Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Under the guidance of Shirley Brasher , Karen had worked hard to resume the high level of play prior to her injury , and fully deserved her victory at Coventry .
2 competent in the application and evaluation of the types of assessment relevant to the award .
3 Also , serum glucose concentrations may vary considerably during a constant infusion of blucose due to insulin secretion .
4 The errors from the recognition system can usually be detected , and are often solved by simple methods of correction due to prior knowledge of the types of recognition errors found .
5 Yet on Beveridge 's own admission , loss of support due to marriage breakdown was a serious risk to a dependent wife , equivalent to an employed person 's loss of income due to unemployment .
6 The reason for this is that few localities contain populations which closely replicate the national profile and even fewer record rates of change similar to the nation as a whole .
7 Mrs Turner ) taught classics in independent schools until 1966 when she became Headmistress of Badminton prior to her marriage two years later and continued with some part-time teaching while living in Shropshire .
8 The volume of expertise available to bureaucracies has increased along with this expansion of state activities .
9 A second technique of neutralization available to corporate officials is to deny the victim .
10 The circular goes on to say : ‘ Local education authorities and governors may apply any reasonable criteria they wish for deciding which pupils should have priority of admission subject to the requirements of the law including the Race Relations and Sex Discrimination Acts .
11 The expansion and free volume can then be characterized by the ratio of the thermal energy arising from the external degrees of freedom available to the component , U thermal , and the interaction energy between neighbouring non-bonded segments , U cohesive which will oppose the thermal energy effects , i.e. where Ε * is the characteristic cohesive energy per contact .
12 In studying the expansion of metals when they are heated , it is more profitable to limit the role of observers ' intuitions to , for instance , judgements of the position of the top of a column of mercury relative to a graduated scale .
13 What it does not seem to me to offer , and what seems crucial for the intensely generic regime which television operates , is the beginning of a theory of genre specific to television which addresses not only the systems , but the forms of subjectivity which these systems imply .
14 The doctor , for instance , stated : ‘ I use the World Health Organisation classification of impairment , disability and handicap , and handicap is the social effect of the disadvantage suffered because of a person having disability which means a loss or an alteration of function due to impairment . ’
15 A simple leaflet routinely given out to patients before admission to hospital for common , straightforward operations , explaining the operation they are to undergo , common after-effects , the discomfort and temporary impairment of function likely to be experienced , and so on , may prove to be helpful in the sense of increasing feelings of control and might well aid their recovery .
16 Its key aim is to get the Government to extend to companies and other organisations the same level of protection available to private individuals under the Consumer Credit Act .
17 Overall , the Directive is designed to raise the level of protection available to data subjects in the Member States .
18 Moreover , during the badal diet breath CH 4 concentrations increased in responders duggesting that their usual diet contained enough sulphate for sulphate reducing bacteria to reduce the amount of hydrogen available to methanogens , whilst on the sulphate depleted basal diet more hydrogen could be used for methanogenesis .
19 The worst instance of this sort of linguistic fall from grace would seem to be that of the terms " debt " and " paying the debt " , from the figurative sense of penance due to God , through the literal sense of a financial repayment , to a figurative countersense to the religious one , of sexual indulgence .
20 There is a strong connection between low-weight births and the incidence of mental handicap , with half of the babies weighing less than 1,500 grams having some form of damage due to factors such as oxygen starvation or low blood sugar .
21 Accidental Damage is self explanatory and limited by exclusion of damage due to breakdown , explosion or collapse which in effect excludes damage from any inherent defect in the plant .
22 He was taken to another hospital where a diagnosis of vertigo due to otitis media was made , and he was discharged on oral antibiotics .
23 Second , within each age group women raise and front the vowel very much less than men ; finally all speakers use raised and fronted variants very much more in spontaneous speech than in the relatively formal style of interaction appropriate to an interview .
24 It was of course self-evident to him as a rationalist that dreams are a product of the imagination , rather than any mystical intervention .
25 Such branch lines are of course vulnerable to changes in output level or distribution policy of their users .
26 It is of course essential to our readers ' work to be able to compare changing patterns of land use over time , and often to be able to pinpoint a particular feature for various dates during , perhaps , more than a century of the topographic record .
27 This process of specialization is of course central to cultural history ( see Chapter 5 ) .
28 It is of course possible to be an effective manager without coaching but by using this skill you can achieve even better results .
29 Thus , extracts related to Chapter 2 precede those related to Chapter 3 and so on , although certain studies are of course relevant to more than one particular aspect of the sociology of crime .
30 The study of ( ht ) in Havelok is of course relevant to the date at which the velar fricative [ x ] before [ t ] ( in right , might , etc. ) was lost in English .
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