Example sentences of "of [pos pn] time to " in BNC.

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1 As the delegated head of this wonderful club , I see my duties as follows : firstly to my wife and children ; secondly to other members of my family ; then to consolidate my assets in any profitable manner I choose ; and then to devote the rest of my time to the welfare of this club .
2 Firstly , that as chairman of Athletico Whaddon I will never devote less than 36 per cent of my time to the club and , secondly , there are , this season , substantial discounts to any supporter spending over £20 at my Superette .
3 and I do prefer to work on the er on a personal recommendations or referrals basis because that actually allows me to , to devote most of my time to my current clients without having to go out cold calling and looking for people .
4 Some ministers devoted part of their time to local affairs : S. J. Smith , for example , was born in Bedford in 1822 and became a Congregational minister in Enfield after attending a denominational college and taking the London BA .
5 We think it desirable that the same type of teacher should be employed in these courses ( One-Year , Terminal and less formal ) as in University Tutorial Classes and that arrangements should be made whereby staff-tutors appointed for extra-mural work by the Universities should be encouraged to devote part of their time to less formal work , not only in the interests of the work , but also in order to provide a variety of occupation for the tutor and to ensure that he keeps in touch with all phases of the adult education movement .
6 While it was possible to identify a group of 27 libraries with staff members whose title included ‘ training ’ , ‘ development ’ or ‘ personnel ’ , they did not uniformly devote a major part of their time to training , and there were instances of authorities who named individuals apparently spending more of their time on training than ‘ named ’ training officers .
7 Authorities as a whole divided themselves clearly into three groups ( see Table 19 ) : firstly , those who said that one person or a small specified group allocated the equivalent of a quarter of their time to training , secondly , those authorities who estimated a smaller amount of one person 's time ( normally 10–15% and most commonly Deputy or Assistant Chiefs ) and thirdly , those allocating largely nominal ( or no responsibility ) for training .
8 Large libraries were just as likely as small ones to want more training officers ' time , even though they were far more likely to employ a designated training officer ( or someone who devoted at least a quarter of their time to training ) .
9 define a multidisciplinary clinical team as having professionals from different disciplines giving a significant portion of their time to the work of the group .
10 The outcome ( perhaps this would have happened whoever had been at the Ministry of Labour ) was that most of the principal figures of the Government devoted a good part of their time to assisting Steel-Maitland in his job .
11 They could devote only very little of their time to the affairs of the BDDA , and until 1922 even had to pay their own expenses .
12 They thought they could regain his soul by sorcery , and so they devoted all of their time to weaving a spell to do so .
13 The science report suggests that in the fourth and fifth years pupils should be devoting 20 per cent of their time to science .
14 Males can produce sperms at a faster rate than females can produce eggs , and are therefore selected to allocate more of their time to searching and competing for mates than are females .
15 In a study by Hall secondary heads were , however , said to devote only 14 per cent of their time to teaching , with 10 per cent given over to " ceremonial " , 10 per cent to educational policy and curriculum matters , 33 per cent to " operations and administrative management " , 22 per cent to human management ( staff and pupils ) and 10 per cent to external management ( Hall quoted in Laws and Dennison ( 1990:276 ) ) .
16 As Liz Hannam reports , the RSPCA devote up to a third of their time to dealing with farmers and their animals , in the society 's ceaseless crusade against cruelty .
17 Primary schools devote much of their time to discussion .
18 But in a sense , they will stand a better chance of staying open and being appreciated and supported by the public , if in fact they 're going to devote a modicum of their time to explaining to the popular , population as a whole , what they 're doing , why it 's important and why they should carry on doing it .
19 Her mother , Juanita Beckett , daughter of a brigadier-general and granddaughter of a field marshal , was an enthusiastic but not especially talented pianist , and devoted much of her time to practising a particularly thunderous rendition of Sibelius 's Valse Triste .
20 In order to help him , she will have to devote some of her time to defining something that he would really like to do , and doing it with him .
21 At the local community level , Ms Urizio has devoted much of her time to working with a grassroots action group in an underprivileged area of Rome .
22 Now that Carol Phillips is no longer involved in the nitty gritty of running the company , she is devoting more of her time to the service area of Clinique .
23 As Harriet Taylor was devoting the majority of her time to working with Mill , John Taylor had in the meantime been diagnosed as having cancer .
24 She had already given up so much of her time to be here .
25 Lady Franklin , a ‘ lioness of a woman ’ with a lively sense of curiosity and a keen intelligence , devoted much of her time to promoting the visual arts in the infant colony , and took an avid interest in Mrs Gould 's work for her husband .
26 She has devoted much of her time to bringing up three children and is the only person to classify herselfas a housewife in her reply .
27 But she also devotes some of her time to showing schoolchildren just where their food comes from .
28 Thomas Lovell Beddoes ( 1803–49 ) had an obsession with death , and devoted much of his time to polishing his dramatic poem , Death 's Jest-Book , which was published after his death .
29 But he would give generously of his time to such organisations as the British Council , helping to audition young people with ambitions to dance .
30 One person may wish to dedicate more of his time to other pursuits and therefore accept the authority of a reasonably just and competent government over a whole range of issues regarding which another may prefer to decide for himself , and be willing to invest the time and effort it takes to enable himself to decide wisely .
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