Example sentences of "of which be [art] " in BNC.

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1 In part this is a consequence of differences in the habitual requirements of different species ; more than 82 per cent of the individuals belong to species whose larvae prey on aphids , whereas only 0–02 per cent belong to species that feed as larvae on tree sap or rotting wood , neither of which are a feature of gardens .
2 The theory of differential equations , as usually taught , is a rag-bag of special tricks , many of which are a waste of time and are included only because they can be calculated without having to think about what 's really going on .
3 I AM walking over hot coals , supended over a deep pit at the bottom of which are a large number of vipers baring their fangs .
4 ‘ I am walking over hot coals suspended over a deep pit at the bottom of which are a large number of vipers baring their fangs , ’ he said of the fight against anti-Europeans in his own party .
5 An access road branches off along the lochside to serve an oilrig construction unit , the weird contraptions of which are a disfigurement one hopes will be temporary .
6 Because at the moment , er I mean they spend a lot of money on various footpaths that I know of which are a tremendous er price so let's be a bit cautious you know , because er
7 Perhaps the most ‘ modern ’ of the Restoration writers is George Farquhar ; period artifice is not so obtrusive in his plays , the best known of which are The Recruiting Officer and The Beaux Stratagem .
8 In short , ‘ the dispositions and manners of man ’ have their causes in motions , the complexities of which are the province of natural philosophy .
9 For Locke , faith is a form of intellectual assent to propositions , some of which are the conclusion of reasoned argument and some of which are the product of acceptance of revelation ( as assessed by reason ) .
10 For Locke , faith is a form of intellectual assent to propositions , some of which are the conclusion of reasoned argument and some of which are the product of acceptance of revelation ( as assessed by reason ) .
11 The inspiration was the hovercraft , a feature of which are the roof-mounted engines .
12 It is a member of the multivibrator family the other two of which are the monostable and the astable .
13 First , vets fiercely condemned the practice of docking tails — the most famous examples of which are the Queen 's corgis .
14 We have , therefore , to use other methods , the following four of which are the most frequently employed .
15 This becomes even more ironic when one considers the veneration afforded to the works of Joseph Hoffman and the whole of the Wiener Werkstätte on the one hand , and Frank Lloyd Wright and the entire Prairie School of Design on the other , both of which are the direct issue of the combined influence of the British Arts and Crafts Movement and the Glasgow School of Design .
16 all of which are the earliest ancestors of the family .
17 ( d ) Overflow can not occur on multiplication if the values are assumed to be integral , but multiplication of two operands both of which are the maximum negative number causes overflow under the fractional convention .
18 The precise relationship between sentencing practice and penal policy is a matter of some complexity , but we may begin by noting that the size of the sentenced prison population at any given time is determined by three key variables , only two of which are the direct responsibility of the courts .
19 The species described is a pretty , small shrub , the leaves of which are the most decorative part .
20 The study also raises the question of which are the right outcomes to measure and how psychosocial variables should be taken into account .
21 If one simply uses a dictionary to determine the grammatical category of a word then there is little indication of which are the more likely syntactic categories .
22 The first type involves the collision of two continents which gives rise to an intercontinental collision orogen ( Fig. 3.2 ) , the most notable example of which are the Himalayas .
23 But this too has problems , some of which are the same as with a statutory cash ratio :
24 In relation to this , a number of cohesive chains were identified in the analysis , the most significant of which are the progressions of phrases relating to the cabinet ministers and the soldiers .
25 And so began one of the most successful record production partnerships of the decade — the glitzy music biz rewards of which are an impressive collection of gold discs , hanging along the stairwell at Street Mansions and continuing up into the studio , where they are accompanied by a blown-up print of The Beatles hard at work in the studio on the ‘ Let It Be ’ sessions .
26 ( d ) Coneysthorpe Built for the estate around an oblong green , at the top of which is a handsome classical chapel ( 1835 ) .
27 It is from these uncertain interstices that there emerge Fanon 's challenges to Enlightenment ‘ Man ’ , and indeed to the very idea of an essential human subject ; Bhabha finds in Fanon a powerful and subversive sense of identity as involving a split , precarious , contradictory relation to the Other , the upshot of which is a radical ambivalence , destructive but also potentially empowering .
28 Then finally there 's the hyper-trailer , the best example of which is a trade promo put together to push the launch of new video distribution company 20/20 .
29 There are still a number of old millstones on the site , one of which is a French burr stone boasting ‘ Gloucester Millstone Manufactory ’ cast onto its balance boxes , as well as a well-worn monolithic stone probably used to grind animal feed .
30 I found counting breaths in my head helped me through the pain — the intensity of which is a memory .
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