Example sentences of "of [noun pl] ' [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Chalmers boosts hopes of Lions ' standby spot
2 Earlier this year , the Italian Chamber of Deputies ' Cultural Commission approved in outline the regulations for the new Restoration School of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure .
3 In addition , the research is expected to shed light on the social consequences of cities ' changing economic roles .
4 After a couple of minutes ' polite talk and the offer of a cup of tea , Mrs Tanner went away to talk to mother .
5 constructing its own models of that knowledge independently of researchers ' analytical assumptions and preconceptions .
6 While the information is correct as regards a growing number of employers ' occupational pension schemes , it does not apply to the basic State pension .
7 A couple of hours ' leisurely stroll would get him to the Georgian capital shortly before dusk fell .
8 In this case , the accounts are addressed to the shareholders and the balance sheet is a statement of shareholders ' financial position while the income statement is the change in shareholders ' financial position .
9 ( 3 ) Where the company has institutional shareholders , consultation may be required with the IPCs regarding any disapplication of shareholders ' pre-emption rights .
10 The direction of subjects ' lateral eye movements has been correlated with EEG alpha activity , consistent left movers showing a relatively greater degree of alpha activity ( Bakan and Svorad , 1969 ) .
11 When a speaker S who speaks a particular variety V1 of a language L moves to an area where the local language is , in terms of speakers ' own assessments , a different variety of the same language L — in other words , a different dialect of L — say , V2 , it is usual for that individual 's speech to acquire some of the phonological and grammatical characteristics of V2 .
12 Ideally , an approach is required which will narrow the focus of the " act of identity " in such a way that individual choices like the one just mentioned can be seen as part of systematic behaviour patterns which are simultaneously typical of speakers ' own fictive speech communities and conditioned by the immediate context of the interaction in which they occur .
13 Many non-neutral uses of gender-neutral words ( like citizen ) can not be explained in terms of speakers ' commonsense assumptions that men do certain things and women other things .
14 What was completely left out of these cost-saving equations was any consideration of animals ' behavioural needs .
15 It was to last throughout the 1540s , and then go into abeyance , lying dormant — despite Mary Queen of Scots ' burning awareness of her position as Elizabeth 's heir presumptive — until it had to be faced again , when James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603 .
16 Another aspect which should be considered is the input of clients ' in-house departments in the design process .
17 The tragedy of clients ' huge losses is that they were sometimes led to believe they would make fortunes on the above stocks within a month or two , maybe within three or four weeks .
18 The 2% drop in audit and business advisory services is blamed largely on a combination of the recession , fierce competition and ‘ severe downward pressure ’ on fees , while the knock-on effect of clients ' postponing discretionary spending was a 5% drop in management consultancy fee income .
19 Together , the cases of Richmond and Molyneux present many of the themes which characterize the entire history of blacks ' collective involvement with sport .
20 This is an analysis of countries ' environmental characteristics , and the classification of countries as ‘ hot ’ , ‘ moderate ’ or ‘ cold ’ on the basis of these characteristics .
21 At the present time SDRs constitute only 2 per cent of countries ' official reserves — some measure perhaps of the limited contribution of SDRs .
22 Then swiftly she launches into a staccato attack on political buffoonery and the Government in general before lashing at the crass assumptions that men make about women , and reaching the parts of chaps ' angst-filled sexuality that mere innuendo could never find .
23 But the change will further enhance the power of companies ' sponsoring brokers , who are already frequently the only analysts providing research on these illiquid shares .
24 But second , and more important , is the positive element of companies ' wanting to monitor absence for more paternalistic reasons .
25 The tax treatment of companies ' foreign exchange gains and losses is to be reformed , and the Government has now authorised the preparation of draft legislation .
26 Having hauled themselves to the top of the manual workers ' pay league , the reduction of miners ' political offensive to an economic demand foundered on the success of economism during the 1972 and 1974 pay offensives .
27 Businessmen meeting at the Institute of Directors ' annual convention this week said they wanted a sustained , long-lasting recovery , rather than a repeat of boom-bust .
28 The review of directors ' managerial decisions can be viewed as being motivated by a similar desire to ensure that directors exercise their powers only in accordance with the will of their constituents ( the shareholders ) and that they are subjected to the controls often associated with the Rule of Law to prevent them from using their power arbitrarily .
29 THE DIRECTORS ' COLLECTION ( Tartan £15.99 each ) A formidable collection of directors ' first titles will be released over the next 12 months — the first set of five covers work by the likes of Scorsese , Coppola and Robert Altman .
30 The central elements of the code of practice include the division of responsibilities at the head of the company ; sufficient non-executive directors to carry significant weight in the board 's decisions ; a schedule of key matters reserved for full board decision ; full disclosure of directors ' total emoluments , with separate figures for salary and performance-related pay ; audit committees composed solely of non-executives to scrutinise figures and appoint auditors ; the board should report on the effectiveness of the company 's system of internal controls ; the directors should report that the business is a going concern , and auditors report on this statement .
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