Example sentences of "of all the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the very first time , the leadership of all the major constitutional nationalist parties in Ireland , representing 90 per cent of the nationalist population , had abandoned the concept of the tyranny of the majority will .
2 They had hosted a cocktail party at Kensington palace , for example , for the heads of all the major national clubs and associations with large memberships ; these habitually adopt a charity to support each year .
3 On the morning of the election , the nearest of all the major opinion polls to a correct result was Gallup in The Daily Telegraph , which put the Tories half a point ahead of Labour ( 38½ per cent to 38 per cent , a change-round of one percentage point over the course of the preceding week ) .
4 Ungulates can be found in the grasslands of all the major continents except Australia .
5 Of all the major genres ’ , says Bakhtin in his essay ‘ Epic and the novel ’ ,
6 The deal was put through by Lord Hailey on behalf of all the major refugee bodies .
7 Of all the major unions , only Nupe has emerged with much dignity , vowing from the start to ballot its members on the succession .
8 However , the cost of the palace was almost negligible compared with the funds ‘ invested ’ in arbitrary economic projects and the rebuilding of all the major cities in Romania , and with what Ceauşescu intended to spend on ‘ rural systematization ’ ( which involved halving of the number of villages in Romania and constructing 558 ‘ agro-industrial ’ complexes ) .
9 The fact that she had been the ship that had sunk the Rawalpindi and killed my father did not seem to me to be a valid reason for omitting her from the series , for apart from the utter impersonality of a modern sea battle , she was by far the most successful of all the major German surface ships as well as being the happiest .
10 Now furious MP John Townend , chairman of the powerful Tory Party finance committee , will today write to the bosses of all the major banking groups , demanding action .
11 London had the City , the Government and all its departments , the headquarters of all the major companies and pressure groups , all the people in the know — in short , as Pilger had said , all the stories .
12 It is the most active and most geologically interesting — a test-bed , an ever-mobile demonstration of all the major forces and processes that shape the great structures of the planet .
13 The throne is of very solid wood , carved with symbols and sigils of all the major powers of Chaos and Evil .
14 Of all the major media , radio had the most varying fortunes between 1945 and 1990 .
15 Of all the major Western economies , Italy offers the closest comparison to Japan in terms of aggregate employment distribution and firm size .
16 During her 28 years with the CCCB Ms Brennan worked with local and national representatives of all the major Christian churches in North America to help further the development of religious broadcasting .
17 The last decades of the nineteenth century saw the coming together of all the major themes of its sexual discourses : class pride and evangelism , moral certainty and social anxiety , the double standard and ‘ respectability ’ , prurience and moral purity .
18 The oldest pieces of amber we have date from a hundred million years ago , a very long time after the conifers and the flying insects first appeared , but they contain a huge range of creatures , including representatives of all the major insect groups that we know today .
19 Of course , if one envisages the nationalisation of all the major enterprises ( ‘ top monopolies ’ ) , then the problem becomes internalised within the ‘ public sector ’ , but two points here : first , the present discussion is predicated on the hypothesis that there is a fruitful ideological space within which to argue for socialist investment planning — it does not depend on the ( counterfactual ) proposition that there is wide popular support for sweeping nationalisation of enterprises .
20 I wrote to the editors of all the major newspapers and television channels asking them to cover the anniversary .
21 The gradual acceptance of the germ theory of infection , following the research of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch into viruses and vaccines in the 1870s and 1880s , had resulted in the rapid isolation of the bacilli of all the major infectious diseases .
22 Frederick II of Prussia is of all the major rulers of the century the one about whose stature historians have disagreed most violently .
23 The privatisation during the 1980s of all the major British utilities has brought out into the open the whole question of the preferential treatment given by EEC institutions to publicly owned as against private organisations .
24 In discussions with me , representatives of all the major brewing companies have admitted that the orders did not force them to take those actions against the tenants .
25 Earlier this year , the Secretary of State met the representatives of all the major brewery companies , having received a deputation from the National Licensed Victuallers Association .
26 It will normally be necessary to seek expert advice on the realisable values of all the major assets .
27 Back in Paris , he expanded his government into a government of national unanimity , including representatives of all the major parties and Georges Bidault , the head of the CNR .
28 These were still everywhere small numbers , especially if they are compared with the very much bigger ones in the other great ministries of all the major states .
29 Very early in the war a new body , the Zentralstelle für Auslandsdienst , was set up to influence neutral opinion , a vital propaganda target of all the major belligerents .
30 First of all the major documentation we 've got is the contract and there we have six companies and we have the same contract for all six .
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