Example sentences of "of [Wh det] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ fact ’ of the first premiss covers all and no more than the facts awareness of which would modify spontaneous reactions to the issue in question ; ‘ Face facts ’ will be applicable to the issue only within the scope of this information .
2 It is beyond the scope of this book to enter deeply into these problems , a full understanding of which would demand of the reader a specialized knowledge of monetary economics .
3 Under British and West German pressure , however , ministers agreed that even this requirement should be regarded more as a ‘ political objective ’ than a legal obligation ( the non-respect of which would lead to prosecution in the EC Court of Justice ) .
4 The small bodies will have themselves accreted from even smaller bodies , the surfaces of which would carry traces of volatiles .
5 did not accept that the Vice-Chancellor in Cloverbay had intended to lay down a rule that no order could be made under section 236 if the purpose for which the office-holder claimed reasonably to require information sought included obtaining information the receipt of which would go beyond a reconstitution of knowledge which the company once had and was entitled in law to possess .
6 However , Mr Darling maintained that the hospital had written to a number of public bodies — including Lothian Regional Council — asking them to advertise in a children 's book , the proceeds of which would go to the purchase of baby heaters .
7 Drinkers of wine , who would be affected by price changes , were a minority , as most Englishmen drank ale , the supply and cost of which would depend on the latest harvest .
8 To do something concrete in this direction , Laing hit on the idea of forming what he wanted to call the One Per Cent Club , all the corporate members of which would pledge one per cent of their UK pre-tax income to the community .
9 His fear focused his whole concentration on the tiny circle of steel pressed against his flinching neck , and on the white-knuckled finger he could imagine curled round the little half moon of metal — the least movement of which would blast him out of existence .
10 The scheme would apply to works of art , collector 's items and antiquities ; it would not apply to precious metals and stones nor to works supplied by their authors or inheritors , all of which would pay VAT on the full selling price .
11 Does the honorary scorer appreciate that on an average sized square ‘ a permanent spot at square leg ’ would involve literally dozens of ‘ spots ’ , only four of which would relate to the pitch in use , unless the suggestion is for removable plastic markers positioned for each game , but those would n't be permanent would they ?
12 The £54million package now authorised included the cost of forty six four-car dual-voltage electric units , the introduction of which would enable a greater number of existing units to be withdrawn because of more efficient use .
13 Breach of the partnership agreement It is usual to specify certain provisions of particular importance ( eg failing to maintain proper accounts or actions which might cause the firm to lose its investment business certificate ) the breach of which would enable the power of expulsion to be exercised and , in a further ground , to refer in more general terms to persistent and general failure to observe the spirit of the agreement .
14 You reckon Hatton would also have told him the river bed was full of stones one of which would make a suitable weapon for knocking off his informant ? ’
15 All of which would make for a rave review , were it not for the fact that , for all their charm , the Jays ' every move oozes lamentable irrelevance .
16 Erm with whitewash not with er emulsion , that was too expensive , they 'd buy a packet of a packet of which would make so many gallons of whitewash and you 'd whitewash the ceiling .
17 Client will ensure that all information relating to itself comprised in announcements , public statements , the Offer document and any other documents during KPMG 's engagement hereunder issued by or with the consent or knowledge of Client will be true and accurate in all material respects and will not be misleading , and that all expressions of opinion , intention and expectation therein will be honestly held and will be made only after due consideration and that there will not be omitted from any such document any fact the omission of which would make any statement therein false or misleading ;
18 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
19 Do not the figures also herald the demise of the flying pickets , rent-a-mobs , people with crowbars , people who fire ball bearings at horses and place cheesewire across the throats of horses and people who drop concrete slabs off bridges , all of which would stop inward investment into the United Kingdom ?
20 If this hypothesis is proved it suggests that ‘ physiological ’ changes in matrix composition may be utilised in health to configure the developing hepatocyte either directly , or as the result of sequestration of particular growth factors and cytokines , the type of which would alter according to the specific matrix components .
21 The Churchill Bill in 1986 included a list of proscribed depictions any one of which would attract a conviction for obscenity irrespective of context or effect on the viewer .
22 It undertook to pass a law by Dec. 31 ensuring that Ukrainian conscripts served only on Ukrainian soil ; called for formation of a parliamentary commission to discuss nationalizing Communist Party assets ; asserted that the Ukraine would not enter into a new union treaty before a new constitution creating a sovereign Ukraine was drafted ; and called a referendum in 1991 " on confidence in the Ukrainian President " , the result of which would determine whether to hold fresh elections by the end of the year .
23 The child 's greed is obstructing awareness of consequences the facing of which would cause him to refrain ; therefore to let the impulse to refrain prevail over the impulse to eat is a causally necessary condition of obeying the imperative .
24 Before this time , as Froissart was to note and Edward III to experience , many towns had no proper defences other than what could be provided by ditches and water works , neither of which would cause a determined army much trouble .
25 His meeting with Peters also seems to have sparked off the long voyaging section of ‘ Death by Water ’ in the Waste Land manuscripts , which would be united with the fate of the ancient Phoenician sailor , Phlebas , and details of which would find their way into ‘ Marina ’ and ‘ The Dry Salvages ’ .
26 To this end all records of the past were zealously preserved and older , more primitive legal traditions extensively reworked and edited in the light of developing concepts and attitudes — most of which would seem to have been the direct result of the community 's change in circumstances and new needs for order and social cohesion .
27 It is in this context relevant to mention briefly section 9 of the General Rate Act 1967 which provided that an amount paid in respect of rates ‘ and not recoverable apart from this section ’ could properly be refunded on five specified grounds , some of which would fall within the Woolwich principle .
28 Most of which would come onto erm the A fifty nine through the urban area , through residential areas or or in fact onto the stray .
29 The novel administrative tasks of industrialized and competing nation — states — public education , public welfare , urbanization — all create powerful pressures for centralization and bureaucratization , none of which would lessen or disappear under socialist governments .
30 In the case of the PhD , a supervised course lasting three years in the case of full-time students , the portfolio should normally include one major work , the performance of which would occupy an entire evening : for example , an opera .
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