Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 The large question of the limits upon royal power will be discussed in a later chapter , but it can be said now that , although the Crown put pressure upon both Houses , they were capable of obstinacy and independence .
32 Extension of the limits within which institutions can change approved courses .
33 The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state 's autonomy may vary .
34 Most of the experiments on this topic have , however , been conducted with human subjects and I shall begin by reviewing this work before turning to an analysis of the relatively few further studies that have used animal subject to pursue the phenomenon revealed by Lawrence .
35 The irony is that in all of the experiments on test-tube fusion that began in 1989 following the March announcements , and which variously claimed fusion evidence from heat or from radiant neutrons , no measurable production of helium ever took place .
36 One of the experiments on the flight was designed by Dr Briarty in collaboration with Dr Maher .
37 We will describe some of the experiments on discourse interpretation in this chapter .
38 Communal living has received a great deal of publicity during the last twenty years , partly as the result of the experiments with alternative lifestyles widely advocated by members of the middle classes in the 1960s .
39 The fact that " educated females " were the desired targets of the newspaper advertisement suggests that the " philanthropic " nature of the experiments of the 1860s was uppermost in the minds of the employers .
40 And , in a fascinating study , Carol Barnes , whose earlier research includes the correlations between ageing , learning and LTP mentioned in the previous paragraph , has allowed rats to live in the type of enriched environment typical of the experiments of Rosenzweig , Bennett and Diamond described in Chapter 6 .
41 Non-hydrogen producers were not encountered in this study , since all volunteers excreted 20 ppm of breath hydrogen in at least one of the experiments after eating the breakfast marked with lactulose .
42 The results of one of the experiments by Kaye et al .
43 Again , none of the experiments in which chimpanzees have been raised , since infancy , entirely by humans has ever resulted in chimpanzees learning to speak like humans .
44 It is true that many of the experiments in this area were grossly inadequate in method : they failed to ensure that the individuals they studied were similar , apart from the single factor being scrutinized ; they relied unduly on mothers ' memories for information about early events ; their various findings could not be compared because of disagreement about what should be counted as ‘ early weaning ’ or ‘ harsh training ’ , and so on .
45 The abilities of the computer will remind some readers of the experiments in many school resource centres using , instead of the Dewey Classification and a simple card catalogue , one or other variety of post co-ordinate indexing , frequently with optical coincidence punched cards .
46 An international comparison of union attitudes to work organisation found that British unions adopted a neutral position on this subject.8 Many of the experiments in work organisation in this country have been conducted without the involvement of workers ' trade union representatives .
47 Each side claims that its estimate of the chances of nuclear catastrophe is more accurate .
48 The very day after the judges ' first meeting , the slenderness of the chances of anything being built , as a result of the competition , was publicly revealed .
49 More satisfactory measures of total fertility can be based on estimates of the chances of women going on to have first , second , third etc. births ( ‘ parity progression ratios ’ ) .
50 Cars being abandoned there because of the chances of them being er found .
51 This ‘ Catch-22 ’ will affect a claimant 's perception of the chances of winning a case .
52 Other measures which are clearly associated with subjective risk while driving are cognitive load as measured by dual-task performance ( e.g. Harms , 1986 , 1991 ; Hoyos , 1988 ) and verbal ratings of the chances of being involved in a near miss ( Watts & Quimby , 1980 ) .
53 Measures which other researchers have described as corresponding to subjective risk have been changes in heart rate or GSR and subjective estimates of the chances of being involved in a near miss ( Watts & Quimby , 1980 ) .
54 No , I have n't done anything recently , but today I actually rang publishing one of the papers about Sabri 's release and spoke to a guy at the Herald and Post and someone at The Observer , said I hope you put something in this week .
55 Not papers are mildly textured — a surface produced by some pressing of the papers between specially textured felts .
56 One week after Scott 's interview with the network , Jake arrived at his office to find a bottle of pure malt Highland whisky standing on top of the papers on his desk .
57 Mr Smith looked at some of the papers on his desk for a moment , " … ah yes , Mr Partridge had to go to hospital for a tetanus injection and stitches after you struck him with a shovel .
58 Now , we do n't think he 's going to press charges , but you must realise that if he did you would in fact be facing a charge of assault , and coming as this does on top of your other verbal and written warnings — all within , I 'm afraid to say , Steve , " Mr Smith sat back in his seat with a sigh and flicked through a few more of the papers on his desk , shaking his head at them , " a very short interval of time considering the length of your employment with us , and all regarding previous lapses in … "
59 Okland was interviewed in one of the papers on why Frank was included and mentioned the strong Turkey game and also spoke about Frank not playing in Leeds : ’ Frank not playing is strange .
60 Earlier in the tour Hugh McGahan , the Kiwis ' captain , expressed his surprise and delight at seeing his men given comparable prominence to the All Blacks — in some northern editions of the papers at least .
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