Example sentences of "of [art] social [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt people must study management or business ; but until they cross the boundaries of the social or economic sciences — until the knowledge becomes such as is sought for its own sake and organised to illuminate human life and history — management and business studies are not education ; and then they are management and business studies no longer .
2 Such a view implies the incorporation of the arts or humanities into the broad domain of the social or human sciences , a development which has to some extent occurred in France with the concept of sciences humaines and in Germany under the rubric of Geisteswissenschaft .
3 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
4 It would come predominantly from middle-aged , middle-class voters in the South and be chiefly at the expense of the Social and Liberal Democrats , Social Democrats and Greens .
5 Some of the social and economic assumptions on which Beveridge and other pioneers had based their welfare schemes had been proved to be over-optimistic .
6 It is in this form that I would express the challenge of the social and medical revolution which has given rise to the modern problem of old age .
7 With the emergency , Mrs Aquino hopes to address some of the social and economic grievances of her people by controlling prices , improving public services , and cushioning the effects of sagging confidence among investors .
8 He concluded his forty-five minute address by commenting on the political factors which influenced investment location decisions and emphasised that future multi-national planners would do well to have a much more sensitive appreciation of the social and political implications of their actions .
9 revolutionary transformation of the social and political standing of the official representatives of the Trade Union world — a transformation which has been immensely accelerated by the Great War .
10 At the upper end of the social and economic scale the mood of protest has been captured most effectively by the small but respected Republican Party .
11 A list of the social and economic problems which could be identified was drawn up by the Executive Committee and approved by the full Association .
12 But most attention went to the largest elephant of all , a fifteen-foot-high inflatable which towered over MP Paddy Ashdown — only recently elected leader of the Social and Liberal Democrats — as he officially cut the green ribbon across the door of the Greenpeace-funded Stop Hinkley Centre .
13 The art of vituperation comes naturally to Busi , and , although the picture of Northern Italian provincial life ( in the vicinity of Brescia ) which the author paints occupies only a small part of the novel , which takes his picaresque hero on to greater things in Milan , Paris and London , it is a memorable picture , and provides the necessary underpinning to a writing that spares no effort to make the reader understand the nature of the social and sexual domination .
14 This in turn produced a sharper contrast than in 1980–1 between ( a ) responses which emphasized the need to strengthen and buttress the role of the police , and ( b ) responses which called for greater emphasis on the rejuvenation of the social and economic fabric of the inner cities .
15 Young workers , then , had come to be regarded as integral to the efficient functioning of the social and economic system and , moreover , to the development of ‘ character ’ throughout the working class .
16 It considers the way in which we might make a reality of the observation ( by Keith Joseph ) that ‘ the curriculum should be relevant to the real world and pupils ’ experience of it' by considering the range of challenges and opportunities which people face in , say , the domestic environment , often regarded as too trivial for ‘ academic ’ education , but where arguably most important economic , technical and social decisions are made and acted upon : in the community where a host of issues require an informed public to exercise judgment and active commitment to ensure that the quality of the social and physical environment is constantly improved , and so on in other contexts which will require people to make an active and hopefully informed response , underlain by conceptual understanding of general issues to which , if taught effectively , geography , history , physical sciences and design , indeed all academic disciplines , can make a powerful contribution .
17 For example , his first chapter provides a thumbnail sketch of the social and political climate of the US in the 1960s .
18 [ This is why ] … the examination of the social and , moreover , irrational and blind system from the viewpoint of its equilibrium , has nothing in common … with harmonia praestabilitata .
19 In my analysis of the social and intellectual divisions at the party , it had never occurred to me to question where I stood myself .
20 Widely acclaimed as the focal point of most of the social and cultural events in the town , the Kings Head successfully combines luxurious comfort with culinary excellence whether you are looking for morning coffee , afternoon tea , lunch or dinner .
21 When we choose to drop some of the social and individual details by which we are recognized , then we acquire a different form .
22 Conversely , in the second account , there is too much emphasis on individual knowledge and too little emphasis given to the way in which individual abilities vary as a function of the social and physical context .
23 Social workers may need to take time to clarify the nature of the social and family network , and the reciprocal exchanges within it .
24 Although Mannheim suggested that the pure knowledge of some sciences and mathematics would not be amenable to study in this way , accounts of the social and structural features of even such ‘ pure ’ knowledge have since been completed ( Bloor 1976 ; Gandy 1973 ) .
25 I did the same thing , but on a different show , to Paddy Ashdown , the leader of the Social and Liberal Democrats .
26 Although the authors do not deny the importance of the social and political environment in which unions operate , as well as the effects of economic forces , these influences are dealt with in only a limited way .
27 With the handing over to the Council of Europe in 1960 of the social and cultural responsibilities it had inherited from the Treaty of Brussels , it seemed that to all intents and purposes WEU had become moribund .
28 These examples indicate some of the features of girl friendly science : it builds on girls ' interests , not just boys ' ; it explicitly encourages girls to see themselves as potential scientists , and it includes some of the social and human implications and applications of science .
29 It is useful , tentatively , to distinguish two elements in Quine 's thinking here : his commitment to naturalism and rejection of the need for epistemology to exercise ‘ scruples about circularity ’ ; and his list of acceptable sciences , which excludes all of the social and human sciences , cognitive psychology , etc .
30 In this conception of the social and political world , the established order is not permanently fixed .
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