Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 All that remains of the Port Ellen library is the brass Plaque and five volumes in the Gaelic which bear the date 1905 and one of them is number 305 , so it must have been one of the largest as well as one of the early ones .
2 The determinism to be considered here , then , like other determinisms , has to do with all of the realm of the mental as widely conceived .
3 Every culture as well as the personal adjustment of each individual gives evidence of this , both at the level of the unconscious as well as conscious processes . ’
4 In short , what is the mark of the moral as opposed to the immoral ?
5 It seems ironic that where , in the eighteenth century , novelists and architects alike look out of their elegant windows on to the cottages of the poor as pleasing little features in the landscape , the Victorians , for whom the dwellings of the middle class tended increasingly to set the standard , should view the great house itself from that perspective — from the outside , as the focus for a landscape , much as the eighteenth-century painters had done ( Fig. 24 ) .
6 Of course , in this particular case it is questionable whether voters in local authorities are as concerned with the plight of the poor as is suggested in King 's approach .
7 They construct it in the sense of developing a conception of the real as being the refractory limit of their own actions .
8 Surrealist photography indeed developed techniques that self-consciously played upon this juxtaposition of the real as signifier and the signifier as real .
9 Surrealist photographers indeed developed techniques which self-consciously addressed this juxtaposition of the real as signifier and the signifier as real .
10 What remains of the 42 AS buildings are employed for a variety of uses , including a company making boats and the compounds provide open storage for governmental vehicles .
11 He was the most successful Test captain of all time and one of the greatest as well .
12 The search for the nature of the distinctively gay sensibility can be productively redirected as an exploration of the limitations of the aesthetic as conventionally understood , especially the way it is said to transcend the socio-political , and used in support of the proposition that discrimination is the essence of culture .
13 He achieves this by taking a central pillar in this tradition , Kant 's concept of the aesthetic as distanced contemplation which transcends the immediacy of experience , and demonstrating that this is only a single perspective , that of the dominant class .
14 The Open University 's ( address on page 148 ) pre-retirement course book lists some of the good as well as the bad feelings you can have about being alone : ‘ I feel I do n't have to put on an act ’ , ‘ I feel really me ’ , ‘ I feel relaxed ’ are some of the items on the list .
15 Dr Schwarz measures the decline of the 1760s as being as marked as that of the 1790s .
16 The significance of the allusion to Freud in this famous passage is to suggest that to conceive of the economic as operating in isolation is as illusory as to imagine that the ego can operate without the unconscious : they are both the reciprocal products of the other .
17 Beveridge and his contemporaries were much inspired by Canon Barnett , who by 1900 was firmly convinced of the economic as well as personal causes of distress and that more state help was needed for the destitute .
18 An odd thought came to each one of the four as they chewed , ; they were sharing a meal , eating meat and salt together .
19 Yanto , the last of the four as they marched into the cage , was desperately trying to control his fear .
20 In the process , he illuminates the loneliness of Los Angeleans of the 90s as they try to find love and comfort in an essentially hostile environment .
21 Trading down from fillet steak to mince or sausages , from Cooper 's Oxford marmalade to supermarket own brand or from real coffee to soft-focus Gold Blend is as much a symbol of the 90s as lengthening dole queues and expanding cardboard box- dwelling communities .
22 English watercolours also became very popular at the end of the nineteenth-century as three English artists , Alfred East , Alfred Parsons and John Barley Jr came to Japan and taught the technique .
23 She sat very still , washed with the absurd embarrassment of the able-bodied in the presence of the lame as he said , ‘ See you . ’
24 I do n't quite know why , but he gave me the impression , without uttering more than a few words , that he had much more than superficial knowledge , and an amusing touch of the sardonic as well .
25 Within a period of about 20Myr ( taking the Ediacaran faunas as 560Myr old and the base of the Cambrian as 540Myr old ) , the oceans changed from habitats housing a rich but effectively microscopic biota , to one teeming with macroscopic animals engaged in a wide range of ecologies and presumably showing a degree of behavioural sophistication .
26 The branch obtained last year from Chirbury to Minsterley remains with its ground unbroken , and yet the directors of the Bishop 's Castle are not ashamed to appear in Parliament with a demand to use so much of the Cambrian as will permit the former to effect communication with the Mid-Wales , another abortion over which no one can be found to preside save Mr Whalley , and which has not yet ventured to publish a return of traffic , or to submit an account of its income and expenditure for public inspection .
27 But one must remember that the divergent reading of the Christian myth by Reformation and Counter-Reformation is at the heart of the religious as opposed to the rough interpretation of the conflict .
28 By degrees the British came to dominate this trade , partly because they were so committed to sugar that they were bound to make large purchases of slaves on their own account , partly because their increasingly dominant position at sea meant that they could take the place of the Dutch as general suppliers of slaves for planters in other European colonies who wanted to buy them .
29 Every time you looked at a magazine or newspaper , or turned on the television , there was the world of the young as it was today .
30 For the second time in her life , she says , he had appeared out of the blue as it were and too charge .
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