Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 And I sha n't be making the mistake of attributing it to any charms of mine , either .
2 She listened to his advice and bought instead a Welsh pony with the vague idea of attaching it to a trap and doing the shopping in it .
3 Once the laws are introduced , the coaches and the players will try to devise means of using them to their own advantage .
4 He had this way of drawing her to him and she always seemed to go .
5 From a technical point of view the superiority of nephrite over the stones plentifully available for everyday tools would hardly justify the increased cost of ensuring adequate supplies or the enormously greater cost of shaping it to the correct form .
6 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
7 Voltaire 's work is , arguably , offensive but one should err on the side of allowing it to be available .
8 ‘ Is it not the time when all those who have an interest in our industry should sit down and discuss our future together and try to get back to the situation where the industry controls and governs itself instead of allowing it to be manipulated by those who purchase our product ? ’ he asked about 200 delegates .
9 I mentioned the interactive EQ system earlier : this is a comprehensive method of allowing you to quickly change the characteristics of your sound .
10 NT would not appear on any of the bigger selling RISC processors — Sparc , RS/6000 or HP — for at least a year , probably two , said Michels , due to the difficulties of porting it to big-endian architectures .
11 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
12 But I feel that I am now in the way of bringing him to me since I have a house and am no longer in service and need only to arrange to have him brought over .
13 The idea of bringing him to justice .
14 ‘ I was n't thinking of bringing him to justice .
15 Even if this were true , he is still guilty of bringing her to a state of desire that he can not rightfully satisfy .
16 Whether the reader disagrees with that message or not , Eliot can not be accused of suddenly presenting it or of bringing it to the fore simply because of his Christian faith .
17 While one would have liked to have thought that the injustice of B's situation would of itself have been enough to persuade the Court of Appeal to strain to find a way of bringing it to an end , the Convention considerations ought to convince a future court that it has the duty to do so .
18 For my part , I promise you I will continue at all times to have this possibility in mind , and to take every opportunity of bringing it to the minds of those who can best move in the matter .
19 The NIO wants to know what has sparked the increase and ways of bringing it to an end , said the source .
20 In 1968 , the Kittyhawk was purchased with the intention of returning it to flying condition .
21 I mean I , what you 're saying 's quite valid I mean , i if you 've got a situation where you have been successful and you 've got an accumulation of stuff that 's been recovered from robberies , at least it gives you some method of returning it to it 's previous
22 Thus is perpetuated the unanswerable myth whereby all mysteries are explained away by the simple process of ascribing them to some remote and inaccessible ‘ god ’ who created everything .
23 This section discusses ELT video materials under these headings as a way of relating them to the roles we can give video in the classroom .
24 When it has done its work there still remains the task of relating it to aspects of the context which are particular and can not of their nature be accounted for in advance .
25 Despite the difficulties of relating it to the archaeology , Bede 's statement about the origins of the Germanic settlers in England is generally accepted .
26 We have so far limited our interpretation of " style " and " stylistics " to match the kind of activity in which we wish to engage : the study of language as used in literary texts , with the aim of relating it to its artistic functions .
27 Erm , we started off with was that , erm , we would just write down any word that came up to our head , in terms of relating it to the story i.e. we thought about memories , and memories Erm , this is gon na match up with your is n't it .
28 THE Uranus-Neptune contact is aimed at changing your personal horizons in the sense of opening you to the idea that life can be different — and so can you .
29 As Guthrie foresaw and wrote to me after attending an early performance : I feel confident that Gloriana will survive and be considered a great work … that disastrous miscalculation of opening it to an audience and on an occasion that required an all-star Iolanthe will set it back twenty years .
30 He confessed that he had finally come to terms with the fact that he was a homosexual , after a lifetime of denying it to himself .
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