Example sentences of "of [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As we have said before , we like to think of ourselves as a preservation society , rather than just a rail interest society , valuable as such societies are .
2 We who are brought together by such an obscene act , like to think of ourselves as the vast majority .
3 As it unfurls the panoramic vistas of past periods and epochs within the European cultural tradition , history builds a view of ourselves as the inevitable continuation and culmination of everything that has gone before .
4 As the quotations above show , there is a recurrent recognition by the great minds of the Christian faith that we can not separate the knowledge of ourselves from the knowledge of God .
5 God is God , not man writ large ; and he can not be spoken of simply by speaking of ourselves in a loud voice .
6 We need a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species : as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole .
7 And because we are reading the story , we are at an imaginative level participating in the events , recognising aspects of ourselves in the main character .
8 Lacan shows how the recognition of ourselves in the image of the face is based on a misrecognition , since we perceive the face as our own when in fact it is produced in the image outside ourselves .
9 It tipped over , sloshing liquid across the photograph of himself astride a motorcycle .
10 Steinmark was still absent and he , Nordern , was doing two men 's work which annoyed him , particularly as he wanted to give the best possible impression of himself during the next few weeks .
11 Not when my father spends good farming money to make an ass of himself over an actress . ’
12 A nut-brown man by South Kensington standards , he is light-skinned in the West Indies : he is a Chinese Negro , who thinks of himself as a hakwai Chinee — hakwai , he explains , being ‘ Chinese for nigger ’ — and who has not failed to notice that Emily Brontë 's Heathcliff is rumoured to be the Emperor of China .
13 ‘ The image you give ’ , Fraser tells Ilse , meaning the image she gives of himself as a boy , ‘ is one of dependency , extreme docility .
14 So he thinks of himself as a warm-hearted , caring human being .
15 It was raised by Dudek in somewhat different form when he said that Leonard ‘ always had an image of himself as a rabbi . ’
16 The manner of Biggs 's defeat was to say the least surprising and on this evidence Mason has still a long way to go before he can think of himself as a genuine contender for the world championship .
17 Part of Lewis 's discovery of himself as a writer was the discovery of a means of presenting himself to the reader .
18 Mr Nicholas Ridley , who , as secretary of state for the environment , masterminded the privatisation , likes to think of himself as a scourge of high-minded meddlers and an advocate of consumer choice .
19 This dual heritage sharpened the sense of himself as a fused centre between the dream world of a long-vanished civilization and the natural world he observed scientifically .
20 Yesterday he had thought of himself as a character in an obscene novel .
21 And it was during this time that he had lost his wife , lost his job , lost his sense of himself as a separate human soul , and in struggle worked out the theory that he was nothing but a sick character in the hands or under the pen of a malevolent Author .
22 Woodhouse retained a sense of himself as a shoemaker long after he had gone into the book trade : the title of his most important work ‘ The Life and Lucubrations of Crispinus Scriblerus ’ ( c. 1795 ) is an allusion to one of the patron saints of cobblers .
23 Modigliani must have sensed the originality in the young boy 's personality even at that age ; perhaps he saw something of himself as a youth .
24 He thought of himself as a latecomer .
25 He had to start thinking of himself as a winner again .
26 Slowly it dawned on Alexander that the tension that he had first noticed was not of specific parts , as he had first presumed , but of himself as a whole being .
27 Mackay did not return to Scotland after 1885 and there is little evidence that he thought of himself as a Scot , except in a very conventional , stereotypical way .
28 Some of Peckinpah 's behaviour arose from his view of himself as a victim of the movie industry , because as much violence had been done to Major Dundee ( 1965 ) and The Wild Bunch ( 1969 ) as to the characters in them .
29 There 's something wonderfully Renaissance about Norbrook 's depiction of himself as a glutton for poetry , cramming in as much as possible .
30 He did simmer down at times , enough to recognise his tendency to pour oil on the fire , and catch glimpses of himself as a ‘ half-strange , half-tiresome person . ’
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