders who had not previously been sentenced to imprisonment or borstal training .
11 Some of the transactions the Crown sought to rely on were not at arm 's length and might therefore be of no assistance , but there might be other transactions which had taken place between parties who were genuinely trying to strike an open market value , and there was no reason why such cases should be ignored .
12 In many of the towns the houses displayed the cerulean hue , both inside and out .
13 At the edge of the woods the crofters snatched up waiting spears and ready-strung bows to drive the Macleans back to the huts and the eager blades .
14 They illustrate some of the problems the policeman/anthropologist faces when he sets out to describe and interpret police culture , for he must — if the ethnography is to count — reveal hidden aspects of the relationships of power which are an integral aspect of this institution of state .
15 Anthropology has played a significant part in illustrating ways in which symbolic use is made of the body to make statements about the condition of society itself ( Mauss 1935 , Douglas 1973 , Blacking 1977 , etc. ) , and hair became an apposite symbolic indicator of the problems the forces of control were faced with at this time .
16 Most of the problems the group deals with require a multidisciplinary approach , and the staff 's expertise covers a range of geological , chemical , physical and biological sciences .
17 One of the problems the European traders encountered early on in their attempt to develop longer trade routes , was that peoples in South-East Asia who produced spices highly regarded in Europe did not , for their part , show any great desire for European products .
18 Er because of the problems the stock piles of coal at various pits , I think there is about forty five million tons stocked at various pits , they 'll still be using coal from Bywater and so that there 's no necessity to mine coal in such er vast amount .
19 He felt that the appraisal would highlight some of the problems the school was faced with , in particular the change in the intake from white middle class to multi-ethnic and with a growing proportion of pupils with learning difficulties .
20 They do n't get much more out of it than they would from reading a James Bond paperback , but it makes them understand a few of the problems the field men face .
21 While there has been a world recession to contend with on top of the problems the UK would otherwise have faced since 1979 , public choice theorists would not be surprised that the Conservative government has sought to minimize the level of reported unemployment .
22 For the man who owns this land , watching what used to be a wheat field turned into a race track has been an eye opener … although he 's well aware of the problems the sport can cause .
23 Note that the number of times Q changes state is one half the number of the times the clock is pulsed .
24 Keeping a note of the times the child goes to bed .
25 Regrettably , most of the times the ACE arrived at Quainton , the rain poured and the wind blew but about 1,500 people still travelled on the train .
26 As the Padre 's feeble voice continued to denounce the Editor of The Times the Collector lifted his eyes to the sky where , as always , the kites and vultures were circling .
27 The treasurer , in sharp , clipped tones , was listing the committee 's various expenditures and was bringing to the attention of the members the fact that there was only twenty dollars in hand .
28 But if you hammered you had to careful to miss the joints : the felloes were dowelled together and if you hit one of the joints the wrong way , the dowel was certain to break .
29 In deciding whether the case is a proper one for service out of the jurisdiction , one of the circumstances the court will take into account is the strength or weakness of the plaintiff 's claim in the proceedings .
30 Its preferred approach was more informative reporting of disciplinary and appeal committee hearings — until now it has only released details of the charges the accused has been found guilty of , and the final ruling .
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