Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [vb past] over " in BNC.

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1 Interest of £100 per annum and £40 per annum , respectively , was paid regularly until the Board of Guardians took over in 1836 , when the principal was repaid in full .
2 Swarms of bats appeared over our camp at sunset , and hippos grunted like pigs at intervals throughout the night .
3 A flouncy negligee and a pair of tights lay over one chair ; the tiny television was perched on another ; a soggy packet of frozen spinach lay beside the gas-ring ; on the crumpled candlewick of the bed an Evening Standard was open at the entertainments ' page so she could decide which film to go and see .
4 Newman grinned and then frowned as a mixture of emotions flashed over her face .
5 The evening shift of medics took over from their exhausted colleagues at 1800 hours .
6 A new team of managers took over the semi-state-owned bank on May 13th .
7 Thousands of civilians swarmed over several military garrisons , seizing the weapons and " liberating " the bases .
8 Not handsome , but nice-looking in a way I had usually rather deprecated , if not despised : not the lean and craggy looks that I had always admired , but a blunt-featured face with a wide mouth , dark eyes tilted slightly down at the outer corners , and an untidy thatch of brown hair of which a couple of locks fell over a broad forehead , and were from time to time irritably brushed back .
9 It reached a climax in 1977 when another troupe of actors took over a shop in the main street of Shiraz , hard by the mosque , and performed in the shop and on the pavement a play that involved a full frontal rape and laws acts between naked , consenting actors .
10 There was very little disruption , a couple of chairs turned over and a table with most of its top scored off by shotgun pellets lay on its side .
11 ‘ El-Gama'a el-Islamiya asserts that the blood of Ahmed Zaki and his men , who have avenged the blood of tens of militants spilled over almost a year in Egypt , will not dry until the blood of revenge flows , ’ the militants said in a statement .
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