Example sentences of "of [det] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 A common feature of the local authority/school relationship is the lack of understanding of each for the other .
2 Such comments would include , for example , any opinions that the trial judge has expressed , in a case where there was more than one defendant , as to the respective parts each played and thus as to the culpability of each for the offence .
3 ‘ Have n't seen the like of that for a while then , have we ? ’ said Gloria .
4 The pattern of sources of help with shopping shown in the table was also typical of that for a range of other domestic and personal house-care tasks , including cooking , washing , and bathing ( Evandrou et al.
5 ‘ Well , what do you think of that for a situation ?
6 So you 're better er out the way of that for a week
7 Fire , fire , is that , what do you think of that for a start , fire , fire .
8 Do n't , let let let's just think of that for a moment as an experience , erm , as far as money is concerned .
9 I mean if we tried one bag of that for a fiver .
10 It will be over a quarter of that for the entire EC , more than twice West Germany 's and equivalent to those of France , Belgium , Denmark , Luxembourg , Greece , Ireland and Portugal added together .
11 It failed to convince readers either of the case against nationalism or of that for the policies of slow African advance being put forward by the Government .
12 One can only speculate on the implications of that for the last years of life and , in particular , for the acceptance of tending roles .
13 In 1971–76 their overall growth rate was already considerably in excess of that for the rest of Britain , but subsequently the gap has widened , particularly since 1981 .
14 I was never out of that for the first few years I was saved , I was always getting in there , confessing my sins .
15 It is a pilot project in that , if the method produces sound estimates of the effect of planning controls on land values , further research could establish the total effect for the whole country and estimate the consequences of that for the economy .
16 Labour disputes declined during 1990 ; the number of strikes was only 25 per cent of that for the previous year .
17 The consequences or implications of that for the way the feminist movement is placed within the struggle in African countries has been very different .
18 She had ruined their relationship , and she would live with the pain of that for the rest of her life .
19 He pondered the implications of this for a few days , uncertain whether to welcome it or feel alarmed .
20 He staggered , and I could see him thinking ‘ I 'm getting out of this for a bit ’ .
21 What were the implications of this for the process of commercialization ?
22 The consequence of this for the curriculum must be that within all subject areas both aspects must be attended to .
23 The implications of this for the eucharist would seem to be that a woman , equally as a man , can represent Christ .
24 The implication of this for the language teacher is that it should always be ascertained that students know as much as necessary about the identity of the receiver or sender of discourse .
25 Both factors meant that bureaucrats had every incentive to try to maximise the budgets of their own service without any regard to the larger implications of this for the scale of state activity and public expenditure .
26 The project seeks to explain why grey areas can exist in law , to probe the balance of certainty and uncertainty in law , and to analyse the implications of this for the nature and effectiveness of law .
27 Case studies of three examples of corporate reorganisation consider the way in which corporate structures have changed during the last two decades , and the implications of this for the geography of service production .
28 The significance of this for the way the daring and needing are put into relation with the infinitive 's event should be obvious .
29 The implications of this for the relation between how and the infinitive are exactly the same as with need and dare : if the means of realizing the infinitive 's event are not felt to exist , then there is felt to be nothing real occupying the before-position which real means always occupy with respect to the end pursued , and therefore no to preceding the infinitive .
30 point out quite rightly that the matrix clause " expresses the subject 's preference " here but they fail to see the implications of this for the infinitive .
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