Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 They are said to have reproved Jesus during his early days of preaching in Galilee .
2 He invited Freeth to demonstrate the art of surfing at Redondo Beach .
3 On the other hand , there was bitterness at the exploitation of surfing in Hawaii .
4 Some individual unions have gone much further , notably the Steelworkers , who have responded to the collapse of steelmaking in Canada by recruiting in high-technology industries and the service sector , including fast-food chains .
5 Even so , the task of trawling through Steven Patrick 's tally of NME singles reviews seemed a fascinating one .
6 It was just that after a weekend of weeping over Cameron , and two absolutely hectic days at the office with Helena now also down with chicken-pox , she felt like a bit of glamour .
7 As John Mann suggests in Chapter 10 , governors should consider the value of drawing on LEA officers as an external support in implementing the various stages of their procedure .
8 However , in 1855 he took up the post of professor of drawing at King 's College , London , which he combined with book illustration .
9 There are of course references to work in progress — a letter from Matisse on the installation of ‘ La Danse ’ at the Barnes Foundation : ‘ the panel is installed and suits the architecture , from which it seems inseparable ’ , as well as a melancholy reflection on the nature of drawing by Matisse from 1940 : ‘ A colorist 's drawing is not a painting .
10 Bitter inter-communal violence pitting Serbian militia against armed bands of Croats and Muslims showed no signs of easing in Bosnia , whose embattled government is anxiously awaiting a decision on diplomatic recognition by the West .
11 English supply ships once more failed to keep up with the advance of the troops , and the Scots pursued their usual diversionary tactic of raiding into England .
12 And when Alexander Korda returned from America , where he had been supporting Britain 's propaganda effort , with the intention of competing with Rank , he had to use bravado and charm where Rank had cash .
13 Elsewhere , other strategies will roll out in two to three months Pyramid says , and in a years or so 's time it claims it 'll have servers capable of competing with IBM mainframe class systems .
14 I fail to see why I should subject myself to the indignity of competing with Tom , Dick , and Narry for a parish which is , at least , £100 per annum poorer than my own , and not nearly so convenient .
15 Well , he likes , instead of sticking to Paul and the Ephesians all the time , to , you know , slip in a wee snippet of Shakespeare or Tennyson or mibbe even Wordsworth now and again , as a Text .
16 There was a youth hostel but I have never joined and part of sticking with JTR was dependent on the extra comforts of hotels and B&Bs .
17 As for the will to be a nation : paradoxically , the Thatcherite decade of celebrating the international market over notions of the national good , of decentralising the national interest into five million privately-owned share packages , did more damage than any amount of scheming from Brussels .
18 The Royal College of Nursing in Oxford is asking its members to write to their local MPs and state their case for a pay award .
19 But nurses of both sexes believe that male nurses receive more respect from doctors , according to James Hovey , a graduate nurse from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing in Cleveland , Ohio , who carried out the work .
20 Although the idea of cooking with Parma ham sounds prohibitively expensive , it need not be so .
21 The recipe may be found on p.203 of Cooking with Pomiane , of which a paperback version was published by Faber in 1976. if obtaining a copy of either version should entail a search , 1 do not think anyone will regret the time spent on it .
22 So threats of delisting in Hong Kong sound plausible .
23 ‘ When I was manager , I previously told Chief Inspector Dick Hebberd , who used to be in charge of policing at Underhill , about them , but he has since been transferred .
24 This project thus aims to fill an important gap by providing the first comprehensive study of policing in Ireland from the 1830s to the 1920s .
25 There is some evidence that the history of policing in England and Wales contains much more resort to the stick and fist than is recognized in the orthodox accounts .
26 Even though the portrayal of police work on celluloid is not a realistic description of policing in Easton , the conceptualizations they have of their role as fighters of ‘ big crime ’ , which they have to be continually prepared for , encourages them to see the media portrayal of policing as accurate , thus completing the circle .
27 The thrust of the last two chapters has been to demonstrate the ordinariness of policing in Easton .
28 In paragraph 2.2 he reminds everybody that in his first report ’ the state of policing in Derbyshire was described as mixed but all too often one of deterioration in infrastructure and morale . '
29 This bias was no doubt at least partially a reflection of the haphazard organization of policing in Britain itself at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
30 The study of policing in Northern Ireland is benefited by the fact that conversation and social context are so interrelated .
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