Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Cinema-goers in the North East gave THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS a warm reception .
2 The terrace lies on the east side of the Fronalpstock the bluff , stumpy mountain which forms the corner buttress where the main lake turns into the Urner See , its long south arm .
3 He also told them that a thin palladium wire , only ¼ inch in diameter and an inch long , had reached the boiling point of water within a few minutes , that the wire produced about 26 watts of energy per cm 3 , ‘ about four and a half times what we put into it ’ and that in an early stage of the experiments the apparatus suddenly heated up to an estimated 5000 degrees , vaporising a block of palladium , destroying a fume cupboard and damaging the concrete floor .
4 In fact in most of the experiments an infra-red filter was used and in this case only the tungsten source is relevant , as was explained earlier .
5 In the confines of the cottage the noise was thunderous .
6 Within the first month of the battle the effect of this non-stop bombardment , by so mighty an assemblage of cannon , their fire concentrated within an area little larger than Richmond Park , had already established an environment common to both sides of the Meuse that characterised the whole battle of Verdun .
7 In most of the papers the man of the match was between Coton and him .
8 As a consequence of the talks the Assam government lifted restrictions imposed under the Disturbed Areas Act on Sept. 1 and asked the ABSU to stop the violence in response .
9 Prior to the opening of the talks the US sought to strengthen its negotiating position by suggesting that the bases were expendable .
10 In a final statement issued at the close of the talks the group agreed to conduct an " urgent review " of the member countries ' negotiating positions towards finding greater flexibility and facilitating a breakthrough at the deadlocked " Uruguay Round " of global trade talks launched in 1986 under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) [ see pp. 37227-28 for most recent developments in Uruguay Round negotiations ] .
11 On the eve of the talks the US government announced that all US fighter aircraft permanently based in the Philippines would be removed " at some point in 1991 " and that as a result 1,800 military personnel would also leave the country .
12 At the start of the talks the Jordanian and Palestinian delegations asserted Palestinian refugees ' " right of return " ( as embodied in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 of 1948 ) , despite US appeals not to raise the issue .
13 Give the winners of the games a black spot which can be exchanged for a present or a can of coke .
14 Loyal Norling praised the refereeing of the games ; but from where I was sitting in most of the games an unfit Norling with his flair and two good touch judges would have been preferable to most of the referees I saw .
15 a calculation of the percentage no shows ;
16 On the front of the jacket a naked young girl was spread languidly on her stomach on a seashore– nothing of her anatomy being left to the imagination .
17 Larry reported it to his superiors and due to the nature of the discovery the Service police were notified and eventually the Special Investigation Branch ( SIB ) arrived on the scene .
18 Almost before you can see what has come up out of the hold the fish is loaded on the barrow and trundled off at breakneck speed , followed by the small boys and the cats .
19 The result of each one is made known to the voter before he casts his vote in the next , and the series is prolonged until there emerges at the top of the poll a candidate with an absolute majority .
20 On the surface this structure would seem to have much to commend it , guaran-teeing , as it does , every child a right to an educational curriculum of distinctive breadth and depth irrespective of the type of school he or she attends and irrespective of the talents the child possesses .
21 In the aisle of the church a carved stone tablet centred by a portrait profile of John Bridge in marble was erected ‘ by his surviving relatives in testimony of their grateful and affectionate remembrance ’ .
22 At the West end of the Church a beam has moved away from the wall by nine inches .
23 Much of the history of the Middle Ages follows from that fact , as the papacy struggled to separate the concept of the Empire from the property of any one dynasty , and the emperors strove to make of the Church an instrument of state .
24 Mr Charsley begins by pointing out that a Martian who found himself invited to a wedding would imagine that the whole affair had been laid on to honour the cake ( the question as to who would invite a Martian or to which side of the church the ushers would show him or why best men seem to turn into Martians when it comes to speeches , he quite wisely avoids ) .
25 Either side of the church the ground slopes away sharply , and at one time , in my earlier visualization , a stream defied the laws of gravity to flow towards the church and then away again .
26 We too , like the apostles have our part to play in the building of the kingdom because we are not just members of the Church the apostles founded , we are the Church .
27 Can we not do more even than we 're doing at the moment to restore to the centre of the life of the church the glorious concept of a team of pastoral care and a high command of power strategy in which dominance by ministers will be reduced to the minimum in order that together we may be ready to let the lifeblood of Christ flow through us in such a way that we will be better able to welcome the twenty first century in his name .
28 From the ground floor of the church the viewer absorbs the impact of the immense church .
29 The Bosnian Serbs may be persuaded to give back a little more land elsewhere , if President Milosevic of Serbia judges that this will speed the removal of the sanctions the world has imposed on his country .
30 In the early stages of the conflict the nations of the West concerned themselves little with the war .
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