Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] every " in BNC.

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1 By mid-way through the four-day London Original Print fair ( the eighth ) a number of dealers were reporting some encouraging results , and by the close of the event every participant had made a sale .
2 At the end of the session every one of them was able to answer the hitherto unanswered questions .
3 In the middle decades of the century every leading figure in British politics would , if pressed , have described himself as a Whig .
4 It is interesting to note that high spring tides occur at approximately the same time of the day every year in each location on the coast .
5 The deep beam that once ran across the deckhead in line with the forward edge of the chart table has been removed and with it the possibility of scalping tall members of the crew every time they made their way forward through the saloon .
6 The Olympic Games , conceived in the days of ancient Athens , and revived nearly a hundred years ago as a festival of athletic excellence , brings the young from every corner of the globe every four years in the pursuit of glory .
7 A complete rotation of the map every twenty-four hours simulated the daily rotation of the heavens .
8 On average each desktop publishing software vendor produces a new and improved version of the software every eighteen months at an incremental cost of perhaps 20% of the original cost-effectively free in real terms .
9 It was just taken out of the welfare every week .
10 The right to present was a doubtful political asset , for although it was a means of obliging some who might be useful upon a future occasion , many more might easily be alienated and mindful of the offence every Sunday .
11 Otherwise every scrum would have ended with the scrum-halves and both sets of forwards wallowing in the mire with little chance of the ball every seeing daylight .
12 She could n't even hope to keep that from him , since he 'd insisted she fax him details of the takings every week .
13 He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching , having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds .
14 In the three places of mission there were on aggregate some 2,500 members of the university every night of the week .
15 Tell them I ca n't keep trekking to the other end of the building every time … ’
16 You just hoik a packet out of the freezer every day and put it in the fridge for her do you ?
17 Since the proclamation of Czech independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 , the castle has sheltered the president of the Czech Republic , and you may have to make way for an enfilade of black limousines or indeed for the changing of the guard every hour in their colourful new uniforms .
18 At the end of the poem every difficulty remains :
19 These values can be halved if the screen display is refreshed using the interlacing technique which updates each odd-numbered line of the raster every odd-numbered refresh cycle and updates the even-numbered rasters every even-numbered cycle .
20 His starting point is with the inward consciousness , common to human nature , of the duality every person experiences — the awareness of the possibility of an inner poise and fulfilment apparent by its absence from an opposing experience of disorder and discontent .
21 Well the proposals in the Good Report as I said for final salary schemes is that a third of the trustees should be elected from he actually says from the active members er we know and comments that in great length a about the difficulties that it would be to er actually er elect er er members who are pensioners or from the deferreds Er I find that er somewhat simplistic view point in that er er the pensioners at least get communications from the administrators of the scheme every month , they get a monthly cheque , so it sh should n't be beyond the wit of man to be able to er be able to contact the pensioners and organise pensioner meetings but pensioner trustees to be elected .
22 I change 10–15% of the water every week .
23 The only movement from the reader was the lifting of the hand every now and then to turn over a page , and Mrs Phelps always felt sad when the time came for her to cross the floor and say , ‘ It 's ten to five , Matilda . ’
24 Going on again on the tenant farmers , I actually think that er we are very good landlords and I think our our our tenants would rather us keep us as landlords than the private sector , in actual fact we will have no doubt a debate quite soon on that issue when the government makes us sell off all areas of of er th our interests and that one , I will tell you this , I think that some of the members all sides of the fence every side of the fence , have been passionately behind the tenants , if if they 're gon na be sold off by now they 'd have been sold off , but I think it wo n't be far long before we have to take education first , social services first , the elderly before er your side with your government to come forward and say to us we do n't want you interfering with anything like that and being bold business , get rid of , but that 's another debate that will come up later on .
25 It 's all part of the training every Delta Stewardess goes through .
26 With more than 12500 restaurants in 60 countries , a new Mcdonald 's restaurant is opened in some part of the world every 14.5 hours .
27 The new covenant is commemorated every time we celebrate the Eucharist ; and we have a vivid image of the covenant every time we hold out empty hands to receive the sacrament , because we have nothing to offer .
28 Clement of Alexandria said that the true seeker after God would be ‘ in and out of the Scriptures every day ’ .
29 Eventually he asked her out , and , even though she knew her parents strongly disapproved of the flashy young man from London , she disobeyed them and started sneaking out of the house every night when they were asleep , to meet him .
30 And erm , they lived in this little cottage and erm every night erm the moth , she would always stay up really late and the mother and erm her son would go to bed and she would always go out of this erm go out of the house every night and she would go , cos she had these three fingers which were blades
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