Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] i " in BNC.

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1 When I look at Elizabeth Frink 's terrifying bronze thugs of the 1960s I am always reminded of those men : members of the Fascist Secret Police .
2 When I cleaned it up , I found it to be in really good condition and one of the nicest I have ever seen come out of the river .
3 Well to me when I come home of the Crimean I look at these massive tips you know in Blaenau on your left and the old on the right and that , erm if the old man that first rucked his pick and shovel or whatever trussel and or whatever they started would have known what he was starting then , it was like the Klondike of Wales .
4 He added : ‘ I walked along that roadway myself only two weeks ago and I can honestly say it was one of the best I have ever seen .
5 For example , at Desborough in 1926–27 , Miss Green provided a Terminal course in Industrial History which she believed ‘ … was one of the best I have taken … and it will almost certainly develop into a Tutorial class under Cambridge next winter ’ .
6 ‘ I thought it was a great song , one of the best I 'd written , but the rest of the group had their doubts , and looking back I was completely wrong , and made a fool of myself .
7 Coffee is my favourite ice-cream flavour — theirs was one of the best I have had .
8 The workmanship on show here is some of the best I 've seen and the designs for the whole range are fresh and exciting .
9 Even close up the Mad Axe still has an air of quality about it and the finish is one of the best I 've seen on a Korean guitar .
10 I got him a couple of times but he was one of the best I ever bowled to .
11 Moreover , the recording is hardly less impressive , and one of the best I have heard from this source recently .
12 ‘ Well , it 's one of the best I 've seen . ’
13 This windows program for displaying horoscopes is one of the best I have seen .
14 One of the best I ever saw .
15 Well some of the football Leicester have played in this opening twenty o twenty minutes has been some of the best I 've seen them .
16 It was a hell of a match , one of the best I 've seen in a long while ( live that is ) .
17 ‘ The pet shop , ’ she announced , ‘ is one of the best I 've ever seen .
18 ‘ The atmosphere at Ibrox that night in October was one of the best I 've experienced .
19 18th century barrel tap — one of the smallest I have seen
20 Whereas Brian Way 's answer might be that drama helps with ‘ the release of the real me ’ ( 1951 ) , Dorothy Heathcote 's might place ‘ stumbling on authenticity ’ ( 1950 ) high on her list of enrichments .
21 The flood of almost 3D colour and composition was one of the finest I 've ever seen for colour flow .
22 The flood of almost 3D colour and composition was one of the finest I 've ever seen for colour flow .
23 Cards on the table , Gavrilov 's reading of the first movement of the Seventh Sonata is one of the finest I 've heard — very nearly as fine as Pollini 's ( DG ) .
24 As a child of the Thirties I heard much talk of J.P.M. and Fred Shaw ( the NCLC Organiser ) , Plebs and the Railway Service Journal — and the Manchester Guardian — were as much a part of my youthful literary life as Mickey Mouse and Film Fun .
25 This lady was typical of the many I came across at these events .
26 Still , if you knew the pressure on beds here during the Festival you would be glad not to be in a tent in the gardens — often the fate of the young I do not , however , anticipate being away , as I can not really afford to be ( either literally £££ ) or away from job search which gets daily more depressing .
27 A month later , just before he was about to set off on his journey ‘ into the interior by way of Namoi , Gould wrote to Sir John Franklin in Hobart of his progress so far : ‘ After spending a fortnight in the lowland brushes I proceeded to the upper districts and the Liverpool ranges whence I have just returned having made several discoveries of new species both of Birds and Quadrupeds , of the latter I believe I have two new kinds of Kangaroo . ’
28 This was the first poem Dana showed me , and one of the first I reworked with him .
29 Foodie-ism is the logical conclusion of the new Me generation , the I'm-alright-Jacks , the professional ex-carers and the trendy new right .
30 If he 's made me believe them , that means he 's made a large part of the new me .
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