Example sentences of "of [pos pn] [noun pl] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had to turn half of one of my clerks over to fee earning work .
2 I was very fond of her when I was a child , and used to spend most of my holidays up here with her — my father was in the Consular Service , so my parents spent a lot of their time abroad .
3 Provided I pay my cook her wages regularly , she can not complain if I choose to take any or all of my meals out .
4 I was taken prisoner of war at Saint Valerie for a few of my friends in from Edinburgh who were taken prisoner of war .
5 ‘ Such innuendo , Chief Inspector , is wholly without foundation , and I wish you to know that one of my friends back home is the fiercest libel lawyer — ’
6 I 've been in regular contact with Earl 's Court Project and a lot of my friends down there .
7 And er she said , I I have occasional requests , I 'm full at the moment , erm would you mind if I passed some of my enquiries on to you as and when they occur .
8 So I can get loads of homework done and erm like I can count that as one of my nights in .
9 I called in at the office on one of my days off , to see what was doing , and found that a posting had come through for me to report forthwith to Group Headquarters at Huntingdon .
10 Had one of my plants out there that has bloody gone now !
11 Given the new ball , I used to turn the front of my trousers over and polish it there .
12 I lit the taper , twisted another dozen pages , lit one more and pushed the waistband of my trousers down to my knees .
13 So that 's one of my hobbies , I do n't know whether I 'll be going to Nepal or anywhere like that again , but it , I 've certainly got er lots of happy memories of that experience and er I 've brought erm a photo album erm with some of my pictures in if anyone would like to have a look
14 Also , you could put your regular fans on a mailing list , writing to them every month to inform them of your next gigs and urging them to bring more of their friends along , in return for a back stage pass to Wembley when you play there !
15 Many local authorities have moved ahead and are putting many of their services out to competitive tender .
16 Forty years later the Italians , in another unprovoked attack , used poison gas to ensure victory and shot many of their prisoners out of hand .
17 As they entered the room , Duncan saw the four square holes in the door , big enough for men to look through and also rest the muzzle of their guns on .
18 The game was Scum-Spurs 2–1 ; a crappy performance from the angst-ridden Scum ( most of their players back from defeats in WQ quliafiers ) — but they got a win .
19 And there was more bad news for United today — Bristol City are complaining to the Football Association about a foul which has put one of their players out of the game for two months .
20 The order allowed a deposit protection scheme to come into operation in the UK , under which depositors ( numbering some 53,000 in the UK out of a global total of around 1,200,000 ) could claim 75 per cent of their deposits up to a maximum of £15,000 .
21 The visiting of the iniquity of their fathers on to succeeding generations in the Third Commandment , the banning of ‘ he that hath a flat nose ’ , and the writing ‘ the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ are suggestive of the stigmata of congenital syphilis .
22 Painting is valuable because people who may have difficulty expressing themselves in words can get some of their feelings down in a picture .
23 ‘ I was glad to hear that the children are well and happy — and having the time of their lives down here in Devon .
24 I was gon na say they 're having the rest of their lives off by the sound of it !
25 Unfortunately it is also associated with an ‘ illusion of competence ’ effect which leads those employing interviews to value the quality of their decisions out of all proportion to their probable true worth .
26 There was a flame burning the inside of their hearts out .
27 So after that visit to Bristol , when I went to my little chapel on that bald knoll , I first called up the white healing ball and rolled it around every part of my anatomy , then I called up my archers and let them shine the beams of their torches down onto the spot in my lung .
28 and we 'll sort it out ourselves and what they do , if a customer says oh there 's a phone that 's broke , or it 's not working or something like that , they 'll say oh okay we 'll get in touch with the maintenance for you , you see , cos he 's making nowt out of it , if you say we dropped the phone and broke it , well we 'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one , once they say wants some re-programming doing , oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get , the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it you know so we , a service contract it 's priced because , low because you know you 're gon na make a bit on moves and changes
29 We had Chernobyl , we had a series of hijackings , we had outrages at Athens Airport , we had the U S raid on Libya by bombers based in Britain erm and everybody then erm turned the corners of their mouths down and forecast the end of tourism , that doom is nigh , and what actually happened was that erm by the end of nineteen eighty six we were four point three per cent down in terms of numbers on a record nineteen eighty five .
30 On that occasion he had been ten years old As children between the wars , Yanto and his friends spent most of their Summers out in the estuary between tides .
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