Example sentences of "of [det] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A common feature of the local authority/school relationship is the lack of understanding of each for the other .
2 Such comments would include , for example , any opinions that the trial judge has expressed , in a case where there was more than one defendant , as to the respective parts each played and thus as to the culpability of each for the offence .
3 Examples of search instructions are the " table look-up " ( TALU ) instruction on the University of Manchester MUS computer , which performs a masked equality comparison between the contents of one store location and the contents of each of a vector of elements , the similar " masked search for equal " ( SRCH ) instruction on the Burroughs B6700 computer , and the " linked list look-up " ( LLLU ) instruction , also on the B6700 , which performs a " greater than or equal " comparison between an argument value and each of a linked list of elements .
4 The contract price of each of a clearing member 's open ( ie , unsettled ) contracts is altered by reference to the day 's official closing quotation on the market , and the resulting excess or deficit of margin is accounted for the following morning between the member and LCH .
5 We 're looking for ten volunteers to take part , each of whom will be sent five plants of each of the eight varieties to grow .
6 In private , however , all are making judgements about the relative merits of each of the authorities .
7 The fourth characteristic of each of the three countries is that they have had the luck to avoid the worst of the droughts which have badly affected agriculture and hydro-electric power supplies in many African countries in the 1970s and 1980s .
8 Because it is not possible for more than four people to share a freehold , the owners of each of the six units formed themselves into a management company in order to buy the building ; each became a director of the company and was given a 999-year lease of his or her dwelling .
9 Although conversion of each of the first three buildings considered was potentially viable , all three failed one or more tests of the practicality/viability analysis .
10 The symbol of each of the 10 contesting parties is printed on ballot papers for the illiterate voters who account for 60 per cent of the electorate .
11 The bosses of each of the individual businesses within Hanson behave like any executive manager , running the firm 's day-to-day business , planning , budgeting and so on .
12 At the end of each of the five verses , one of us blew out a candle , and it was very effective , dramatically .
13 Christopher could indeed be heard approaching , calling calmly to the occupants of each of the vehicles under his command .
14 They will be drawn from the top 50% of the lean selection index of each of the seven participating flocks and given a full veterinary inspection before the sale .
15 Taking their seats beneath their personal banners were the former socialist prime ministers Lords Callaghan and Wilson , the past Conservative cabinet ministers Lords Carrington and Hailsham , two departed governors of the Bank of England , a representative from the retired top brass of each of the services , two White Commonwealth knights , the explorers Lords Hunt and Shackleton .
16 In the evening more people arrived : members of a saintly sub-lineage of Janab , Sharifa , who were attached by marriage ; various senior Janab from Ajdabiya , and a young Janab policeman ; and the shaikhs of each of the five major sections of the Zuwaya ( Jlulat , Mannaia , Awlad Amira , Muftah and Shuaghra ) as well as the shaikh of all the Zuwaya , Ibrahim al-Sanusi .
17 The characteristic occupational categories , and the relative strength of each of the seven county Federations in the immediate post-war period up to Ashby is shown in summary form in the following tables for the 1949–50 session :
18 The object was to gain information on the nature , style , and use made of new services ; on modifications/improvements achieved in existing services ( for example , the ‘ regime ’ and method of operation in hostels and day centres ) ; and on the views and evaluations of each of the key actors and interests ( for example , area teams , health service management , and the CMHTs themselves ) .
19 Cotswold Wildlife Park has examples of each of the main groups of primate .
20 The list gives the key of each of the symphonies , the orchestration and a musical incipit for each work .
21 QUANTUM physicists are trying to calculate the probability that a particle goes from A to B. This probability is the sum of the probabilities of each of the possible routes it could take .
22 I am therefore asking Malcolm Price by means of a copy of this memo to place an order with your Production Department to produce black and white film and to print 5,000 copies of each of the two versions .
23 Beside him sit the other island dignitaries , the representatives of each of the six communities into which the island is divided .
24 As Eisenhower stated in 1953 ‘ The United States should … make clear that Israel will not , merely because of its Jewish population , receive preferential treatment over any Arab state … our policy toward Israel is limited to assisting Israel in becoming a viable state living in amity with the Arab states , and … our interest in the wellbeing of each of the Arab states corresponds substantially with our interest in Israel . ’
25 In order to establish the appropriate conditioned responses ( or expectancies ) during the first stage of training , the subjects would have to attend to and discriminate those features that distinguish A from C and those that distinguish B from C. Any plausible mechanism capable of allowing a subject to do this would also endow the subject with an enhanced ability to discriminate between A and B because it would involve the animal in coming to respond to the distinctive features of each of the three stimuli .
26 Her favourite line was Bernhardt 's , and this she copied into the front of each of the eighteen notebooks , at least the five of them that I still have ; Oh well , I 'll just buy the theatre .
27 Has the god meme , say , become associated with any other particular memes , and does this association assist the survival of each of the participating memes ?
28 The course material does follow the syllabus of each of the BHS examinations and can be bought separately or as a complete package — with or without tutor support .
29 The table below , supplied by GRE , shows surrender values at the end of each of the first five years of the policy .
30 The tables below show the possible cash values of various premium levels for this 10 year endowment plan at the end of each of the first 5 years .
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