Example sentences of "of [art] [det] to " in BNC.

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1 I want to take seriously the suggestion that the sort of inquiry that Quine has in mind could be the heir to traditional epistemology — although I shall not restrict the concerns of the latter to studying the relation of evidence to theory .
2 The politeness of the cultured towards the uncultured , the hurt defiance of the latter to the former , compound one another .
3 Important long term developments include the change of the customer base from individuals to institutions , and the increasing receptiveness of the latter to new currencies and instruments , the increase in volatility of exchange and interest rates , the advent of bought deals , deregulation of national securities markets , the declining segmentation of the different currency and instrument sectors of the euromarkets , the growing sophistication of corporate customers , financial innovation and unbundling of financial services .
4 As to transfer of the latter to the High Court see s 37 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 Ord 16 , r 12 and Rayden on Divorce should be consulted .
5 Traditionally , the connection between the police and the party in power locally has been very close , and the susceptibility of the former to the wishes of the latter has been much greater than in Britain .
6 If we say that such-and-such a group of words are the " subject " or that some other group of words are the " predicate " in a copular verb phrase , we are , by such observations , recognizing the speaker 's intention to construct expressions which will identify certain properties and entities , and to assign some of the former to one of the latter , so as to let an audience know what entities are under attention and which properties are claimed to hold for which entities ; we take this to be the essence of what goes on in the use and understanding of linguistic expression ( whatever the purpose to which individual acts of communication are directed ) .
7 Implicitly he is criticizing Foucault 's understanding of the relation of the same to the other which posits madness as outside the sphere of reason .
8 ( 4 ) Any shares not accepted pursuant to such offer or further offer as aforesaid not including fractions unalloted shall be under the control of the Directors who may allot , grant options over or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons who are qualified to be members on such terms and in such manner as they think fit , provided that such shares shall not be disposed of on terms which are more favourable to the subscribers thereof than the terms on which they were offered to the members .
9 ( 4 ) Any shares not accepted pursuant to such offer or further offer as aforesaid not including fractions unalloted shall be under the control of the Directors who may allot , grant options over or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons who are qualified to be members on such terms and in such manner as they think fit , provided that such shares shall not be disposed of on terms which are more favourable to the subscribers thereof than the terms on which they were offered to the members .
10 In 1860 he won the headmaster 's poetry prize with ‘ The Escorial ’ ; another schoolboy poem appeared in February 1863 in Once a Week , one of the few to be published during his lifetime .
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