Example sentences of "of [art] long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The guilt she felt in depriving him of any pleasure was like a stitch in her side , yet the thought of the long day and the long drive were beyond acceptance .
2 But he was careful not to think , because some corner of his mind knew that that way lay a kind of death , of Hal in Chester , quite certainly notified , or soon to be notified , by Hotspur or another , of the long day 's work done at Homildon Hill six days ago .
3 It spread the length of the long spit , a thorny barrier and shelter for birds .
4 That said , the footswitch on the other end of the long cable is a very sturdy metal-cased affar with three switches , each one with its own status LED .
5 Hot water systems where the temperature falls below 50° C because of the long pipe runs or infrequent use may also act as Legionella multiplication sites .
6 The advantages include those associated with the interferometer ( see above ) and the associated computer , those associated with the high-power directed beam of the laser , which may also be operated in pulses rather than continuously , and also the virtual elimination of fluorescent background signals because of the long wavelength of the laser radiation .
7 Relatively comfortable himself , Charsky suffered every moment of the long night with Kurz .
8 Through the whole of the long night that followed , Boldwood 's dark figure could be seen walking over the hills of Weatherbury like a ghost .
9 I do n't know what it was , the mist , the way it hung , hot and heavy like a blanket , the weirdness and the exhaustion of the long night drive up the coast , but I suddenly realised I was scared .
10 A member of the Bouchier family served under Henry VIII at the Field of the Cloth of Gold , and later in the reign of Charles I , Sir John Bouchier was a member of the Long Parliament and one of those responsible for the King 's death .
11 Tony Benn had , as he will , quoted Mr Speaker Lenthall of the Long Parliament .
12 In 1650 , the Rump of the Long Parliament replaced the 1648 Blasphemy Act with their own far less harsh legislation , which although it continued to outlaw the extreme beliefs of disruptive fringe groups such as the Ranters , signalled a far more liberal approach on the part of the civil authorities .
13 Within weeks of their meeting in November 1640 , the MPs of the Long Parliament launched a full-scale attack upon Laud and his Arminian innovations , and throughout the country those who had objected to the physical changes introduced during the previous decade began to destroy altars , rails , and stained glass .
14 While the English army remained preoccupied during the early 1650s with these military campaigns against the Irish and Scots , the Rump of the Long Parliament was able to pursue a foreign policy motivated primarily by commercial considerations , leading England into a naval war with her principal trading rival , Protestant Holland .
15 Hutchinson 's first official work was under the navy and customs committee of the Long Parliament ; by 1645 he was acting as Vane 's deputy in the very important post of navy treasurer .
16 Speaker of the Long Parliament , and it was probably through his influence that ( after a short stay at St Alban Hall , Oxford ) he became secretary to the parliamentary commissioners in the Isle of Wight in 1648 .
17 [ A. B. Beaven , The Aldermen of London , 1908 ; House of Lords MS 3676 ; David Underdown , Pride 's Purge , 1971 ; Blair Worden , The Rump Parliament , 1974 ; D. Brunton and D. H. Pennington , Members of the Long Parliament , 1954 ; George Yule , The Independents in the English Civil War , 1958 . ]
18 He ‘ valued himself upon the sieges and services he had been in ’ ; and as a military expert he drew the attention of the Long Parliament ( summoned on 3 November 1640 ) to the danger from the Irish army under the command of Thomas Wentworth , first Earl of Strafford [ q.v . ] .
19 Shortly after the meeting of the Long Parliament in 1640 Chidley published her first tract , The Justification of the Independent Churches of Christ ( 1641 ) , a refutation of the arguments of Thomas Edwards [ q.v. ] for hierarchical , centralized church government , and a biblical defence of congregational and wifely autonomy .
20 Described by Bulstrode Whitelocke [ q.v. ] as ‘ a gentleman of excellent parts as well as person ’ , Holland died 19 January 1701 , the last surviving member of the Long Parliament , and was buried in Quidenham .
21 His private papers , which include a diary of the first year of the Long Parliament and copies of his speeches , are contained among the Tanner manuscripts .
22 Whereas John Smith , a member of the Long Parliament actually was beaten up by those same Royalists troops , so erm because of his parliamentary sympathies .
23 The raw material , glass fibre , is drawn from bobbins held at one end of the long pultrusion machine .
24 At the time of writing , the first batch of prosecutions had collapsed in the magistrates ' court , on account of the long delay in launching the prosecutions against those involved .
25 Whatever the Admiralty 's feelings on the matter , the determination of the shipwrights to cling to their perquisite must be viewed in the context of the long delay in paying wages .
26 At the end of the long beach that marks the silted mouth of the ancient Xanthos river is the modern village of Kalkan , a small green jewel set in dun cliffs , with a white minaret above its shiny new concrete harbour .
27 The frustrations of the long struggle in Korea , combined with McCarthy 's campaign , suggested that America 's problems resulted from a " softness on communism " that pervaded the Truman administration .
28 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
29 It is worth noting once again that calls have an unlimited profit potential similar to that of the long share while that of the puts is limited to E — P ; i.e. the maximum is reached when the share price S has reached zero .
30 During one of the long corridor scenes dad falls asleep .
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